

  • I bought my fitbit one in march.. and I LOVE it! It seriously gets me moving so much more! I am of the competitive nature, and I hate seeing certain people above me on my friends list. I love all the graphs and calculations that the fitbit does for you. It's a great little device. I had wanted one for probably about a year…
  • I have Zumba for my Wii and YSE obviously on the kinect. I love both. I love the Zumba, but sometimes it's too high intensity for me. I get worn out after a few songs and sometimes give up. With YSE I love the variability you get. I love picking and choosing my workouts. And, if you want to do something a bit longer, you…
  • Congrats! Those are a ton of small victories! Proud of you!!
  • I don't plan on wearing it every day, but I've always been curious how many calories I burn at work. I'm on my feet and moving the whole time.
  • Warm lemon water does it for me
  • I like to chew gum. I makes my mouth feel like I am eating, without loading up on calories. Also- if it is minty, it deters me from eating right away
  • I do keep going over on my sodium :/ no idea on my cholesterol
  • actually every time I have had my iron levels checked in the past I have always been higher than normal, but my diet has changed since then, so I guess it is a possibility.
  • It always helps me to plan my calories every day. Know what I am having for dinner- log that. Pick out what I want for lunch- lot it. And do the same for breakfast. Setting up my main meals makes me see how many EXTRA calories I have for snacks and (ahem) spare calories to 'blow' -on whatever craving you might have that…
  • I gained weight when I was on the pill (about 10 to fifteen lbs) when I started using the Depo shot I gained close to 20 :/ and even with diet and exercise, it is just harder to drop it. I know it IS possible, and you just have to be more careful, but I know that a lot of women do gain weight due to birth control.