Ok so I feel like crap now!

Hi. The reason for the subject is exactly that. I am on the last day of my holidays and I am back to work tomorrow. Generally if I complain about going back to work else where I get moaned at cos I am a teacher and we get so many 'holidays'. The reason holidays are in commas is because I always have to work during my holidays. Lessons do not plan theirselves and work does not mark itself. Don't get me wrong I love teaching! But it is hard work and some people do not appreciate how much work goes into teaching.
Anyway I am especially down about going back this time because I have got into this routine of working out everyday and when I am back at work I don't know that I will be able to fit it in. At the moment I am thinking of getting up extra early to do 20 mins at least before work so I know I have at least done some physical exercise that day if i dont get time to fit it in in the evening! But not sure if after a long day at work I will be able to get up any earlier. I know i have to do it and I will feel better for it but needed to get my fears off my chest and am hoping for some encouraging words!
For now i do have some time so I am going to continue with my Zumba work out. Do I do another 20 mins followed by a 45 min or go straight for 45 mins and leave it there? I will go with 45 then see how i feel! And what people say!


  • rache12581
    I have a really busy work schedule too & by the time I come home the last thing I want to do is work out. I have fallen in LOVE w/Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred & her Ripped in 30 dvds. They are 27 minutes long perfect for morning workouts. I have amazing results. Not only did I lose 1 -2lbs a week but my muscle tone is amazing! I highly recomend trying the dvds...no-one believes that I only workout for that short of a time :wink:
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    I agree, the Shred dvd's are amazing, I finally am able to get results in a reasonable amount of time.
  • sherryberry07
    Hey I totally hear you! I'm a teacher too and I would argue that we don't have ENOUGH holidays! And I'm in the same boat - right now I'm working from 6:45-4:45/5:45 straight and by the time the day ends I'm exhausted! Last week just about killed me and I definitely fell out of the routine I had going for me. I'm going to try and combine my few precious minutes of relaxation with exercise and swim this week. We'll see how it goes - or if I even make it to the beach!
    Those DVDs that rache talked about sound good. I've got a "twister" thingie that I hop on for a half an hour and that works amazingly well too - lost 4 pounds and got some great tone just by using that! Here's to this week and actually sticking with some exercise! I'm rooting for you!
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    I am a teacher, too, so I understand your pain- especially about the "holidays"! Last summer, I used my time off to get into a workout routine and eat better. Luckily, with planning, it continued once I started back to work. I find that the only consistent time for me is to get up early. I hate it with a passion (I like sleep!) but I love having started the day with my run/workout. When the kids start to get annoying, I just think back to how I felt during the workout and smile! It helps with stress AND it helps you sleep better. So, likely, even if you are getting a little less time in bed, your sleep may be better overall.

    I find it's helpful if I schedule my work outs. That way, I can plan accordingly the night before (lay out my clothes, set the early alarm, get lunch ready already....)

    You can do it! :smile:
  • cj1234cj23
    cj1234cj23 Posts: 113 Member
    I hear you. I have to tell you, though, that I'm with the rest. In the morning, I have to make myself get up extra early so I can do the "real" workout, strength training, the DVD, or what ever. It also seems to motivate me for the rest of the day, and I seem to actually get more done. On the way home is when I drive by a park here and force myself to turn in. I get out and walk for 30 min to an hour (can't run no more :sad: ). I spent three weeks talking and fussing to myself daily to make myself do these things. Now, I can get up a lot easier, and stop on the way home a lot easier to get it done. It feels like at the time that you can't do it, but once it's done, wow! You feel great. So, here's to getting up at 5 a.m. :drinker: and hope you don't feel like crap for too long cuz you're a wonderful MFP friend!
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    Do you know what I immediately felt better just having a little rant! Now I feel better even more! I have started taking a combination of herbal tablets as I was always tired even when not getting up early for work. That has meant that I have been sleeping better and I don't feel the fatigue and sluggishNess I used to. Hoping that will continue when I am back at work. I have been getting up before 9 more or less every morning which for me on a holiday is un heard of! Lol so hopefully I wont find it too hard to get up a little earlier! I have already ordered the 30 min shred so I will do a combination of that and then some wii stuff in the evenings if i can fit it in. Along with my regular Friday evening slot at Zumba once the last Friday bank holiday is out of the way. This week I have to try even harder on work days as I am off on a friends hen weekend and much as you may say to get some walking in etc you never know how easy that will be but maybe i will get up early there too! I can and I will do this! :)
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    So, here's to getting up at 5 a.m. :drinker: and hope you don't feel like crap for too long cuz you're a wonderful MFP friend!
    Awe thanks!
  • MrsZMartin
    MrsZMartin Posts: 165 Member
    I'm a teacher too! People just don't understand how badly we NEED the holidays to get through the stress of helping the kids achieve their potential. Parents should get it....they complain about their 1,2,3, 4 whatever children. We have a room full! It is exhausting :) Good luck getting back into the swing of things!
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    Ok so I haven't done loads of days back at work but I have gotten up at 5:30 am on one day and 5:00 am on the other 4 days. I have done 4 official full days at work and one of those was followed by a parent's evening and I managed to get up at 5 am on the Bank holiday Friday! Reading my post back I feel so happy with how much I have achieved! I know it is only 5 days and it is on technically easy weeks but I am so chuffed. I was walking around school today with my head held high and a smile on my face! I feel great for getting up early and working out!!! :D