Makeup or no makeup? what is better?



  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248

    I think men say they prefer us "natural". But honestly don't. They want us with make up, looking like we're without it.

    Hit the nail on the head!

    My OH says I look fine without it, but when I've got it on, he goes out of his way to tell me I look pretty :huh:
  • nifnif
    nifnif Posts: 22

    I think men say they prefer us "natural". But honestly don't. They want us with make up, looking like we're without it.

    Hit the nail on the head!

    My OH says I look fine without it, but when I've got it on, he goes out of his way to tell me I look pretty :huh:

    So true.

    I had a boyfriend who said he liked my face best when I had no makeup whatsoever on it though.
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 239 Member
    I wear make-up a lot of the time, depending on where I'm going/what I have to do/what my mood is!
    I LOVE applying makeup, it's my little bit of art ღ
    I wear foundation with serum, a light pink and sheer blusher, eyeshadow (browns usually, darker for nights out), black eyeliner and black mascara.
    Apart from that I'll either wear Carmex (I love the cherry one) or just a light pink (neutral) lipstick and I'm good to go then!
    I usually don't wear fake tan unless I'm going out for the night (club/wedding/party etc). And if I'm wearing tan, I'll put it on the night before (either St. Moriz, Sublime Bronze or Bronz' Express) and then I'll put on Sally Hansen leg tan all over just before I head out and I feel great! And I always wear nail varnish on toes and nails.
    But I'm not wearing makeup now and I feel great now, so it depends on my mood!! ღ
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    I love wearing makeup! Mainly eyeliner, eyeshadow,mascara, lipgloss, and maybe some blush. I'm lucky enough to not need foundation or anything like that. I don't even know what to do with it and i hate covering my I have a natural tan so I think that has a lot to do with it. But with eyeshadow I love colors! And experimenting with my eyes. I'm pretty good at applying it so it doesn't look overdone and cheap. My friends beg me to do their makeup. But I also feel like I look great without makeup too. And there are days when I go without it. it's all about how you apply it.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Okay, thanks! I have been trying to avoid the retin A stuff cause I know it's pretty strong and can really irritate skin.

    If you are ever interested in Retin A cream, they have different concentrations~:)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I wear make up - for myself. On a normal daily basis, I just wear cover up, mascara, and lip gloss - nothing fancy.... If I go out or am feeling extra girly, I'll wear eyeliner & shadow, but nothing that looks over the top. I think make up is supposed to accentuate your face - it is not meant to cover up your face like a mask....
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I love make up .. but i also went to cosmetology school and have been doing free lance make up artistry for the past two years as a side job .. That' being said .. I've never worn enough for it to be a 'false advertisement' & I will go without it when I feel like it - which is generally a lot during the day because I stay home with my daughters.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I don't wear makeup unless I have to, so that means once a month max when I go out. The rest of the time I don't and frankly, i've never really worn makeup and it shows on my skin, I still have my ID's checked once in a while and i'm 32.
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    I believe it's a personal choice or preference. I don't wear very much at all any more, just some concealer if I have a blemish , some blush, lip stain and mascara if needed (although lately my eyelashes have gottten so thick and long will all the meds I am on..I don't need it either). I prefer a more "natural" look as I get older. But I feel if you do like, want or need to wear makeup--as long as you don't look like "You ran into the back-end of a Max Factor Truck and lost the collision" , well then, ... All Is Good! Enjoy yourself...That's the Point!:laugh:
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    For me it's all about the eyes... Eyeliner, mascara, and a bit of shadow. If I'm in a rush it's only eyeliner, but when I go out I tend to really play up my eyes as much as possible.

    I don't really care what other people do- If you leave the house feeling that you look great, that's what matters. Attitude and confidence go a lot further in pulling off a look than anything else.
  • Have to AT LEAST have my eyeliner. I feel naked without it. Well, that and my earrings. Other than that, I try not to put anything on unless it's one of those occasions or I'm sick. When I'm sick, I do it all! It helps...
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Eye liner, mascara, gloss. Rinse. Repeat.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I love my makeup. I am very blonde, no color in eyebrows or eyelashes and the crazy thing is that I keep finding another step to add! Of course now I'm battle-ling the spots and wrinkles. It seems was only a short while ago I was covering up pimples! :noway:

    Night and day difference with or without make-up,but I still believe I look natural when all is said and done. :ohwell: I can get my whole face done in 7 minutes or less so it is totally worth it for me. But I laugh at my own vanity, it takes a bit more effort to look natural these days! :laugh:

    I find as I get in better shape I am a a little less picky about going out without the full effort.
  • I absolutely love make-up! I love it so much that I get excited when I buy something new and I want to dig in and experiment with it as soon as I buy it...that being said..I do not wear it all the time. I am mostly home during the week so the only time I really wear make-up is when I go out on the weekends or if my hubby and I have something else to do (go out to eat, movies) The rest of days I am A La' Natural :smile: Luckily, my husband appreciates my looks with and without make-up. I just love to put it on because it makes me feel more confident (combined with a great outfit and amazing shoes!) I am a big fan of MAC and Sephora..I know a little pricey but we all have our weaknesses and it's better than spending money on junk food :wink:
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member

    I think men say they prefer us "natural". But honestly don't. They want us with make up, looking like we're without it.

    Hit the nail on the head!

    My OH says I look fine without it, but when I've got it on, he goes out of his way to tell me I look pretty :huh:


    I wear make up everyday....makes me feel better. I have an uneven complexion and battled acne since I was like 10

    Cover up if I'm breaking out a lil bit (neutrogena is my fave)
    a light true blend or mineral base
    mineral or loose powder over
    Sometimes light bronzer or blush
    Eye liner most days
    Mascara everyday
    lip glass (clear, lightly tinted or beige)

    **This all takes me like 10mins**

    I do up my eye make up when I go out b/c its fun
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I like a small amount of makeup. My wife puts on just a little mascara, some color on the eyes and sometimes a small amount of coverup or whatever that stuff is called. It more is an enhancement of hear beauty than putting on a new face like some women do.
  • hbdub7
    hbdub7 Posts: 61 Member
    I wear make up every single day, regardless of the day...some days it is pretty simple natural colors, and other days (typically nights) i go total fashion glam! However...part of the trick is to KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING....and I know what I am doing, I do make up for weddings, proms, any special occasion (not certified...but pretty amazing :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ) ...and if you dont know what you are doing it could go wrong real fast...and you have to know that just because they sell it in every color of the rainbow...does not mean it is for you! :) That is why you can test them out...find colors that compliment your skin tone...not 5 shades to bright...its not halloween all year round. But woman are beautiful in general, and as long as you love yourself (with or without) then that should be all that matters. :smile:
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    I love wearing makeup. I usually only wear stuff on my eyes and leave the rest of my face alone. I'm obsessed with buying different shades of eyeshadow and experimenting. I think it's fun.

    Some people wear waaaay too much and it doesn't even match their skin tone.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I love makeup.

    always have, always will.....................

    It's fun, it enhances my eyes, it hides flaws, it makes me happy, it's fun, I love it................did I mention it's fun?

    and if guys don't like it? Who cares!!!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I also Love make up. Alot of make up applied wrong does look a bit odd, but applied correctly does WONDERS. My BF has seen me TOTALLY dolled up, and fresh face out of the shower and tells me he loves my freckles. ( I cover these slightly )

    Make up to me is fun.

    Not everyone is the same. Dont try to understand why :)