Shirt or no Shirt?



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    My SO wouldn't care either way, but I always throw a light tank or mesh top on because well it's a bra not a shirt. But I see women on the local running trail wearing just their sports bras, no one cares. However, my 14 year old ma'am put a tank on.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Now imagine the kind of attention you'd garner if you wore sexy lingerie and nothing else. It'd certainly be more than you're getting now. The logic you're using is pretty flawed at best.
    Yes, you're right: Sports bra = Sexy lingerie.

    I'm so sorry that *I* am using faulty logic. :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Putting words in other people's mouths is the first sign of desperation :^)

    Your logic: I can wear whatever I want, I will get some attention either way
    My logic: Yes but you can reduce the amount of attention you get taking preventative measures

    Your logic is akin to smoking cigarettes because "I'm going to die either way".

    :laugh: @ Preventative measures.... what like a vaccine?

    we all know women have to take preventative measures to protect themselves from men.

    that's the way our world works now.

    I really wish we could start identifying criminals as criminals rather than just "men."
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Maybe try a shirt that has more wicking capabilities to keep you cool? I've found it's not the clothes but how they hold onto the sweat and moisture that makes the heat unbearable.

    This. A wicking shirt works wonders in keeping one cooler. If you haven't tried it, perhaps try a wicking tank top?

    I would speak with my husband about what his concerns are and take them into consideration. Although I do what is comfortable to me, his wishes and comfort are also important. He lives in the neighbourhood, too.
    That said, I wouldn't feel comfortable in my neighbourhood in only a sports bra.
  • Johnplusfour
    Johnplusfour Posts: 105
    O.P. :
    Wear whatever you want!!. Do you really want him to tell you what you're "allowed" to wear. It's a freakin sports bra. If you go to any run path, park, or track then what do you see people running in? yeah it is appropriate running attire. What you have here in many of these replies is jealousy. I've been married for 17 years and I respect my wife enough that I don't place retarded restrictions on what she is allowed to wear. That's her decision and I will be supportive of it. Even if she wants to show off a little; I'm proud of her beauty and enjoy for her to feel good about herself.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    O.P. :
    Wear whatever you want!!. Do you really want him to tell you what you're "allowed" to wear. It's a freakin sports bra. If you go to any run path, park, or track then what do you see people running in? yeah it is appropriate running attire. What you have here in many of these replies is jealousy. I've been married for 17 years and I respect my wife enough that I don't place retarded restrictions on what she is allowed to wear. That's her decision and I will be supportive of it. Even if she wants to show off a little; I'm proud of her beauty and enjoy for her to feel good about herself.

    I'm curious how you read jealousy into taking your spouses opinion into account. Because it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it shouldn't bother anyone? Perhaps you could reflect on a time you asked your wife to do something for you or she asked you to do something for her and because you hold each other in high regard, you did it despite the fact that you really weren't into it. From my perspective it's not about the running attire as I find it pretty normal, it's about respecting each other.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    That thread is so funny.

    I went out running in a sport bra last night (I even documented it with a new profile picture!)

    No angry housewives called the neighborhood dresscode police after me.
    No drivers killed pedestrians because they weren't looking where they were going.
    I didn't get any catcalls, or weird looks.
    I didn't traumatize any 8yrs old boys.
    No sketchy van slowed down beside me.
    And my SO didn't object to the idea.

    Well you were just plain lucky! :laugh:
  • Johnplusfour
    Johnplusfour Posts: 105
    If your husband/partner didn't want you to run in just a sports bra, would you put a shirt on?


    I would respect his wishes and put a shirt on too.

    Whether it's appropriate for your neighborhood though depends largely on where you live. My neighborhood would not have any problem with it as a whole, but in the one I grew up in (think Bible Belt), it would be scandalous.

    Enjoy living the life that everyone else thinks you should live.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Now imagine the kind of attention you'd garner if you wore sexy lingerie and nothing else. It'd certainly be more than you're getting now. The logic you're using is pretty flawed at best.
    Yes, you're right: Sports bra = Sexy lingerie.

    I'm so sorry that *I* am using faulty logic. :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Putting words in other people's mouths is the first sign of desperation :^)

    Your logic: I can wear whatever I want, I will get some attention either way
    My logic: Yes but you can reduce the amount of attention you get taking preventative measures

    Your logic is akin to smoking cigarettes because "I'm going to die either way".

    :laugh: @ Preventative measures.... what like a vaccine?

    we all know women have to take preventative measures to protect themselves from men.

    that's the way our world works now.

    I really wish we could start identifying criminals as criminals rather than just "men."

    I considered going a different route- but since I was going through the most ridiculous over the top statement - I went with the standard men. because we all know- its' only men women have to protect themselves against.
  • Johnplusfour
    Johnplusfour Posts: 105

    I'm curious how you read jealousy into taking your spouses opinion into account. Because it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it shouldn't bother anyone? Perhaps you could reflect on a time you asked your wife to do something for you or she asked you to do something for her and because you hold each other in high regard, you did it despite the fact that you really weren't into it. From my perspective it's not about the running attire as I find it pretty normal, it's about respecting each other.

    Soooo.. You think that your spouse should tell you what you can and cannot wear?

    Of course I do things for her even if I don't want to or feel like it. This isn't about simple tasks, it's about allowing your SO to wear what they want to wear.

    That respect is a 2 way street. He should respect her needs too. Her needs pertain to comfort; his are about his own insecurities. He's being a douche'
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    A sports bra is about the most 'unsexy top' a gal can wear... nothing moves (if its a real one and not just a fitted crop tank), covers everything and more. What's the problem unless your guy is a 'waist man', 'upper abs aficionado' and thinks every other guy is too.:huh:
    Puhleeeze, just run, but don't get burnt in the sun.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I really wish we could start identifying criminals as criminals rather than just "men."

    I considered going a different route- but since I was going through the most ridiculous over the top statement - I went with the standard men. because we all know- its' only men women have to protect themselves against.
    From everything I keep reading, all men are predators and will attack any lone woman they happen upon. It's carnage out there!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I really wish we could start identifying criminals as criminals rather than just "men."

    I considered going a different route- but since I was going through the most ridiculous over the top statement - I went with the standard men. because we all know- its' only men women have to protect themselves against.
    From everything I keep reading, all men are predators and will attack any lone woman they happen upon. It's carnage out there!

    yeah- even as an assault victim (2x)- sometimes I just have to roll my eyes at the excess. BUT- I really hate when people think it's my job to cover up to protect myself. It's not my job to protect me from you (generic 'you') I am smart and don't go out of my way to really put myself in dangerous situations- but I also don't think I should feel like I'm in danger going for a run because I'm wearing atheletic clothes- not my job to dress in a bukra for running.

    There has to be some middle ground of common sense and not having to dress for protection.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member

    I'm curious how you read jealousy into taking your spouses opinion into account. Because it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it shouldn't bother anyone? Perhaps you could reflect on a time you asked your wife to do something for you or she asked you to do something for her and because you hold each other in high regard, you did it despite the fact that you really weren't into it. From my perspective it's not about the running attire as I find it pretty normal, it's about respecting each other.

    Soooo.. You think that your spouse should tell you what you can and cannot wear?

    Of course I do things for her even if I don't want to or feel like it. This isn't about simple tasks, it's about allowing your SO to wear what they want to wear.

    That respect is a 2 way street. He should respect her needs too. Her needs pertain to comfort; his are about his own insecurities. He's being a douche'

    I disagree. My spouse doesn't 'tell' me anything but if he has an issue I certainly take his opinion into account. Has your wife never suggested something you should or shouldn't wear? I see women do that fairly regularly.
  • mayfrayy
    mayfrayy Posts: 198 Member
  • purplepenguins7
    purplepenguins7 Posts: 12 Member
    Wear the sports bra! You're exercising, so wear what is comfortable and appropriate for the task. A sports bra isn't meant to be sexy- its fitness appropriate attire.

    If a man can run shirtless, a woman can run in a sports bra! Also, its a red flag if your husband is super controlling about what you wear. I'm married, and my husband hasn't ever asked me not to wear something. He'll say if something is wrinkled, has cat fur on it, whatever, but he won't say "don't wear something too revealing".
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Women shouldn't have to be afraid of how they dress in fear of being attacked. Pretty sure if there's a creepo willing to attack it's going to happen regardless. These types of monsters are looking more for an opportunity to assault than anything, a dark path with no lighting for example.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I think that a light top (mositure wicking) would be appropreiate.

    How would you feel about him wearing something in public that you do not approve of and he went onto a website to get opinions about it?

    I bet her husband has taken his shirt off outside mowing the lawn or doing home repairs...or whatever.... Its not ok for her? Silly.

    If you were at the beach whats the diff if you wore a bikini? Is that appropriate. I dont mean to be rude but I honestly think its your body wear what you want.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I really wish we could start identifying criminals as criminals rather than just "men."

    I considered going a different route- but since I was going through the most ridiculous over the top statement - I went with the standard men. because we all know- its' only men women have to protect themselves against.
    From everything I keep reading, all men are predators and will attack any lone woman they happen upon. It's carnage out there!

    yeah- even as an assault victim (2x)- sometimes I just have to roll my eyes at the excess. BUT- I really hate when people think it's my job to cover up to protect myself. It's not my job to protect me from you (generic 'you') I am smart and don't go out of my way to really put myself in dangerous situations- but I also don't think I should feel like I'm in danger going for a run because I'm wearing atheletic clothes- not my job to dress in a bukra for running.

    There has to be some middle ground of common sense and not having to dress for protection.
    Absolutely. Someone up thread said something similar. I don't go on hiking trails alone because they are prime spots for true predators. It's unlikely I'll be attacked, but it's more likely to happen there than on the sidewalk next to a busy road full of passing cars.

    I'm not worried about the guy yelling out the car window as he drives by. I'm worried about the serial rapist looking for a good opportunity to make a woman his victim. And he's going to do that regardless of whether you're in a sports bra or a burqa.
  • jec285
    jec285 Posts: 145 Member
    I think that a light top (mositure wicking) would be appropreiate.

    How would you feel about him wearing something in public that you do not approve of and he went onto a website to get opinions about it?

    I bet her husband has taken his shirt off outside mowing the lawn or doing home repairs...or whatever.... Its not ok for her? Silly.

    If you were at the beach whats the diff if you wore a bikini? Is that appropriate. I dont mean to be rude but I honestly think its your body wear what you want.

    If he has done that then yes it's silly for him to tell her not to wear the sports bra, about as silly as it is for you to assume he has done that. I know I certainly haven't, nor would I.

    If you were at the beach then it would be appropriate attire, and the chances of being assaulted or harassed are near nil seeing as how there are hundreds of witnesses around.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think that a light top (mositure wicking) would be appropreiate.

    How would you feel about him wearing something in public that you do not approve of and he went onto a website to get opinions about it?

    I bet her husband has taken his shirt off outside mowing the lawn or doing home repairs...or whatever.... Its not ok for her? Silly.

    If you were at the beach whats the diff if you wore a bikini? Is that appropriate. I dont mean to be rude but I honestly think its your body wear what you want.

    If he has done that then yes it's silly for him to tell her not to wear the sports bra, about as silly as it is for you to assume he has done that. I know I certainly haven't, nor would I.

    If you were at the beach then it would be appropriate attire, and the chances of being assaulted or harassed are near nil seeing as how there are hundreds of witnesses around.
    And, again, someone doesn't get assaulted based on attire. It's opportunity.

    Some man who isn't inclined to assault isn't going to suddenly assault a woman because she's in a sports bra. Just stop.