Because of timezone change from usa to china, fitbit was registering my steps in Pacific coast time so the dashboard shows me doing lots of walking around midnight, when it was actually 4pm :) Now i fixed the time zone. On the plus side, i noticed that last week i went over 9Million steps since i started using fitbit about…
I will be traveling for over a day and have limited access to Internet for a little while. Can someone enter my weight for this week: 228.8 pounds Thank you!
Who is everyone rooting for in the Superbowl? I'm a Seahawks fan but rooting for Peyton Manning and the Broncos. :)
Superbowl sunday is almost here! This weekend i'm preparing for a two week trip to China, i'll head over on Tuesday and return on the 22nd. Looong flight, but once i arrive it'll be easy to get my steps in. I always get a lot of walking in China :)
What's going on this weekend? I'm doing housework and yard work tomorrow (Sunday). :)
I'm even for the week, no gain or loss. I didn't do much walking this past week and a lot of driving and I think it's making me even more lethargic. I need to kick it into second gear this week!
Welcome Hi, welcome to the team! What is your name? :P I have been a fitbit Flex user for about 4 years, i hope all us Hot Tamales can be fitbit friends. Please add me:
Yeah! Let's rock! It's so good to be back together, Alexis :smile:
Rae, We are basically the Pacific Coast group (and Arizona, sometimes hawaii and Alaska). The teams are usually aligned by timezone, so we watch the TV show at the same time and can post messages in our group in real time as we comment to each other on amazing, scary or insightful and funny things we see. This keeps…
Hi Ashley! I love San Diego, i spent some time there many years ago when i was in the Navy. :)
Hi Rae, welcome <3 I think that's well balanced, good for you! I used to do yoga and it helped me emotionally, mentally and physically. But i stopped going to yoga classes because i needed to save $$. I really miss it. Maybe i should follow some of the youtube yoga sessions. :) What do you do for yoga and how often do you…
I'm Andy. I live near Seattle, WA. I've participated in 3 of these BL competitions and it's helped me remain motivated to become more fit and stay positive. For me, success for this competition is to simply complete it with a positive outlook in my journey that takes me through the rest of 2016. If i lose weight as well…
Name: Andy State or Country: Washington Time Zone: Pacific Age: 49 15 lbs I WANT to be team leader :) (i've done it successfully in the BL group and it was fun!)
I did well in 2014 to break through a plateau and got down to 199 lbs in Dec 2014. 2015 I regressed quite a bit and added on about 30 lbs so my goal for 2016 is to get *below* 199 :)
I can do it, I take a 20-30 minute walk around the neighborhood before work, or arrive a little early at the office and take a quick walk around the buildings. I would also walk around the buildings outside during lunch and find reasons to walk through the hallways or up and down a few flights of stairs during the day.
Wow, seeing the final results always motivates and draws big smiles from me. I was pulling for Sonya, but overall i'm happy with the final :smiley:
The show was ok, not great. I did like watching the trainers get worked out and collapse in exhaustion at the end :smile: I rode the exercise bike for 20 minutes of the show, wish I had done this starting from the beginning of the season.
My mini goal is to average over 10k steps a day for the week. My reward will be to take a few hours rest and meditate next Friday.
Great Idea, i'm stealing this for the next show :)
I'm always keeping my eyes peeled for interesting and helpful MFP groups, so i'll surely be joining other groups. But may not join any that are related to competition. I'll also be participating in some fitness related groups via When my bum knee heals well enough i'll also be getting back to the 5k-10k-Half…
Good was cool they had a photo finish for the challenge. Enjoyed seeing Lori coaching, she looks great!
My victory dance was pretty goofy, but i'll take it :) I liked this week's episode, it had an appropriate number of happy and warm scenes with family/friends, and also a few threatening to pull some tears :)
Part 1: New goal is to run 10k race in the Spring and half-marathon in the summer Part 2: i was successful in my many small and attainable goals for 2014. Part 3: My plan to attain the goals in part 1 are to join jogging groups through and jog/run with friends that also enjoy it. Plus i'll be using smartphone…
My plan is to lose 20 pounds this year to hit my ideal weight. And i'll do this through continued food control while working towards a half-marathon race by end of summer.
I just watched the episode this morning, the scenery was awesome and I enjoyed the goofiness of the coconut la crosse challenge. Rob seems to overcome a mental block about every week or two, you'd figure by now he shouldn't be having temper tantrums every time he struggles. I'm happy with his fitness progress, not so happy…
Hi, I'm available to mentor a bunch of folks. My name is Andy. I live in Washington state, i'm 48, married, no kids but two cats. I've been on MFP for a few years and it's helped me lose close to 70 pounds. You can read my weightloss journey (it's a little stale after a year but gives you a feel for who i am) :…
Volunteered IT work for two local charities - one charity for senior citizens and the other is a cat rescue. :) I like the hug story!
I liked the episode, big numbers were put up probably because last weigh-in was so low in the numbers. I especially liked seeing the NFL competition workout
Welcome back JoolsMD. :)