Been Battling!!!!

It occured to me about a month ago that I had developed an addiction to food. No matter what I was doing, food was on my mind. I would hide yummy's from my husband and kids so that I could eat them once everyone went to bed. The feeling that I compare it to, when your a smoker and your every moment is based on when and how your gonna have your next smoke. (I quit smoking about 2 1/2 years ago). Even while I was eating I would be planning what to eat next. 4 days ago I decided enough is enough. I fasted for 1 day and have greatly limited my times to eat & what I eat! I have done GREAT job controling myself since. Anytime that I start to get the urge to eat, I jump on my elliptical. Luckily I caught myself before to much damage was done! I went on vacation in March and I had gotten down to 130 lbs. I am getting back on the wagon now at 145 lbs. Good luck to me and for those of you suffering from the same problem! Maybe this will help you, so far it's helping me.


  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Me too always felt I was battling with food!!! Now I don't even have to use willpower. Try shakeology. My friends are tired of me yakking about shakeology but they don't realize how nice it is to be freed from being always concerned about the next meal or what craving attack I would have next!!! My friend recently told me " Renee, but I love bread and don't want to live without it'!!

    That use to be me!!! I thought I'd die without bread. But its so much nicer not wanting bread and when you do eat it, its not a big deal!!!
    Cravings are like being in jail. Having someone else control your life. Who wants to stay in jail?!!! I'm the jailer now, I have the key over my cravings.

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    You can do it. This is a great site and will offer alot of motivation. Just be sure to stick with it and use the food and exercise diary. It really helps to make you aware of what you are eating.
  • withtree
    withtree Posts: 14
    Food addiction is no joke. At the first sign of stress, I find myself running for the chocolate or "comfort food." I tell myself "I deserve it, I work hard" or "I need it," to get through the day. The worse is the afternoon chocolate bar craving between 12 noon and 3pm. If I can fight off the urge to eat badly, during that time period, I am usually okay the rest of the day. I also kept goodies hidden. I would bend down, as if looking for something in the fridge, and secretly stuff a chocolate into my mouth, while hiding behind the fridge door. Because I have children, I keep goodies in the house. I don't really have to hide to eat them but I feel so guilty, since everyone in the house knows that I am trying to lose weight, that I do conceal my bad eating habits.