

  • you will have more energy all day if you can fit in 30 mins of exercise. Even a walk at lunch when your eating.
  • At this point I think 1 hour will still make you drop lbs FAST!.. I would be afraid that if you more in the evening (unless its a leisure walk outside.) you might burn out and stop altogether. Once you have dropped more LBS you can increase your workouts and have stamina built up to maintain your eagerness. Just my…
  • 6001 + 8 = 6009 (gotta love easy math) :)~
  • Do you think that is because your leading by good example?
    in Evil Mom??? Comment by Bon180 June 2010
  • Your doing them a favor. My kids are going through the same change in my house. There new fav snack is mashed banana with a little cinnamon and eaten with a gram cracker. tastes like banana pie. They would rather have that than a cupcake and my 7 year old can make it her self. She calls it cooking. Keep at it. YOUR THE…
    in Evil Mom??? Comment by Bon180 June 2010
  • Thanks for the break Calorie break down...its not as bad as I thought.... Please let me know what you all think after trying it! :)
  • Yep this time it won't be just will be succeeding! :) Make sure you fill in your food and start yourself a blog. Writing everything down helps keep you accountable :P Welcome and ask if you need help or a kick start!
  • Pretty sure, Mine are from under my ribs all the way down town. Hips, butt top, inner thigh, behind knees, under arms, boobs. Its just a mess...Not to mention the loose skin that can be molded into so many fun shapes. Its laughable at this point in my life...but then again I have lived with them for 7 years and all my…
  • ME TOO!!!! I'm loaded!!!
  • Yep, I got them too....some are as wide as an inch by my pelvic area. I had some pre-baby...but I also when wild with my first child and gained 60 lbs. They fade, there forever, and no one is without any (My brother has them and is thin, from growing fast. My hubbie who knows why, he has always been thin). What I find…
  • how do you bump it? :)~
  • I asked a friend who is a nutritionist about this idea. Here is what he had to say. If they have something wrong with their liver and how the fat gets processed back into the blood as glycogen. But no, not into the stomach since you song need to digest fat that has already been digested and just needs to be processed by…
  • What is bump?
  • NOT PREGGERS!!! I have a Dr. appointment already set up for tomorrow, I will mention it to him during the visit! Seems to be a comment problem. I will have to look up and research some of your suggestions. Thanks for the reply's!
  • I wanted one sense I was 18. I lost 60 lbs 3 years ago and reached my goal. My reward was my tattoo. I've gained back 20 and am here to loose it again...So, I think its a good idea. Not to mention when you look at it, it will remind you to keep on track.
  • I would love to do swimming. I think part of the current weight return situation is that last year we also moved. We are about 30 minutes from ANYTHING (40 from the closest lap pool)! I was an avid gym user and was always on the go. Now because we are so far away from anything its hard to justify the time and the gas spent…
  • Oriental fish taco's Funny I made them last night..... This was the fist time I made them and they were VERY non traditional. I had some mixed veggie stir fry that I had left over from the night before... As far as the fish preparation....YUM!!! Pat dry the Talapia and lightly coat it in corn starch (season corn starch…
  • Pain is something that can stop just about any thoughts of motivation you have. I am a go getter and this situation has turned me into a doubter...I hate that! My motivation has gotten better and with the weather change I've been just pushing through it. I have to remember how happy I was when I was more fit and that's…
  • Thanks for the reply's. I was a member of for my last adventure. This sight seems easier and it's FREE...Everyone likes FREE! Yep three and done! :)~, I could not imagine two 2 year old's .... yikes! I'm motivated every day...every day is going to be THE day...I usually start off GREAT and then the pain…
  • I fluctuate about 6-10 lbs during the TOM. Some comes off within a few days...I'm also VERY swollen, to the point of clothes not fitting at all. Some of the weight has to be worked off due indulging in a few cravings. Annoying, but normal