B Vitamins - Is it just me??



  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    The Super B Complex does that with me also. I cannot take them on an empty stomach....did that once and was so nauseous I had to go home from work, not a fun feeling....
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    What brand did you take?

    I'm currently being checked out by my GP as I am so tired all of the time and one of the tests they are doing is my B12 levels.

    Nature Made - Super B-Complex With Vitamin C & Folic Acid

    I'm glad you all mentioned the urinary color thing -- that would have freaked me out if you hadn't said something!
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    Also turn my pee neon yellow! lol

    :laugh: me too. and the B complex i take gives me so much energy I don't even drink coffee anymore (gasp)
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    Be careful, TOO much of ANYTHING is bad, and too much B12 can turn you (not just your pee) an odd hue of yellow, and have scary side effects that mimic the damage of Hepatitis-C (think LIVER DAMAGE). And the bright pee, that's mostly the vitamins, leaving your body, unused. So be careful before you see this as a "safe" boost in weight loss.... please remember ALL THINGS IN MODERATION.
    And some people do need a B-12 supplement, and have low levels. but talk to a doctor first... don't damage your body.
  • aj_gettingfit
    I just bought some B12 from GNC. Its 1,000 mcg. How much are you all taking?

    I am always tired. Some nights I only get like 6 hrs of sleep. But even when sleeping a full 8 hrs or so I'm still tired. I just took a B12 now so maybe that'll wake me up.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    There's a certain kind of B-Vitamin, it's B3 that's been processed in a certain way (Niacinic acid, maybe?), and it'll do that to you. We got it a while back hearing it was particularly good for you (evidently that is only with regards to cholesterol levels) and everyone who tried it got jittery and other (brief and minor but still) things. That happens if you take it on an empty stomach.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I wish they worked like that for me!
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Perhaps the energy boost people are talking about is a niacin flush. Large doses of B3 (niacin) reduce bad cholesterol, but a side effect is a reddening of the skin, sometime accompanied by an itchy feeling.
    Flushing is a warm, tingling, itching feeling of the skin accompanied by redness of the skin. It occurs most commonly in the face and the trunk, although it can occur from head to toe. Flush can be extremely uncomfortable and may be accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, chills, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, and even fainting.

    Niacin causes flushing by dilating (expanding) the blood vessels on the surface of the skin. Although this side effect of niacin is harmless, it is often severe enough for people to stop taking niacin.

  • r21issac
    I've been on b12 for 3 days now and i'm about to stop! I am completed and utterly WIRED and i don't drink any energy drinks nor do i drink coffee. I am having palpitations and I feel crazy. This needs to stop!
  • Jacqadactle
    Jacqadactle Posts: 62 Member
    There are no known side effects of taking too much b12. Some people are claiming jittery, which could be in the pill they are taking them in or a reaction to the type if they're taking cyanocobalamin (I prefer Methyl). I'm deficient and take high doses every day and haven't turned yellow (did someone really say that before? ugh). That's ridiculous.