Stretch Marks to High Heaven



  • Bon180
    Bon180 Posts: 26
  • Bishopsma
    Bishopsma Posts: 1
    I have them too after I had my son & now I'm pregnant with my second. I'm due in August (reason I started this) but yeah they do fade a lot as time goes on. I'm surprised how much mine have faded-they are still there thou-I'm sure I notice them WAY more than anyone else. I've learned to just accept them. It's hard thou-I had a hard time right after my son was born-dealing with the whole physical change & how different everything is & feels & fit! can do it and everything will be ok. ;) I thought about getting a tattoo where some are-just for fun-to make the mood lighter. I knew one girl-her mom got a tiger tattoo near some of the stretch marks were tiger claw marks :) Just flip it and make it fun. I can only imagine how mine will look after this 2nd go round but the family is worth it :) Take care and cheers for joining!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Re: stretch marks. I have them too also due to weight loss and weight gain. Bio oil is really good, it doesn't get rid of them but it really reduces them. I live in the UK and I'm assuming you are in the US but I'm sure you can get it there too in your local pharmacy. Failing that mederma is fantastic but it's quite expensive. The only thing with both of these is that you have to persevere with it and do it daily for a couple of months to see the results. I've sent you a friend request to so we can motivate each other add me if you like
  • jusniq
    jusniq Posts: 49
    Stretch Marks are depressing. I only have em my arms, so i don't wear tanks outside my home. I guess they are here to stay cuz i'm tried everything. I'm 22 and i don't have kids.....but just thinking that there gonna ge on my tummy and they won't go away ahhh lol