Jacqadactle Member


  • I have pernicious anemia and have to get B12 shots biweekly (for almost 2 years now). I LOVE them and the only reaction I get is a little sleepy the first day. But again, I'm deficient, so that's why I like them lol. If you think you need them it might be worth going to your doctor and getting your B12 levels checked first…
  • Whole foods chocolate whey protein = surprisingly good!
  • First, hooray for spreadsheets/science! :smiley: I'm a food scientist, but my degree is dietetics. I'd organize the spreadsheet in a week-by-week basis. That way, you can more clearly see where your deficits are lacking (ex: for me, it's on the weekends lol). I think the fitbit is overestimating your calories. I try not to…
  • I took a quick look at your diary. You definitely need to try to get more veggies! It'll let you eat a lot more, plus you get good fiber and nutrition that will help you stay full. And the benefits of more energy and just feeling good in general :)
  • Not to resurrect an old post but.... I heard that it was actually the combination of aspartame with the citric acid that was the problem. I don't remember if it had to do with the heating process in production or not, though. Thoughts?
  • I know the easy answer is to just stop caring, but I know how hard that can be. The best thing to do is just push through. But, if you're really not ok with running outside until you get the hang of it, you can try to check craigslist for free treadmills (or cheap), people give them away all the time because they stop…
  • Sometimes you can be eating too little when you're strength training. First, make sure you're weighing your foods and super accurate about your calories, and be honest with yourself. If you're really at 1200, try 1300-1500. Your body might be holding on because you're not eating enough to rebuild after your break down your…
  • Oh you can use sauces and marinades, just check that they're gluten free first. If it doesn't specify, call the company or Google it (a lot of times someone has already posted it). My mom uses salad dressing as marinade all the time too.
  • I really like Canyon Bakehouse bread (my favorite is the "rye" bread - I swear it tastes like the real thing). Also, try corn pasta. Imo it holds up and doesn't get mushy like other brands. And it's cheaper. Glutino has some decent cookies, and Betty Crocker mixes are good too!
  • What do you usually eat? I'll give you some tips based on the foods you already like. Feel free to friend me, I'm celiac, too.
  • That's nice. Can you provide a link?
  • I think the prices are higher in Canada then the US. Also, specific to the area in the US you live in. In my area, $35 is probably average, although I pay $20 for Retro. in the more wealthy areas you'd probably see $50 more often. I think there is an assumption that if you're not lifting weights like a bodybuilder then…
  • It really helped me when I switched myself to "sedentary" when setting my weight loss goals on MFP. I never thought I was, but I was really kidding myself. If you have a job where you sit for most of the day, switch it. Also, weighing all of your food is a big one. And double check the nutrition information on MFP, too.…
  • I got a bad b12 deficiency when I was vegetarian for a long time, it's why I started eating meat again. You can only get b12 from animal products (or supplements and fortified foods) and there's not enough in eggs and dairy unless you eat a really significant amount of it. I get the b12 shots, they have worked really…
  • Take a methyl-B12 supplement, very important for vegetarians/vegans!
  • Go to the doctor. I get the shakes when my vitamin B12 is low. However, You're most likely not eating enough and your blood sugar is tanking. Eat every 2-3 hours and try to combine a protein with a complex carb (like veggies/whole grains/etc.).
  • I don't track at all on the actual holiday. My main focus is getting right back on track the following day and sticking to it until my next cheat day, Christmas! I am planning how I'm going to pack my leftovers, though. Turkey is awesome protein, so I'm going to make sure I pack that separate (no gravy on it etc.) so I can…
  • Try Toufayan gluten free wraps, they're awesome! I think they're about 130 calories (maybe?) each and they're pretty big, don't break apart like other gluten free wraps. Also, please friend me if you're gluten free as I always like to share ideas! :)
  • B12 does not stay in your body for 25 years. Please show me where you found this information, as I do not know of any water-soluble vitamins that your body can hold on to for that length of time. Additionally, the main form of B12 fortification or supplementation is cyanocobalamin, which most people cannot correctly absorb…
  • Eat something. Your body is telling you what it needs, don't ignore it or deprive it! Don't go overboard and make a plate of nachos, but try some veggies and lean protein. Drink some water with it. I promise veggies aren't what causes weight gain.
  • For me, it really helps if I make sure I have lots of veggies around. Try eating a decent portion of your favorite veggies (for me it's spinach sautéed in garlic and a little olive oil), and then eat the foods you're having trouble with overeating. Once you eat your portion, wait for at least 15-20 minutes before you…
  • Whole Foods nutritional yeast in the bulk section doesn't have b12 in it. I thought it did for a while until I read the label and was kind of surprised. I went vegetarian for a year and a half, and now have a b12 deficiency so bad that I have to get shots from my doctor, because it gave me severe panic attacks and…
  • There are no known side effects of taking too much b12. Some people are claiming jittery, which could be in the pill they are taking them in or a reaction to the type if they're taking cyanocobalamin (I prefer Methyl). I'm deficient and take high doses every day and haven't turned yellow (did someone really say that…
  • I was vegetarian until really recently. It gave me a horrid b12 deficiency. My advice is to make sure you're getting enough and supplement! Good luck :)
  • I'm not a parent, but I remember my mom used to have "dance party" time with me and my sister when we were little. She did her aerobics while we danced around, and we had the best time while she got her workout in. Idk if your kids would like it but just a thought! Also, try drinking a full 8 oz of water before you eat,…
  • I lift weights, sometimes I'll go down in jean size but up in weight! But the muscle weight will make you leaner :)
  • I'm not sure how it came up, I think it started with food labeling, then someone mentioned diet coke and all heck broke loose! lol. I'm a food chemist but I develop products rather than ingredients, and do labeling more often nowadays so I don't really know the answer to how it's different, but something in the back of my…