What do you wish you could do...



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Wear tops that don't inherently cover my waistline. Not that I want to wear skin tight stuff or show my midriff, but it would be nice to feel comfortable wearing something that isn't oversized or sloppy.

    And I've always wanted to do multiple pull-ups. I used to be about to do about 5 chin-ups, but I gained about 20 pounds since then and lost a lot of strength. I've never been able to do a full pull-up...almost, but not quite. I want to do at least 5 without stopping.

    I'd also like to be able to run at least 2 miles without sucking down 2-3 cups of water because my mouth feels like I am eating cotton. I mean, I can run fairly well, but why do I seem to have to drink more water than most? It's annoying! In my cardio kickboxing classes, I am always stopping to guzzle water every 15 minutes when nobody else needs to. It's not that I am tired, just extremely thirsty! I figure it's cause I am still out of shape, cause I hardly think my normal 10-12 glasses of water is not enough.
  • nifnif
    nifnif Posts: 22
    Make a fashion show out of myself, all day every day.

    Get glamour photos taken and send them in to modeling companies.

    I WISH it would be maintainable without much effort.