

  • So true. I had a boyfriend who said he liked my face best when I had no makeup whatsoever on it though.
  • Make a fashion show out of myself, all day every day. Get glamour photos taken and send them in to modeling companies. I WISH it would be maintainable without much effort.
  • It's not that they aren't understandable. It's that they think they're ridiculous. I don't understand why women complain about men not understanding them, when they make no effort to understand or accept why men do some things that they do, or try to look past their stereotypes of men. P.S., i am a girl
  • Hemp milk. Some disturbingly processed foods that many see as "healthy". Certain kinds of raw fish.
  • Whichever one you feel like. The last one is probably going to be the most overall satisfying for your body and personally I find bread to be constipating, but eat whichever one you're craving.
  • my evil triplet siblings? i dealt with them. there can only be one.
  • I set my food calories to 1600 per day, and my net calories to 1300 per day.
  • If you eat slowly, your body will get to break through more of the fiber in the food and have time for it to enter your bloodstream, signaling fullness before you eat more than you need. The thing is, if you eat TOO slowly, or wait too long for hunger before you eat, you have a higher chance of either gorging yourself, or…
  • Get optimum nutrition and be healthy. Your bodyfat distribution will automatically go to a healthy shape, within your genetic limitations. Do lots of relaxed walking -- it will help your skin to naturally firm up.
  • When you feel crappy, instead of eating, release your emotions. Cry, or scream, or rip paper into shreds, or paint or sing. If you must eat when you have a bad mood, eat foods that enable lots of serotonin to be released, such a fresh fruits, like oranges or bananas. They are healthy and will help you to feel cheered up.
  • Don't liquid fast to lose weight unless you have a way to get adequate calories. Otherwise afterwards, you will gain everything right back, perhaps even more. The longest that I have water fasted was 72 hours. It was a very enlightening experience. I lost 3 lbs, but I gained it all back afterwards, just like I have with…
  • You are entitled to be passionate about something, but obviously you are bringing it up in conversations to the point where it becomes unnecessary and annoying. I think it's good that she realizes you're obsessed, instead of soaking it all in and counting her own calories herself, becoming orthorexic or otherwise having an…
  • "Starving yourself will make you like yourself more." "It is possible to make your body lose weight by restricting the amount of calories it needs to function." ''Carbs are bad for you, especially simple carbs."
  • hi there i'm new as well! good luck and feel free to add me.
  • all day every day. lol just kidding. i just generally don't crave "unhealthy" foods all that much. and if i do really strongly, i just eat it, because that's the only way the cravings will go away. then i listen to my body. if it's a really unhealthy food, generally i'll feel crappy after. then due to my experience, i will…
    in Cheat?? Comment by nifnif October 2011
  • kill it with fire! I think you look better in your "before" picture. You're gorgeous in that one. The only improvements in the "after" picture, were eye circles and blemishes covered up a bit.
  • it's a problem when you think makeup makes you a more beautiful woman. a woman should be inherently beautiful and confident, not only because it makes her more beautiful as a result, but because she deserves to. everybody deserves to feel attractive and worthy. it also becomes a problem when it makes you look like poop, as…
  • you cannot spot target fat. all you can do is make sure your body is getting a good amount of healthy fats, and in optimum health, so that your fat is distributed in a way that is at its best within your predisposed genetic limits. that, and make sure not to work the muscles there too much, because then that area will just…
  • Things that I think taste bad, just for the sake of being healthy. Stuff like powdered vitamins or fish oil or whatever.