

  • I have been struggling and I am starting Slimquick. Just curious, has anyone had success with Slimquick?
  • Hi, I have had a lot of luck with the South Beach diet. I lost almost 30 lbs since Jan on it. You are not hungry and the cravings aren't too bad. It is like Atkins but healthier and, after the first two weeks, you can add fruit and some whole grain carbs back into your diet. I would recommend buying the book, it is worth…
  • Well, since you are limited on the types of exercise that you can do, you are pretty much left with diet changes. Cutting calories is not enough and it is more the types of foods you eat, then the calories you eat, otherwise, you could eat one Big Mac a day and nothing els, lol. The South Beach diet worked very well for…
  • Food addiction is no joke. At the first sign of stress, I find myself running for the chocolate or "comfort food." I tell myself "I deserve it, I work hard" or "I need it," to get through the day. The worse is the afternoon chocolate bar craving between 12 noon and 3pm. If I can fight off the urge to eat badly, during that…
  • 1. I did not know that Zumba could be so much fun, even if you can't dance and look funny. 2. I did not know that I could grow to like coffee with only skim milk and no sugar. 3. I did not know that finding excuses to exercise is more fun and satisfying that finding excuses not to exercise. 4. I did not know that I could…
  • Cut out the carbs, for two weeks, also, as much as it hurts, cut the fruit for two weeks. If you only lean meat, veggies and beans for two weeks and no sugar (which hides in ketchup and sauces) then you will lose 5 to 8 lbs in two weeks. Then, after two weeks add in a small amount of fruit and a few WHOLE GRAIN NO FRUCTOSE…
  • I hard boil up 6 eggs and put them in the fridge. I take two hardboiled eggs and a cheese stick to work for my quick breakfast. It keeps me full and, since it isn't full of carbs, I don't have cravings for sugar or carbs. Having hardboiled eggs on hand is quick and easy.
  • That amount of water should be okay, however, if you are drinking that much, due to thirst, and you are not working out to the point of sweating buckets, then you should seriously be checked for diabetes as that is one of the major signs of the disease!!!!!!!!!
  • Try eating apples, when you are tired, they are a natural energy supply. Also, if you are not taking a multi-vitamin, you should start taking one a day. Also, you may not be drinking enough water. If you are working out, you need more water than you think. Your body is not used to exercising so it is probably sore and…
  • Eat lunch at your desk and walk on all your breaks (morning, lunch, afternoon) that will give you an hour of walking and you will have walked two miles. If you get home too late to do a hard work out, then go for a walk. Anything you do is better than nothing, which is why I don't feel too bad if I don't work out, because…
  • I try not to eat all of my exercise calories. Exercise calories are like bonus points, use them if you need them but if you don't, it can only help you. A lot of times, it is my exercise calories that save me from going over my calorie limit.
    in grrrr Comment by withtree June 2010
  • Wow, you really have lost a lot of weight! You are an inspiration to me too :-)
  • It is okay for your doctor to want you to be healthy but pushing the issue, after you have recently lost 11 lbs was too much. Yes, he is a doctor but you are paying for his services and, if he is not providing the service you are paying for, then take your business elsewhere and get a new doctor. Maybe, after he loses…