purplepenguins7 Member


  • I did WW from April-now. Technically I have a membership till mid-Feb. although I cancelled it. At first I was paying $70/mo for "coaching". That consisted of a few phone calls with a coach who honestly was not helpful at all. She read me a bunch of motivational mantras and would then take notes on our call. She'd email me…
  • I think its harder for people who see you all the time. My family seem to notice last, but people I don't see that often will notice a big difference. Don't be discouraged! I honestly get most excited when I have more energy.
  • Thanks for sharing! What a great post! And congrats on your success!
  • I've considered getting certified to teach Zumba because so many plus size friends tell me they would love to try, but they are intimidated by a skinny trainer. And I'm one of the best in my class even though I'm usually one of the largest! One friend jokes that "when I see skinny people at the gym, I feel bad about…
  • I think I'm a food addict or at least an emotional eater. I use food as comfort if I'm stressed, like I'll tell myself "I had a hard day, or I did a great job today, its ok to have a treat". I did an internship once at a substance abuse clinic, and it seemed like many of the clients had replaced drinking/drug use with…
  • Wear the sports bra! You're exercising, so wear what is comfortable and appropriate for the task. A sports bra isn't meant to be sexy- its fitness appropriate attire. If a man can run shirtless, a woman can run in a sports bra! Also, its a red flag if your husband is super controlling about what you wear. I'm married, and…
  • I'm new and I LOVE reading these posts! Just reading has provided me support, so I hope my post likewise helps someone else out. Thurs. truth- I ate part of an eccles cake (currant cake pastry) today and didn't even finish it. My husband thought I was crazy to throw 1/5 of it away. I'm slowly realizing I can eat a sweet or…
  • I'm 5'8", but I'm the shortest in my family! My sister is 5'10" and my brother is 6'7". Both my parents are taller than me too. I have a totally different body type from them and carry my weight in my hips and butt and have a large chest. They both have thinner legs and always look slimmer than me just because of my body…
  • I don't pay that much attention to sizes. I have a tiny waist compared to my big booty and thighs. I'm 5'8" and have worn a size 20 or 22 from 260-290 lbs (my heaviest). I've always had this shape my entire life. Even when I was in HS and thin, I had to buy "reverse fit" or some such jeans because there was such a…
  • Its helpful for me to look up a food before I decide if I'll eat it. I guess that's kind of pre-logging. Or, its really more like making healthier decisions using the log.
  • Same for me too. I'm pretty frustrated today. I've only been weighing myself about every 2 weeks, and I was losing 1-2 lbs/week for about a month and a half. I weighed in today and I gained 4 lbs back. I don't think I did anything different in terms of eating/exercise. I think I actually ate a lot LESS last week. I was out…
  • Hi brides! I'm new here, and this is my first post!! I got married on 6/16. We actually eloped on 2/25 (our parents knew) but no one else did! So we decided to have a small family wedding with our pastor and about 75 people on 6/16. I've been working on losing weight and getting healthy since about Jan. I started shopping…