Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    My Thursday truth, I ate what ever I wanted from Christmas to New Years.

    that's where i ended up too. yikes.
    thursday truth- i forgot what i was going to say....story of my life after meningitis!!

    oh holy cow! you had meningitis? i live in fear of meningitis. it's so awful.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Funny... 40 doesn't feel much different than 39 did yesterday... hmmm :bigsmile:

    Charlotte- how do you start back up? One foot in front of the other... slow and steady. It stinks to not just be able to jump back into exercise full force, but the truth of it is that we have to take it slow. The good news- it does get easier (again). You can do it!

    Thursday truth- I ate 770 calories yesterday and something like 1600 or 1700 the day before - mostly fast food that day. (I was too ashamed to do a final review on the high calorie day, before posting, since there was an extra slice of pizza). I like the salad challenge, and am going to work on that!
  • lmackbethl
    @everyone who commented on my ticker success -- thank you! I hope to reach my next major goal (100 pounds lost) sometime over the summer. I know that some of you are losing 10 pounds multiple times, but the thought of having to lose 10 pounds 21 times is quite overwhelming to me, so I'm just going to lose 50 pounds four times, plus a tiny bit extra. :laugh: one down - three to go!!!!
    @Naceto -- Happy 40th!!!! Your birthday thoughts are lovely!
    @Laurie -- Hope your knee continues to improve and you are back to full movement in no time!!
    @Robin -- did you walk today? I know you can do this!!! Remember Jamaica!
    @karen - meningitis? yikes!! Poor you (and your impaired memory :wink: )!
    @tammy and all other flu sufferers - hope you feel better soon!!!!
    @charlotte -- working nights is soooooo very hard! do you wear a pedometer or use a fitbit? if you're nursing on an active floor, you may be walking a couple miles a night or more! I have my diary set to "sedentary" and I love it when the fitbit gives me extra calories... you could try that... it might make you feel better on the days you can't "officially" work out. then on weekends, maybe some of the one-on-one time with the grandkids could be active? scavenger hunts or follow the leader or hike and seek or numerous other games are fun and get you moving... plus, I'm so glad you had a nice visit!
    @kaye -- you've been doing so wonderfully and are so committed, so i'm sure you will be able to manage the trip -- whenever I travel my goal is just to maintain - you could try that, then if you get a loss it's a great bonus.

    Thursday Truth - I wish my friends hadn't introduced me to Muddy Buddies a couple weeks ago! Snack calories were RIDICULOUS the past couple days!!! But I am back on track -- I hope! I also missed Wednesday Wish - a recumbent bicycle and a swim spa (that's not too much to ask, is it?) -- and Tuesday Goals - to push myself a little harder each day, physically and mentally... also to practice gratitude.... plus, I'm still trying to figure out how to live on a tighter budget.
  • sarabeth02
    sarabeth02 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everybody! I was part of my fitness pal in August, but got sidetracked with the last semester of college (which I graduated with flying colors! Dean's List, what what?!). I gained back about 7 pounds, but I'm trying to stay active while job hunting so I won't slip into self-destruction mode. I have about 117 pounds to lose, and I think this would be a great place for support.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Hi everybody! I was part of my fitness pal in August, but got sidetracked with the last semester of college (which I graduated with flying colors! Dean's List, what what?!). I gained back about 7 pounds, but I'm trying to stay active while job hunting so I won't slip into self-destruction mode. I have about 117 pounds to lose, and I think this would be a great place for support.

  • purplepenguins7
    purplepenguins7 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm new and I LOVE reading these posts! Just reading has provided me support, so I hope my post likewise helps someone else out. Thurs. truth- I ate part of an eccles cake (currant cake pastry) today and didn't even finish it. My husband thought I was crazy to throw 1/5 of it away. I'm slowly realizing I can eat a sweet or junk food now and then, just not every day. I have a high stress job and a lot of things going on, and I'm realizing definitely have challenges with "rewarding" myself with food after a long day. Then at the end of the week, I'd be ashamed to have eaten ice cream or sweets every day. Then I went the other way and tried stopping all sweets. That was too hard because I'd constantly crave them, so I think I'm getting to a happy medium.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Thursday Truth- My ticker is wrong. I put on twenty pounds during my haitus, and I can't bring myself to change the starting weight. Facing failure is so hard!
    Another truth- I've learned from the last few months that I must put my NEEDS ahead of PLEASING anyone else. I NEED to not have sweets and fattening foods in the house. I NEED to be judicious in the carbs I choose to eat. I NEED to make time to exercise, and to rest when I hurt (at least long enough to figure out whether I pulled something or not). I knew many of these things in my head, but not in my heart. Right now (for the time being at least), it is in my heart!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I'm realizing definitely have challenges with "rewarding" myself with food after a long day. T
    You need to keep reminding yourself that you are NOT a dog. You do NOT need to be rewarded with food!

    @Helen - I don't think you should think of it as a failure. Even with the wait you put back on, you're still at a loss over all. It wasn't a failure so to speak... just a bit of a back slide.
  • jumpy983
    @mowmow I saw the same salad container at Target too, so you might check there! See if it's available online too! I'm sure Amazon would have a good price.

    @sarabeth congrats on the deans list! that's awesome! (and welcome!)

    @helen you can do it! we have three rules at my house: 1. Be kind 2. Be honest 3. Always do the right thing.
    If something doesn't pass those tests then we need to change it. And I was right where you were. I had a gain and I sure didn't want to change my ticker (at ALL!!) but then I remembered that it's not Honest (and it helps to remember that we're only human and not all super heros at weightloss every day) and it's not the right thing to I had to change mine. I'm rooting for ya honey! You CAN do this.

    Whenever I'm having a rough day, I end up remembering this picture 50-fat-diabetic-and-ahead-of-you-tshirt.jpg

    Thursday truth: I did my Insanity Day 4(?) workout today and my mother came for a visit for the weekend because my DH just had dental surgery and isn't fit to watch the kids right now (amazing how much a tooth can take ya down!) and she totally kicked my butt at the workout. But I did all 40 minutes again, and gave it my all and it was worth every minute!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nicole- Happy Birthday. Best wishes for the year ahead.
    Helen- You hit the nail on the head- we really do need to make time for ourselves.
    Karen- Good luck with those papers. That will be me next week- that will mark the end of the 1st semester. Sadly, no snow for me today and it does not look promising for tonight either.

    Welcome back to some old friends- it is great to see you again.

    Truth and success all in 2 activities today. Tonight I decided to hit the gym 4 times in 4 days even through I was tired and not very motivated. I was doing a few lat pull downs when my trainer found me. He showed me a new way to do the lat pull downs which will be more effective than the machine, so that is a victory. While doing this new method of lat pull down- I was able to do lunges:bigsmile: I can not do a lunge on my own no matter how hard I try, just don't have the confidence in my ability to go straight now and end up on one knee not to mention coming back up. Using the weight on the lat pull down machine as a counter balance, I was able to go directly into a lunge position with no pain, not falling to one side etc. I was so excited that when I saw my trainer a little later, I had to show him. He is going to use my method for other clients that have trouble doing lunges. It was a great feeling to realize I was doing a lunge without even thinking about it. Now the goal is to reduce the amount of weight until I can do the lunges without the support.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The other activity that I tried tonight was doing back extension using a barbell bench. This was like an upside down sit up. Basically you put the bench in front of a sturdy weight lifting machine, lay with your stomach on the bench and feet hooked onto the bar. Then you go down until you almost touch the floor and then pull yourself back up. You are using your own body weight and it really works the abs plus the back muscles. :laugh:

    It was a good day for going to the gym for a light workout.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks!!

    I am finally keeping it real and after 2 weeks of hiding what I look like on mfp, I have my picture up. That skinny little person next to me is my younger sister, by 9 years. That's what I want to look like!!! I have a long way to go, but one pound at a time.

    I found this great background picture to keep me motivated @ work. It says "I am stronger than I think". I have motivation looking at me for 8 hrs!

    Keep up the great work EVERYONE. Any progress is better than none!!

    ~ Rachael
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @mowmow I saw the same salad container at Target too, so you might check there! See if it's available online too! I'm sure Amazon would have a good price.

    @sarabeth congrats on the deans list! that's awesome! (and welcome!)

    @helen you can do it! we have three rules at my house: 1. Be kind 2. Be honest 3. Always do the right thing.
    If something doesn't pass those tests then we need to change it. And I was right where you were. I had a gain and I sure didn't want to change my ticker (at ALL!!) but then I remembered that it's not Honest (and it helps to remember that we're only human and not all super heros at weightloss every day) and it's not the right thing to I had to change mine. I'm rooting for ya honey! You CAN do this.

    Whenever I'm having a rough day, I end up remembering this picture 50-fat-diabetic-and-ahead-of-you-tshirt.jpg

    Thursday truth: I did my Insanity Day 4(?) workout today and my mother came for a visit for the weekend because my DH just had dental surgery and isn't fit to watch the kids right now (amazing how much a tooth can take ya down!) and she totally kicked my butt at the workout. But I did all 40 minutes again, and gave it my all and it was worth every minute!!

    Jumpy - that picture is so inspiring and so FUNNY - I laughed out loud and SNORTED when i saw it! THANKS SO MUCH for that great image! :laugh:

    Laurie - i'm so happy you had a break-through at the gym - WOOT !

    Helen - it hurt my pride when I had to admit to my weight gain and had to adjust my ticker upward, and had to adjust it 2 lbs upward a week later. :angry: But I feel better about it reflecting my true weight and coming clean about it with everyone here. I'm glad you told the truth about yourself. The ticker is just a minor reflection of yourself. You will decide what makes you feel most comfortable with yourself. Hugs :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,131 Member
    Thursday truth - while I am eating well, logging, drinking my water, and ramping up the intensity of my activity I see the scale grinding to a halt. Another week of fright which I know you've all heard before!! Add a couple doses of other types of stress, and something that has my digestion on the fritz and all in all, this isn't as good a week as I'd hoped for.

    I have a day trip tomorrow. Wishing everyone well. I'll catch up with you when I can. :drinker: :drinker:


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    ThinkThin -

    Sarabeth -

    PurplePenguin -

    I hope you all are settling into MFP and getting used to logging your foods. That is probably the first and most important thing to do and then start reining in those calories - boy that sure seems difficult at first! Don't get discouraged and give up! Just keep coming back EVERY DAY and logging on and doing your "paperwork" and the physical work will follow!

    Hugs, Robin
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Today is day 2 of circuit training so far ok plus doing 25 minutes on treadmill. Feeling ok. Tired but I think its just how early I am getting up to make it happen and get to work on time. But overall ok.

    @Lin safe trip
    @Kaye -- Congrats on.loss.
    @sarabeth - congrats on the Dean's list
    @Nicole Happy Birthday!

    Thursday truth : going through a real forgetful phase. Hats it my memory is a strong character of mind but not right now. Very scattered I don't like it .I feel stupid out and out of control.

    Food been going great workouts beginning to come together. Weigh in is Monday.

    Wishing everyone well take care.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    @liz--great job with the workouts! :drinker:

    @lin--have a great trip--I hope it's a stress relieving trip!

    @rachael--love the new profile pic--you and your sister are both gorgeous!!

    @laurie--great breakthrough at the gym--I know you've been struggling with those lunges for a long time, so I'm glad you found a method that will help you master them! Also, the sit-ups you mentioned sound kind of like Roman sit-ups. My college gym had a Roman sit-up bench designed specifically for those. I used to love doing them, but my current gym doesn't have the same bench--good to hear a way to improvise.

    @jumpy--great job sticking with Insanity--I've heard it's, well, insane! :laugh: Also, love the meme--I've seen it before on FB and it cracks me up every time!

    @helen--First, you are not a failure! Second, I know how you feel--I never move my ticker back up for the little gains, not sure if I could do it for a bigger gain. I guess you have to decide which is worse--moving your ticker down now, or waiting until you lose over 20 lbs to move it back up. If you need the reinforcement of logging the losses, then I say move it to your current weight. However, if it's more motivating for you to look at the ticker and say "I was there not so long ago; I'll get there again" then leave it. As you said in your post, it's all about what YOU NEED to make it work for you! :flowerforyou:

    @kris--All cooking, but like any chore, it's definitely worse when it takes longer. Anything I do cook usually has limited ingredients and takes about 15 minutes--I think that's why I love the quinoa salad and the fish I make for lunch--both are quick and easy. Great idea to invite your new work friend to walk with you!

    @barquilt--we had a thread member who had pins in her ankle and was awaiting multiple surgeries to repair it--she would burn mad calories doing those chair aerobics. She lost a lot of weight even though she needed crutches to walk.

    @buterfly--Welcome back!!

    @kvandeest--I could NEVER keep peanut m&m's in the house! They are the devil! :devil: When I first started here, I would save a few hundred calories for an evening snack of peanut butter mixed with Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa powder--it's delicious and a lot better for you than the candy. It also takes a bit of effort to get it mixed smoothly, so it's a snack that takes some time to eat.

    More Thursday Truth:
    Well, I made better food choices today, but I'm going to be a few hundred over (though still under maintenance). I had to do some planning with a colleague, so we went to a pub after school. I didn't eat terribly there--had the grilled chicken and roasted veg panini and sweet potato tots--and only ate half the sandwich. Had a couple of drinks too, thinking I would come home and run on my treadmill again to make up for it. However, my stomach started bothering me a bit, so I'm going to keep the overage and make up for it this weekend.

    I got through one class of essays (the smaller class), so I have 27 left. I have 3 and a half hours of grading time tomorrow. I will need about half of that to prep for next week, so will try to get through 6-8 more tomorrow and finish the rest over the 3-day weekend.

    Grading goals:
    1. 21/48 AP essays
    2. 22/22 Advanced Grammar Final Exam essays DONE
    3. enter participation for juniors DONE
    4. finish posting all grades DONE with all accept one AP class
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    You guys have done it again - GREAT posting!! I just can't keep up. I miss a day and there's so much activity - keep it going!!! The support is so important and all of the posts help each one of us. We're not alone in this journey!!!

    Wednesday Wish: With what I said above, I know we're only a few weeks into this New Year, but my wish is we keep the momentum going. I know there's going to be plenty of ups and downs for each of us. Some of us will endure more than others, but I try to look at every up and down as a learning experience. We WILL be stronger this year!

    Thursday Truth: Life is good. I was at the gym Monday thru Thursday and plan to go tomorrow. I've been doing the hill mode and really pushing the incline up to 8% and completing almost 4 miles each day. I've gone a little hard core with my eating. After gaining 13 lbs late last year, I knew it was time to get those off and get this year going. So far so good. We CAN do this!!!!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    The 30 Day Power Purge is taking a lot of my time because I haven't done anything like this since 2009. Our home is small so we have to stay organized, but it is still amazing how many things I have found that reorganizing and purging the accumulated "stuff" has improved. I am hoping that this reorganizing will help me improve the way I feel about my home. So far I am liking my kitchen more :happy: I am burning a few calories and found a few muscles I forgot I had too.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member

    thursday truth- i forgot what i was going to say....story of my life after meningitis!!

    oh holy cow! you had meningitis? i live in fear of meningitis. it's so awful.

    yup, it was not pretty but i survived. Was not as bad for me as i was totally unaware of how sick i was while in hospital in 2010. Very scary for my family tho. Took me nearly a year to 'get over' it....still have a few residual effects but learning to live with them
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Thursday Truth- My ticker is wrong. I put on twenty pounds during my haitus, and I can't bring myself to change the starting weight. Facing failure is so hard!
    Another truth- I've learned from the last few months that I must put my NEEDS ahead of PLEASING anyone else. I NEED to not have sweets and fattening foods in the house. I NEED to be judicious in the carbs I choose to eat. I NEED to make time to exercise, and to rest when I hurt (at least long enough to figure out whether I pulled something or not). I knew many of these things in my head, but not in my heart. Right now (for the time being at least), it is in my heart!

    it is so hard to put our needs ahead of others when that is what we are used to doing