Weight Gain - What am I doing wrong?

I have logged in for fifteen days and tracked my calories. I have only been under my 1200 goal once by like 20 some calories and have only exceed my allowed plus earned calories once by an equally small amount. I have been exercising, lifting weights and cardio. I have seen no loss in weight or inches and have been experiencing small gains. I am frustrated and don't know what I am doing wrong. I feel like I am beating my head against a wall.

Any suggestions?


  • jenneal89
    jenneal89 Posts: 243
    The weight loss will come. If its a radical change your body might be hanging onto all of the calories that you eat instead of letting sone of them go. To keep this from happening, eat small portions throughout the day (no more than 2hrs without having some form of snack. Even a handful of nuts is enough) drink lots of water as well. It also depends on what you eat. If you are eating things like burgers, fries, and cookies you won't lose as much weight even if you're only eating 1200 calories per day so eat the right kinds of food :) You are probably at the top of the hump and will start losing soon!
  • Clairesmom2
    Thanks. I will try to smaller more frequent meals. That's a change I could handle.
  • WhatAgirl_
    WhatAgirl_ Posts: 151 Member
    Hey there ! Been there and passed that! Everyone on a wright lost journey has or will experience that so don't worry it is very normal. Your body is freaking out trying to hold on to every bit of fat. 1200 cals is low and you do not have to do crazy cardio every day with strength training.... You are making your body fed up and not let go of the fat. I suggest u just do cardio three times a week only... You can also give your self a one week break. Don't exercise at all just eat 1200 of CLEAN natures own food and you WILL see your body dropping those pounds
  • bgraham216
    I agree, your body is at steady state. it's time to shake it up. make a change. it's use to what you've been doing. time to change it. freak it out. only cardio this week, only 3 days. or only lift weights. and eat your calories, or good clean healthy foods. hope this helps. looking forward to seeing that next loss for you.:smile:
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    three things that come to mind:

    1) double check your portion estimates for a couple of weeks. Actually measure out or weigh your portions to make sure you aren't underestimating them. It is a common problem.

    2) make sure you are logging the "hidden" things. Like when you go to a restaurant and order grilled chicken, you probably need to add a little butter or oil with that.

    3) how is your sodium intake. Water retention will trick your scale.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    it's been 15 days. Did it take you 15 days to put on the weight you want to lose? exactly. so take a chill pill and stick with the program.
  • slynnalex
    slynnalex Posts: 38 Member
    I'm experiencing the same thing - lost a little and now am actually gaining weight in spite of the fact that I'm exercising AND staying w/in my calorie limits. This is very discouraging. Thanks to all who posted w/ suggestions - will try these things. One question...when I exercise a lot and conservatively log that time, should I avoid adding those calories to my daily intake. The system says, "You've earned XXX calories..." I've been trying leave 500 of these calories unused. Suggestions are welcome.
  • purplepenguins7
    purplepenguins7 Posts: 12 Member
    Same for me too. I'm pretty frustrated today. I've only been weighing myself about every 2 weeks, and I was losing 1-2 lbs/week for about a month and a half. I weighed in today and I gained 4 lbs back. I don't think I did anything different in terms of eating/exercise. I think I actually ate a lot LESS last week. I was out of town at a conference. I did work out in the hotel gym, but I didn't eat much food besides the salad and some grilled chicken. The food they provided us was sweets, sweets and more sweets! Cookies, brownies, lemonade and sweet tea at every break. I just wanted some water!!
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    I wouldn't suggest a 1200 caloried diet to anyone unless it is medically prescribed. Plus you could be over estimating your calories burned during exercise.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The weight loss will come. If its a radical change your body might be hanging onto all of the calories that you eat instead of letting sone of them go. To keep this from happening, eat small portions throughout the day (no more than 2hrs without having some form of snack. Even a handful of nuts is enough) drink lots of water as well. It also depends on what you eat. If you are eating things like burgers, fries, and cookies you won't lose as much weight even if you're only eating 1200 calories per day so eat the right kinds of food :) You are probably at the top of the hump and will start losing soon!

    With all due respect, the bolded section is just unscientific silliness. In the absence of a metabolic disorder ,if you're eating at a caloric deficit you will lose weight (and you can lose weight eating junk food - google the Twinkies diet)

    I'm going to hazard a guess that you're either underestimating your caloric intake (nutritional values on many products may be out by as much as 20%) or over estimating your exercise calories or a combination thereof.
  • Clairesmom2
    Thank you for the suggestions. I am going to try six small meals a day and vary my exercise.

    And yes I do measure/weigh my food. I do cook with fresh products. No cans, boxes, frozen items. The reason I am so frustrated is I was using a pay diet website before this and when I found this one for free ... well no brainer. This not new to me. I have been on this plateau for a couple of months now. I am grateful for being able to reach out to others to try to get some help. And the reason my calories are 1200 is I am only 4' 10".
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Please understand that the 1200 calorie goal set by MFP is your net calories, not your gross caloric intake you should eat per day. Total consumed calories minus exercise calories is your net.