

  • Count me in. At work at the mo so will do these once I am home tonight :o)
  • This is the first group I've joined. Looking forward to the challenges
  • I'm interested, add me please. Need a new start
  • I LOVE my fitbit. Have just got really annoyed with myself because I went outside to bring in my laundry and forgot to put it on and have now missed out on some steps which would have just about got me to my target today - that's how incentivising I find it. It is expensive but I think it is the best money I've spent on…
    in Fitbit Comment by Jeebs71 September 2012
  • Exercise. Strength train before CV, I try to do a 40 min strength, then 20 min CV. I've found weeks where I haven't lost any weight according to the scales, yet have lost cms on my waist and hips. Can definitely see a difference in my face/body and exercising makes me feel better, fitter and I certainly sleep better. My…
  • I bake a lot, but have a taste more for savoury things like crisps (MAJOR downfall), and also I have had to learn all about portion control. Feel free to add me if you wish :o)
  • - you can search for recipes including ingredients you have/like, then filter by low fat, low calorie etc to suit. I use it all the time and have built up a load of recipes that the whole family love
  • I agree with all of the above. I am now 130+ days of logging, it is the first thing I do in the morning. Planning your meals is key to success as well. I too had 4.5ish stones to lose at the beginning, now 29lbs down, so just about at the half way mark. This site is fantastic, and if you log everything it definitely works…
  • Hi Hope it's not too late to join, would love to be part of the group - need all the incentives I can get Thanks
  • I always either don't lose anything or gain that week :o(
  • I cut caffeine out of my diet back in March. Unfortunately I don't like Green Tea as a drink, but I do enjoy the caffeine free herbal and fruit teas, and also take a Green Tea supplement I buy from Holland and Barret.
    in Green Tea Comment by Jeebs71 July 2012
  • The handheld machines are not so accurate. I had the same thing at my last weigh in and body stat check with my PT, had lost weight and inches all over but body fat % had increased. Was advised that I was perhaps burning muscle instead of body fat and to increase my protein intake (I defo wasn't eating enough). So next…
  • I find exercising helps (even though I would have tried to avoid it before). I suffer from extremely heavy flow and extreme mood swings, and recently changed from using sanitary products to a the cup. Have to say it has helped a bit (don't know why), still moody but not as bad. Also the cramps have improved.
  • Mine keeps moaning about the amount of time I am spending at the gym trying to get in shape. I have so far lost 28lbs, but have about another 28 to go. I am loving the exercise and just want to do as much as I can to get where I need to be. Once I am there, I hope to scale it back a bit to maintain. I never, ever thought I…
  • I have had eczema since childhood. It is now mainly confined to my hands and arms. I had food intolerance testing carried out about seven years ago which showed I was sensitive to cocoa, cinammon and an additive used in steroid creams. I've pretty much cut out everything on the list (which an occasional laps with chocolate…
  • When I first started with MFP it told me that I should only be eating 1200 calories a day. About a month after starting MFP I also joined a weight loss/fat burn class at my gym and when the trainer found out I was only eating 1200 cals a day he was not very happy. My BMR is 1563, so he told me to eat 1500 cals a day, and…
  • I only have the one docking station, but you can check your progress on the display of the actual fitbit - just keep pressing the button and it will take you through each thing (steps, floors, miles travelled, calories burned etc). I usually like to wait and see when I get home (sometimes it is a nice surprise finding out…
    in Fitbit help Comment by Jeebs71 July 2012
  • Hi I am currently about half way through my journey, had tried this before but gave up. Been back since March and very serious about it this time, currently at 110 days of logging so all going well. Feel free to add me if you want. Best of luck - the support here is fabulous
  • I bought myself a fitbit about 3 months ago now and believe me that it keeping me well motivated. It links in with mfp to automatically adjust your calories left. I have only lost 28lbs so far, still got at least another 28 to go, but I have been so motivated sinced March. I was lucky in that my gym started a Fat…
  • I'm not doing Atkins, but try to eat low carb and higher protein. Trying to lose body fat % as well as weight, and was gutted at my last check in with my PT when I found out my body fat % had risen because I wasn't eating enough protein. Been trying to eat higher protein in my meals but finding it a bit hard, so might try…
  • Butterbean puree - looks disgusting but tastes good!
  • your family needs to remember that one diet does not work for all. I've tried plenty of them in my time - ww, soups n shakes etc, but can honestly say that the best I've felt when trying to lose weight has been since I got serious back in March and started logging everything I eat on here and exercising at the gym. Don't…
  • I had a bad day yesterday and went waaaaaaay over!! Been trying to be good today tho!
  • Hey Thanks for posting about this. After reading your post I Googled it and have now signed up for it and just downloaded the ebooks. I will start reading tonight and hopefully will see results in the 49 days. Feel free to add me if you want to check progress with each other. Cheers Julie
  • Try dips and the TRX machine if your gym has one. My PT had us doing loads of arms stuff on the TRX last night and really feeling it today. Also if you take say 3kg hand weights, extend your arms straight out to the side then slowly circle your arms 10 x forwards and 10 x back that also helps your triceps. I am having the…
  • Your calorie goal sounds very low. When I first started back on mfp seriously in March I was trying to stick to 1200 calories a day and was attending a fat burn club in my gym. When the Trainer asked to see our food diaries he was appalled that I was trying to stick to 1200 (even though that was set by mfp) and told me to…
  • One word - Doritos! Far too many of the huge bags of Cool Original :o)
  • I thought the calories burned count on MFP was too high, so I bought myself a Fitbit. You wear it and it monitors steps taken and links with MFP to give an accurate calorie burn. Because you wear it all day, the steps you take also count towards your extra calories and MFP links with the Fitbit dashboard for your food…
  • I too wobbled about the price, but decided to take the plunge and have now been wearing mine for 3 days constantly (apart from showers) and I have to say I think it is the best thing! I definitely find it is a huge incentive to beat the steps, flights climbed, etc each day. it is a lot of money but all you have to do is…
  • You need to be very careful with the VLCD plans. I know someone who was very obese who first started on a very well known VCLD and lost a huge amount of weight in a very short period of time. What you need to remember is that although you lose vast amounts of weight, as soon as you start eating "knife and fork" food again…