Christmas Weight Loss Challenge



  • Meeperslove
    Meeperslove Posts: 118 Member
    I am in! Hoping to lose 30 lbs by Christmas!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I want to join. I can't remember if I joined already, but my diary is public and all that good stuff. I have 21 pounds to lose as of now. I can't weigh until Monday because I don't have a scale and mondays are when I see my nutritionist to weigh in.
  • NurseJodies
    NurseJodies Posts: 65 Member
    I would love to join this challege. I want to lose 40 lbs. I know it's a hefty goal, but I'm really motivated and I need to see an end in sight. I'll add my picture soon.

    I love this challenge!
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Hi, I'm in. This sounds a great challenge. Am currently 144.6 my current goal is 138. I have not been down to that weight in many years. This has got me thinking tho and I am going to revise my goal wieght to 133 for Christmas. Can't wait.
  • 85355
    85355 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, is it too late to join? I would like to lose 30 lbs and this challenge sounds great.
  • Jeebs71
    Jeebs71 Posts: 41

    Hope it's not too late to join, would love to be part of the group - need all the incentives I can get

  • amjare09
    amjare09 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in!

    I'll try and take pictures if I can steal a camera. Otherwise, I'll only be able to weigh in!

    Going to try and lose 20ish (I'm aiming low, lol) before Christmas.
  • I'm in! My goals is 40 lbs.

    How to upload my picture? I oredi took my before picture but dunno how to upload it here.
  • only just joined, but would love to participate....want to lose about 42 pounds, hopefully before Christmas, unable to upload photos, but will hopefully be able to weigh in
  • marlen_flores82
    marlen_flores82 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in?..would love to be part of this group!
  • Yahweh1
    Yahweh1 Posts: 16 Member
    I am in. Live in the US and have family visiting. Want to tone up and lose another 10.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I'm in. :smile:

    But I'll miss the first couple of weigh in days 'cause I'll be away from my scales. Hope thats okay.

    My aim is as much as possible!:laugh:
  • lalalee13
    lalalee13 Posts: 60 Member
    Sounds good- what do I need to do to join?
  • Keightisgr8
    Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    Yes please, I'd like to join in too :smile:
  • gorbygirl
    gorbygirl Posts: 27 Member
    Please send me the information so I can join your challenge.
  • Hi - I'm in - I will be at my target weight by Christmas - need to lose 18lbs. Ultimate goal is 6lbs less than that but for me at mo 18lbs will do it!
  • VinoFonseca
    VinoFonseca Posts: 51 Member
    Me, too. I would like to get to 150 by Christmas - that's 55 pounds to go.
  • I'm in. YAAYY ME!
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Yes please, I need a good challenge to get me back on the train :)