Makeup or no makeup? what is better?



  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    I work in a salon and I was told by an older coworker once that "even brick houses need their trim painted", seems to be true!

  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    i occasionally wear cover-up if i break out and chap-stick but i stopped wearing eye makeup because i grew a cyst underneath my left eye. the skin is so thin that wearing eye make-up there can really irritate and cause cysts. personally i think i look prettier without make-up but if i'm going out i'll do a little more.
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    I agree. Just a little is good, and only when I'm going out at night. I work outdoors, so lately my makeup is sunblock & chapstick. I like it that way. I'm 53, and I have never been a big make-up fan. Takes too much time.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I barely wear any makeup, I wear a bit of cover up, mascara, and maybe some blush and lip gloss and I am good to go.

    I also wear the same except that I don't use mascara instead its with liquid eyeliner just to highlight my eyes. I only wear make-up at work because I have to.

    Personally I find it funny to see women with heavy make-up. I'm talking about wearing it on casual days, of course its a different story when she's wearing it to formal events. Theres nothing wrong in wearing make-up but there are some who doesn't know how to do it right.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Hey, I LOVE the caked-on makeup look, especially when paired with an over-done tan, outrageous plastic ta'ta's, a ton and a half of bracelets-rings-necklaces, and especially a nice pair of HUGE fish lips. Reminds me of when I used to want to go to Clown College. Seriously though, don't hese people have any real friends that tell them how ridiculous they look? Might as well be a cartoon character because there's certainly no REAL character there.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    DISCLAIMER: This is coming from a girl who barely EVER does her hair, throws on whatever looks good in the morning in five minutes, and puts on the minimal amount of makeup she does wear in the car on the way to school.

    I honestly don't care about my appearance that much (except obviously my body but that's a different story) so I know that a lot of girls always want to look their best, and that's fine. I'M NOT JUDGING ANYONE!

    I just wanted to put that out there haha
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I don't even own any make up it feels gross and life is to short. Also as they say you can't polish a turd lol
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    aaaahhh to be young again. When I was your age I didn't wear make-up either, by the time you'll hit your thirties, trust me you'll want a little extra on.

    My mom is a drop dead gorgeous 36 year old women who wears less makeup than I do, haha. I have some good genetics!

    To me, it looks like you're wearing an average amount of makeup in your pictures. I wouldn't call it a light touch by any means so I'm not entirely sure where you're coming from. Are you talking about girls like this?


    Because I have only seen that online or on TV. Never in real life.
  • NoMoreMrFatGuy
    An old saying goes something like this..."If the barn needs painted....paint it!" If it makes you feel better put it on, if not don't. No one should care .....only you matter.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    aaaahhh to be young again. When I was your age I didn't wear make-up either, by the time you'll hit your thirties, trust me you'll want a little extra on.

    My mom is a drop dead gorgeous 36 year old women who wears less makeup than I do, haha. I have some good genetics!

    To me, it looks like you're wearing an average amount of makeup in your pictures. I wouldn't call it a light touch by any means so I'm not entirely sure where you're coming from. Are you talking about girls like this?


    Because I have only seen that online or on TV. Never in real life.

    The only makeup I'm wearing in my pictures is mascara in all of them, chapstick in one, and eyeliner in one...
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    I'm a Makeup Artist and I have a diploma in Makeup Artistry. I love makeup, and have been wearing it my whole life. It's how I express myself artistically. I think its very amazing and sexy if worn the correct way.

  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    I think you can get away with more make up in your teens and 20s ~ it's fun to play with colors sometimes, but once you hit your 40s and beyond....well, less is definitely more!!!!:noway: I think a lot of makeup just looks weird on older skin and emphasizes whatever the heck it is you are trying to hide! :huh: I actually wear makeup more now than I did in my 30s (I was always bare faced), but tinted sunscreen, a bit of eyeliner, some mascara on my tops lashes and lip gloss are PLENTY for me. Still feel comfortable running around au natural with a hat on, but I look "less tired" with a bit of soft color on. Do not like the layers of makeup look ~ I'm always tempted to throw a bucket of water on the wearer to see if she'll melt lol...:laugh: :tongue:
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    The only makeup I'm wearing in my pictures is mascara in all of them, chapstick in one, and eyeliner in one...

    Are you saying you're not wearing lip tint, eye liner and mascara (at least) in your default profile pic?
  • cmonskinnylovee
    aaaahhh to be young again. When I was your age I didn't wear make-up either, by the time you'll hit your thirties, trust me you'll want a little extra on.

    My mom is a drop dead gorgeous 36 year old women who wears less makeup than I do, haha. I have some good genetics!

    To me, it looks like you're wearing an average amount of makeup in your pictures. I wouldn't call it a light touch by any means so I'm not entirely sure where you're coming from. Are you talking about girls like this?

    Because I have only seen that online or on TV. Never in real life.

    What you're mistaking for makeup are shadows that my crappy webcam pics up, oh and in one I'm wearing some tan eye shadow but I had a job interview that day
  • cmonskinnylovee
    The only makeup I'm wearing in my pictures is mascara in all of them, chapstick in one, and eyeliner in one...

    Are you saying you're not wearing lip tint, eye liner and mascara (at least) in your default profile pic?

    Chapstick and mascara.

    Some people look just as good without makeup as others do with it. I am not the kind of girl who needs to wear makeup, and actually I kind of look like crap when I do. I guess it's a trade off.
  • itz_me_e
    I'm a makeup artist so maybe i"m the wrong person to ask since i absolutely love makeup! I don't think its false advertisement at all, as a matter of fact i think its amazing how makeup can transform me into a different person every day :)
  • starkid120
    starkid120 Posts: 204 Member
    I love makeup, I don't have the type of face that can carry a ton of it but if I did I would. Not everything women dois to catch a man, most women know that men usually prefer a more natural look but I see a girl with a lot of makeup on and (as long as it's done right) I see it almost like art. It's just people expressing themselves in a different manner and I love it :)

    ^Absolutely agree with this^ :)
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    There is nothing wrong with wearing make up as long as it's done in a right way, and in moderation.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    I'm a makeup artist so maybe i"m the wrong person to ask since i absolutely love makeup! I don't think its false advertisement at all, as a matter of fact i think its amazing how makeup can transform me into a different person every day :)

    See that's different because since you're an artist you obviously know how to do it correctly, my main problem is orange/cakey foundation or clumpy mascara, or the street-walker-esque eyeliner... But I think that make up artists generally know what they're doing.

    I just don't have the face for all that stuff :P
  • sweetpunani
    I wear make-up once or twice a week. Like today I was out and about so I wore some. Not caked on. Just enough to cover my imperfections on my face and enhance my eyes :)

    If I'm going out to dinner & a movie I'll doll up just a little more. But not to the point where it looks as if you could make an imprint on my face.