maccabeth Member


  • Hi Jeff, Thank you for your reply! I appreciate the quote. It's definitely true that when I keep track, I am more successful. I try not to become too obsessive about measuring, etc (I got a bit burned out from it before which is why I took the break.) Thanks for the friend request, too. :)
  • Mmmm cereal! I love mainly the grainy, healthy kinds. Steel cut oats are awesome made with almond milk (unsweetened). In fact, I eat all my cereal with almond milk now. It just tastes so good (and fewer cals than milk...) And to the guy who mentioned Golden Grahams, I totally want some now. Haven't had them in years!…
    in Cereal Comment by maccabeth January 2012
  • Actually, I think you should have the protein/carbs *within* an hour (I've heard 45 mins) after cardio for best recovery. The body needs to start healing right away. And I agree with the above poster. I do cardio, then strength and have my recovery (on hard days only really) as soon as I get home before my shower.…
  • I've been a member of both and I think the atmosphere at LA Fitness is way better. If you go during high traffic times, it can get busy, though. I LOVED the classes at LA Fitness (Bally''s classes were good, too.) I'm at a smaller gym now cos I moved and I really miss the LA Fitness classes. I'm sure that once the…
  • Can I join? I got through about day 4 or 5 of level 2 before I went out of the country for a month. I think I will start again from day 1, level 1 tonight. AHealthierRhonda- like your pic! I am a huge hockey fan! (Even though they took our Thrashers away!) GO Pens! ;)
  • I just got the Insanity videos. I'm still doing 30 day shred for now, but after I finish, I am thinking of trying Insanity! Just like checking out your progress and experiences to get ready!
  • I just got the Ripped in 30 video last weekend. I'm on day 8 of level 1 in the 30 day shred, but I'm wondering. Is it possible to do both without over doing it? Anyone had any experience with doing 30 DS and Ripped? Of course, I think I'm about to get my booty kicked with level 2 of 30DS!
  • Woot! :happy: Congratulations! :) And what the heck happened to land you in the ER?! That is bad *kitten* to still do your exercise after something like that!!
  • Hahaha! Yes, that is one. It sounds like a rehearsed bit of the DVD. "I would do just about anything to get them!" I want to scream at her, 'uh, Jillian! Have you looked in the mirror lately?!" Also, the "we have to put stress on the body..." part. lol Oh, and the other day (after day 6? or something?) I had this urge to…
  • Day 5 will be later today. I did an early morning group run, then promptly came home and fell asleep on the couch. (Oops!) I love the flexibility of being able to do the DVD whenever. I still can't do proper push ups (I lean against a table and do them at a 45 degree angle). And they are still the hardest part. I'm glad…
  • Ooh! Can you tell me about this? I love this idea! Is it for iPhone? Did you create it yourself or buy it somewhere?
  • I'm like you. I take at least 30 minutes to wake up. It's hard! So I have to set my alarm 30 minutes earlier (4:30am ::grumble: ) just to get up in time to start a workout by about 5:45. I do find that when I'm consistent with it for a couple of weeks, it gets a tiny bit easier. And as others have mentioned, it feels so…
  • I never thought about cooking with LCC! I always just eat it with crackers! I can't wait to try some of these! Thanks for all the fantastic ideas. :smile:
  • Completed Monday's challenge- 2 low cal snacks- 1 mini baby bel (50 cals) and 1 tangelo (also 50 cals).
  • I think some people do it everyday and some do it a few times a week, depending on their fitness or goals or time! I'm going to try to do it all 30 days. It will be a challenge for sure. You just have to do one level at a time for 25 minutes or so. You could always do more if you wanted (some people do that once they've…
  • Yay! GoGoGo Lavender! My starting weight as of this morning was 160. I forgot about taking a photo. Do I need to do that tomorrow morning or is that optional?
  • Oh, and about the battery. You can't replace it. But it lasts about 1000 hours of running. For me that was about a year and half. Then you just buy another. Your nike+ account stays the same but you'll have to re-link your new sensor to the ipod.
  • Ooh! I love Tracy Morgan's "inspirational" messages! I'm sad if he doesn't say anything after a run! I've had nike+ since day 1. Literally. I totally recommend it. As others said, make sure you calibrate it (like do .25 on a school track. That way you know the distance is correct.) I love how it keeps track of runs and…
  • Since I tend to do out and back runs, I remind myself that the quickest way back to my car (and to be done) is to keep running! I also like to do random mental calculations of how much time it will take and how many songs and focus on that to keep me distracted. I have a strong sense of guilt that I would be cheating if I…
  • Me, me, me! I'm in! I got this video last year, but didn't ever get into it. So I tried it for real this past week (2 mornings in a row) and loved it! I'll be doing it shortly after my run this morning. :) As for calories, what I've seen from my research is that it burns about 200 cals average. It definitely depends on…
  • PM sent. :smile:
  • I so agree! I like putting that into post workout smoothies, too, for extra protein.
  • I am a teacher, too, so I understand your pain- especially about the "holidays"! Last summer, I used my time off to get into a workout routine and eat better. Luckily, with planning, it continued once I started back to work. I find that the only consistent time for me is to get up early. I hate it with a passion (I like…
  • You may already be doing this, but have you tried the Land O'Lakes whipped butter? I use that because it's half the calories of stick butter, but it's still just butter. And it's more spreadable. BTW, I normally don't mind getting store brand for most items, but I noticed that my local supermarket version of this (Publix)…
    in Butter Comment by maccabeth April 2011
  • I've tried not to give up anything for good. I just eat less of it or have it less frequently. My main ones are cheese, wine/beer and bread.
  • It is MFP! I got confirmation. :)
  • Here's the first one I found for January. Hopefully the link works. (You may have to be logged in to your nike+) Looks like it was created by a nich0le? I'm just assuming that MFP is for our MFP! If not, I can create one for us. :smile:
  • Are you talking about Contrex water in France? I think it's hilarious! And ditto to the just drink regular coffee comments. I can't have mine without sugar (just 1/2 tsp) and a little soy creamer. Everything in moderation as someone above said. I don't know if it really helps me lose weight, but I do feel fuller after…
  • Can anyone explain more about the benefits of having the casein at night? I would probably go the cottage cheese/pineapple route. It would be a nice excuse for "dessert". Thanks!
  • I read the same thing today! lol I find doing it in the morning before breakfast (I have 1/2 glass of OJ to give my stomach something that won't be heavy, plus it has a little sugar) means that I'll get it done for sure. Sometimes I'll do it after work if I'm just too tired or if it's Thursday because spin class is at…