Very Discouraged and still FAT! ( a Tuesday RANT)



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    What do you do when it all fails? When you've been at this weight loss thing for years and yet your still right where you started? No I don't have a thyroid problem,I've had that checked... twice. I constantly stay around 1200-1500 depending on the day and I've tried every variation I can think of. Nothing seems to work. I have a busy life just like everyone else and I've done all kinds of different forms of exercise and yet.... I'm still FAT!
    Well, for me focusing on the health aspects of eating right and exercising helps. Ultimately, though I'm vain and unhappy with my weight/size, I know that I don't want to be stuck riding around i a scooter when I'm 60. I want to be able to climb mountains instead. So it has a dual purpose and at least one of them is working.

    But I also changed up my routine and have started seriously and regularly lifting (working with a trainer to get started and then I'll do it all on my own). I started in February and I've noticed (despite the fact I haven't lost weight and have actually gained) improtant changes in my body. The saddle bags I had in January are gone. I know it's only a matter of time and work before everything else catches up.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I have 4 kids, 2 are home with me all day (under 5 yrs old). I use my elliptical when they are watching cartoons or napping. Or when husband gets home, I pack them all up and go to the park. They play, I walk!! Being busy, we all are. But when you want it that make the time!

    Youtube vids help when you can't go to a gym and work out DVDs.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yeah you're right. Alot of excuses... busy mom of 3 ,that works a full time desk job. I have TONS of excuses, also tons of reasons to lose the weight. Now to find what actually works and that I can find in between work, kids, soccer practices, household duties and life in general. Like I said earlier busy life.
    Um ...

    I'm a mom, fiance and friend. I work full time, help a friend with her fuondation that she runs, do freelance work and am writing a novel. I still find time to workout and eat healthy. It really doesn't take that long. You just have to set your priorities and stick to them. If you aren't willing to do that, this isn't that important to you.

    Soccer practice? Go for a run while they practice. When my daughter rode horses, that was what I did. She rode, I ran for that hour.
  • Jacqadactle
    Jacqadactle Posts: 62 Member
    I'm not a parent, but I remember my mom used to have "dance party" time with me and my sister when we were little. She did her aerobics while we danced around, and we had the best time while she got her workout in. Idk if your kids would like it but just a thought!

    Also, try drinking a full 8 oz of water before you eat, and start your meals with fruit/vegetables. It might help you get full on the good stuff so you're less likely to eat the other stuff later.

    All the best! :)
  • bren998
    bren998 Posts: 92 Member
    Yeah you're right. Alot of excuses... busy mom of 3 ,that works a full time desk job. I have TONS of excuses, also tons of reasons to lose the weight. Now to find what actually works and that I can find in between work, kids, soccer practices, household duties and life in general. Like I said earlier busy life.
    Hello, maybe you could walk while the kids are at practice, that's how I got started. Also, maybe you could walk during your lunch. For example, if you have a 30 minute lunch walk 15 minutes of that. It will help/make a difference. Good luck !
  • dmmiller80
    dmmiller80 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah you're right. Alot of excuses... busy mom of 3 ,that works a full time desk job. I have TONS of excuses, also tons of reasons to lose the weight. Now to find what actually works and that I can find in between work, kids, soccer practices, household duties and life in general. Like I said earlier busy life.

    I'm also a busy mom of 2 year old twins and work a full time desk job. As you can probably relate, our schedules are pretty strict which leaves tiny windows to get in a work out. I chose to only take a 30 minute lunch because my nanny is already at my house for 10 hours a day while my husband and I work. EVERYDAY, during that short 30 minutes, I go walking no matter what the weather and just eat my lunch at my desk while I work. I have an extra pair of clothes, an umbrella, sunglasses, and so on so that I don't have an excuse not to walk and I walk year round not matter what the weather. Some people at work think I'm crazy but those are the same people who are over weight and can barely walk up a flight of stairs. They are the ones that are looking outside when it's pouring down rain eating whatever dessert someone brought in while I skip out on that and I walk 2 miles a day. That's the only time of the day where I take time for just me. I've never ever regretted going for a walk.
    My husband is also very support of me working out and will usually entertain our kids so that I can get in another 30 minutes of working out every day but sometimes that just doesn't happen because he works late. On the days that I'm unable to work out I'm always thankful that at least I got in a good walk during my lunch. Do you have someone who can watch your kids for 30 minutes while you work out or go run? I've tried waking up early to work out but I already get up at 5:30am for work and getting up any earlier just isn't going to happen. It doesn't work for me, I like my sleep too much :)

    Good luck and don't give up!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Thanks for all the advice from everyone. Yes I've been making poor choices all across the board....excuses, junk and too much food. Time to change that !

    This is a good response, and I'm glad you've taken our responses well. There's NOTHING wrong with acknowledging that you're making excuses...we've ALL had to wake up and say time to change. I made excuses for a very, very long's in my genes, I'm not meant to be small, working out hurts, I don't like veggies, I'm depressed, etc etc. When I realized the only thing holding me back was my attitude, my body started looking very different.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Yeah you're right. Alot of excuses... busy mom of 3 ,that works a full time desk job. I have TONS of excuses, also tons of reasons to lose the weight. Now to find what actually works and that I can find in between work, kids, soccer practices, household duties and life in general. Like I said earlier busy life.

    It is ok to put yourself first sometimes. Really. And a dirty house or eating out once in a while never killed anyone.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    You have not tried everything because if you had you would of found what works, so keep trying. I joined mfp back in June 2010 and floundered horribly so. I finally got my mental game together in December right before Christmas and just made a decision to do it. I went back to basics counting my calories by weighing my food and being real honest with every single thing I put in my mouth it got logged in mfp even if it was a single cookie, it got logged. I have been able to lose 35 lbs in 4 months without exercise because I had some medical issues and also needed surgery which I had a week and half ago. So despite all that if I can do this at over 45 years old, you can do it also. Just be brutal with yourself when it comes to logging and get a heart rate monitor for your workouts to be near logging the right burn or give yourself low estimates if you use mfps numbers. You can do it. Just see the small increments on the scale adding up to big health benefits in the future. That's my motivation now.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    Most likely, you are eating more than you think you are and/or not burning as much as you think when you do work out. I would start with a food scale, then go from there.
  • ginatoppi
    Walk around the soccer field when your kids are practicing. Get up away from your desk. Take the long route around the office. Take the stairs.