Makeup or no makeup? what is better?



  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I think the whole idea is honestly stupid. Women look perfect how God created them. Why change how you look?

    I've never worn it before and personally I don't know that I need it. My sister made me try it for my high school graduation. Only the bare minimum, I wouldn't let her go all out. I hated it so much I wiped it off.

    People tell me all the time that I should try it. They say I would look better with it. But me, no thanks. I prefer natural.

    If you really think that you'd think people should go without clothes, too (in good weather at least)!

    You are young and cute, and look totally great without makeup! Easier for people with your looks to feel this way ;-)

    Well first thank you for the compliment. But I think society puts way too much emphasis on looks. People look way more attractive when they have a legit personality. But I certainly have my days where I look completely awful and worse than my pictures. And when I was younger, don't get me started. So I know what its like to look terrible. I look in the mirror every day.

    I totally agree that many cultures put way too much focus and obsession on looks. But it's life -- some could argue that we're hard-wired this way for evolutionary reasons.

    Good point about the pictures -- it's not like anyone goes and picks the BAD pictures of themselves to put online ;)
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    I think the whole idea is honestly stupid. Women look perfect how God created them. Why change how you look?

    I've never worn it before and personally I don't know that I need it. My sister made me try it for my high school graduation. Only the bare minimum, I wouldn't let her go all out. I hated it so much I wiped it off.

    People tell me all the time that I should try it. They say I would look better with it. But me, no thanks. I prefer natural.

    If you really think that you'd think people should go without clothes, too (in good weather at least)!

    You are young and cute, and look totally great without makeup! Easier for people with your looks to feel this way ;-)

    Well first thank you for the compliment. But I think society puts way too much emphasis on looks. People look way more attractive when they have a legit personality. But I certainly have my days where I look completely awful and worse than my pictures. And when I was younger, don't get me started. So I know what its like to look terrible. I look in the mirror every day.

    I totally agree that many cultures put way too much focus and obsession on looks. But it's life -- some could argue that we're hard-wired this way for evolutionary reasons.

    Good point about the pictures -- it's not like anyone goes and picks the BAD pictures of themselves to put online ;)

    True. But by worse than my pictures I meant...I personally don't like my pictures. But yeah nobody is going to put a picture they think is completely terrible.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    i like to not wear makeup when im just sitting at home or running to the store on my day off most days
    i wear makeup to work but very little. a little foundation to even out areas and then some masccara and eyeliner . maybe chapstick if my lips are dry . i also find eyeshadow funny looking .

    my boyfriend dosnt seem to care either way seing as we live together .
    other then when i dont wash the eyelinner off all the way showering and it looks funny all smudged

    i also dont do my hair, i throw it in a pony or a run my hands over it and am done .
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I barely wear any makeup, I wear a bit of cover up, mascara, and maybe some blush and lip gloss and I am good to go.

    No offense, but besides some lipstick, eyeliner, and eyeshadow, what else is there to put on?! XD

    Foundation, bronzer, highlighter, lipstick, eyeliner and eyeshadow are all things I don't wear (on special occasions I will wear a few of them, but not daily)

    I think you misread my comment haha

    I dont see too many girls roaming the streets with all the stuff you wear PLUS the stuff you don't smeared on their faces.

    We wear the same amount of makeup, except I use eyeliner in place of lipgloss. I think we have different viewpoints, because to me it is a fullface.

    You stated you look better without makeup, so maybe you shouldn't be wearing it.
  • nomorewishing
    nomorewishing Posts: 250 Member
    I don't wear a lot and even then I only wear it when I have to go somewhere, so like two or three times a week. I used to just use powder, mascara and lip gloss but I recently added blush because people started telling me I looked like a vampire (i flat out REFUSE to get a tan). Lol, I used to work with a lady who wore her makeup like that though. She would have orange-ish foundation layered on, then a ton of maroon/pink blush and bright red lipstick. I wish I could say that she was at least a nice person, but I try not to lie :tongue:
  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    I wear the whole works everydY its like art for me, i feel good in it and it relaxs me to do it in the morning. I cant go out without it sorry guys
  • nifnif
    nifnif Posts: 22
    it's a problem when you think makeup makes you a more beautiful woman.
    a woman should be inherently beautiful and confident, not only because it makes her more beautiful as a result, but because she deserves to. everybody deserves to feel attractive and worthy.

    it also becomes a problem when it makes you look like poop, as in covering up your natural beauty too much, or looking like someone took a dump on your face -- especially when you're misguided enough to think that it looks good. but i guess as long as you FEEL good, you shouldn't worry too much about what other people think.

    aside from that, i think makeup is "fun" and can be a way for you to express your creativity and sense of style, as well as show people a more feminine side or part of you that thinks you should look good for the world.

    and yeah ignore my picture lol. i am a girl who wears a bit of makeup probably half the time.
  • nifnif
    nifnif Posts: 22


    kill it with fire!
    Got it. Well, I, personally, look like absolute sheeeeit w/o AT LEAST concealer, foundation, loose powder, mascara and lip gloss. Ideally also eyeshadow and liner. You're lucky you don't need all that crap.

    For comparison, these are old pics from when I was about 40 lbs. heavier but they will do:



    So, as much as I wish I could skip it, it's not a good idea. lol

    I think you look better in your "before" picture. You're gorgeous in that one. The only improvements in the "after" picture, were eye circles and blemishes covered up a bit.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I wish I could wear makeup. I have acne - so I also have acne scars. But my skin is too sensitive. I put even just a tiny bit of foundation on and my acne flares up 10x worse. I can wear eye makeup and lipstick/gloss but it looks kind of tacky to me without the concealer...
  • beeny83
    beeny83 Posts: 61
    I wear makeup but that doesn't mean I'm ugly without it! I wear the lot!! Not everyday but if I'm going out for the night I will spend a good hour putting my makeup on which is about once every 2 months. I'm not trying to falsify myself I'm trying to look good and to be honest it make people feel better about themselves and builds confidence. Just like women wearing minny dresses that pretty much show what they had for breakfast, its not my cup of tea but that's who they are and they feel good dressed like that then people should just accept it. No need to judge people on there appearance!! Isn't that what we are here for to look good and feel good? and that's what these people are all trying to do by wearing makeup. Its whats inside that counts not appearance, maybe we should all accept people for who they are and support them if they want to change how they look.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I wish I could wear makeup. I have acne - so I also have acne scars. But my skin is too sensitive. I put even just a tiny bit of foundation on and my acne flares up 10x worse. I can wear eye makeup and lipstick/gloss but it looks kind of tacky to me without the concealer...

    Have you tried Clinique?
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I wear makeup but that doesn't mean I'm ugly without it! I wear the lot!! Not everyday but if I'm going out for the night I will spend a good hour putting my makeup on which is about once every 2 months. I'm not trying to falsify myself I'm trying to look good and to be honest it make people feel better about themselves and builds confidence. Just like women wearing minny dresses that pretty much show what they had for breakfast, its not my cup of tea but that's who they are and they feel good dressed like that then people should just accept it. No need to judge people on there appearance!! Isn't that what we are here for to look good and feel good? and that's what these people are all trying to do by wearing makeup. Its whats inside that counts not appearance, maybe we should all accept people for who they are and support them if they want to change how they look.

    Agreed. I used to love wearing makeup when I was in school, before the acne got so bad. I loved trying out different colored eyeliners and shadows especially. Bright stuff that was eye-catching. It was my way of standing out, trying to be an individual. lol. But it was fun too, and I felt better knowing I could express my creativity in that way. It's not all about looking pretty/prettier, that's often just an added bonus for some people. But what I wouldn't give to have that simple pleasure now! Instead of makeup I have to put special medicine and treatments on my face every day just to keep my acne under control. I think those who can wear makeup should be grateful! lol
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I wish I could wear makeup. I have acne - so I also have acne scars. But my skin is too sensitive. I put even just a tiny bit of foundation on and my acne flares up 10x worse. I can wear eye makeup and lipstick/gloss but it looks kind of tacky to me without the concealer...

    Have you tried Clinique?

    I haven't, but I've tried about 100 different other acne treatment systems. I use one from Avon at the moment, it seems to work okay for me. I have cystic acne, and this stuff is the only thing that's ever improved it so I'm sticking with it until such times as it stops working for me! lol

    Edit: I might look into it though, is it expensive?
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I wish I could wear makeup. I have acne - so I also have acne scars. But my skin is too sensitive. I put even just a tiny bit of foundation on and my acne flares up 10x worse. I can wear eye makeup and lipstick/gloss but it looks kind of tacky to me without the concealer...

    Have you tried Clinique?

    I haven't, but I've tried about 100 different other acne treatment systems. I use one from Avon at the moment, it seems to work okay for me. I have cystic acne, and this stuff is the only thing that's ever improved it so I'm sticking with it until such times as it stops working for me! lol

    Edit: I might look into it though, is it expensive?

    i have acne too, and the only thing that has helped for me is Shiseido's white lucent line (the entire set) along with Retin A cream. ^^ I am trying other Shiseido products to see if I can substitute right now, but am breaking out...a lot.

    Clinique is a makeup line, that is allergen/fragrance free. It is very good, and not too expensive...It is available in places such as Macys and you can try it before you buy ^^ One bottle of foundation runs around 22 dollars, but it lasts a long time and is great!

  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Okay, thanks! I have been trying to avoid the retin A stuff cause I know it's pretty strong and can really irritate skin.
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    I personally LOVE makeup! I don't care for all the big brands but I love ELF when they have their 50% off weekends.

    I wear foundation, blush and mascara if I'm leaving the house. I never take it out with me though. If it's windy and it rains then so be it.

    My friends and family have all seen me without makeup on. My boyfriend sees me everyday without make-up and he hasn't left yet. I just feel alot more comfortable in myself when I have some on.

    I don't need the foundation as my skin is clear, but I do have circles under my eyes which I don't like.

    I would love to be able to roll out of bed and not think about it and just wash and go but I can't. It's poop.
  • clairabell2024
    clairabell2024 Posts: 194 Member
    Make up makes me feel prettier, i know it shouldnt but it does! but thats just me!

    But i dont wear it all the time, im at work now and i dont have any make up on at all, if im going on a night out i use the full works (or what i consided the full works- foundation, blusher, pencil my eyebrows: their blond my hair is brown, eyeliner and mascara- as in my profile pic).

    I like to think i dont slap it on and i never wear fake tan but i dunno, maybe i do looked cake it on??? Im sure my mum would tell me i looked a trollop before going out if i did! lol

  • I don't wear makeup during the work week, but I wear it on weekends or special occasions. Its not a safety blanket for me, it's fun and a form of art. My boyfriend loves me both ways, as the super dag and as the hot rod mama with bright red lips, huge falsies, and elaborate hair. Its who I am, and I'm not a lesser person because I enjoy dressing up.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I think the whole idea is honestly stupid. Women look perfect how God created them. Why change how you look?
    Not every woman feels that way, me for instance, I like to brighten up my eyes with makeup, even my own mother admitted she doesn't like my eyes bc they make me look old and tired I'm 22 I want to LOOK 22.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I enjoy make up. Love it, it's fun.

    That said I rarely EVER wear it, don't have time. But when I do I'm much more confident. I look less tired.

    I think men say they prefer us "natural". But honestly don't. They want us with make up, looking like we're without it.