quick bfast food ideas? pllzzz

emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Hey everyone,

Ok so i am in need of some breakfast food ideas that i can either prep over night and heat up at work or make at work in the am.

I have tried oatmeal in so many ways and i don't even want to look at it anymore, so no oatmeal ideas please, thanks!!

I was thinking of making whole wheat English muffin and egg whites at night and heating up at work but idk how'd it taste :ohwell:

Thanks in advance everyone & have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:


  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    You can cook egg whites in the microwave (usually takes 3 mins). I usually do a wasa multi-grain crisp bread with a laughing cow cheese wedge, and 1 serving of egg whites (and I stay full for at least 3 hours)
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    You can cook egg whites in the microwave (usually takes 3 mins). I usually do a wasa multi-grain crisp bread with a laughing cow cheese wedge, and 1 serving of egg whites (and I stay full for at least 3 hours)

    Oh good idea!! i love wasa!! I will try some tomorrow!
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I think the egg whites and muffin should work. They sell that kind of thing frozen, so it must be possible.

    For what it is worth, I have settled on what is (for me) a perfect, quick breakfast. I find that starches in the morning leave me hungry by mid-day. So I have a full cup of low-fat cottage cheese and either a banana or two pieces of other (less caloric) fruit every morning. The extra protein in the cottage cheese leaves me satisfied until lunch.
  • I am by NO MEANS a breakfast person, I am a total morning person, I just can't stand the thought of breakfast. I don't know if you drink coffee, but here's what I have.... black coffee with two stevia (all natural plant derived sweetner), two quaker chocolate rice cakes and Stoneyfield Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt (the caramel one). There is no prep time required, and the rice cakes in combo with the yogurt are REALLY filling. I will also say that I can't stand yogurt or rice cakes, but this combination really is yummy!

    Good Luck! I can't wait to see all the tastey recipes folks post...
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    Peanut butter or almond butter on toast or even slathered on a banana. Quick, delicious, and it really sticks with you!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    For a little while I was doing turkey sausage (local brand with little additives) and an apple with some peanut butter. Right now strawberries and blueberries have been awesome so you could do the turkey sausage on your muffin with some berries. Greek yogurt is easy to grab in the morning too.

    I'm a big fan of protein in the morning and I'm in your boat to some extent. Sick of the options I've had, so I totally understand you're frustration with oatmeal.
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    How about some home made muffins/cookies/granola bars ? Or maybe a breakfast cake (http://www.bodyrock.tv/2009/11/13/bodyrock-tv-breakfast-cake/).

    I like to cook eggs and have mashed eggs with a touch of mayo ready in the fridge for a quick snack. Works well on a tortilla when you're heading out.

    Beside, any fruits + yogurt make a great breakfast !
  • cskalaj
    cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
    Walmart sells this little thing for $3 that i've learned to love that cooks an egg in the microwave in one minute. I put a little cheese in with mine and after it's cooked, I put the egg/cheese thing on a Bagel Thin or one of those Better Start Thomas's english muffins and it's perfect for me! (I also do this at work...otherwise I come in late if I try to cook at home!)
  • oonafey
    oonafey Posts: 42 Member
    Quinoa flakes are are super easy, like oatmeal, but they have a different taste. I use organic 1% milk and I like to add a few pecan halves, a tsp. of raw honey, and a half cup of blueberries or strawberries. Yum!
  • I'm a smoothie Queen!!! Often we do not have time to pack breakfast/lunch or leave the office. This is why I bought my husband and I small personal blenders (Fit & Fresh™ Smooth Blend Mixer @ GNC) that is in the office at all times. Blend for 20 secs and in less than 5 minutes Breakfast/Lunch is served. Talk about convenience!!!
    Try is with plain of vanilla almond milk, frozen berries (no ice) half a banana and fresh papaya. Yum. The possiblities are limitless!!!!
    Bowl of mixed berries or fruit.
  • Montrose11
    Montrose11 Posts: 39 Member
    Posted an oatmeal idea before I realized it was a No Oatmeal post. Sorry!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    (perfect for right now, but maybe not so great in the winter)

    a nice egg with a big fat slice of tomato, topped with ricotta cheese and fresh chopped basil.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Ok so i am in need of some breakfast food ideas that i can either prep over night and heat up at work or make at work in the am.

    I have tried oatmeal in so many ways and i don't even want to look at it anymore, so no oatmeal ideas please, thanks!!

    I was thinking of making whole wheat English muffin and egg whites at night and heating up at work but idk how'd it taste :ohwell:

    Thanks in advance everyone & have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:

    u can make an omlette in the mornin. the nite before u can cut up all the stuff that u'll use in 1 omlette. like an beaten egg, ham or whatever else that u'd use. put it in a ziploc bag. then in the mornin just throw it in the microwave. no fuss no muss. :smile:

    u don't hafta beat the egg b4 puttin it in the bag. just crack it & toss in the bag & shake it up when u have all ur ingredients in there :tongue:
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I'm a creature of habit. Either granola and low fat greek yogurt. or some scrambled/boiled eggs with toast.

    But am gonna keep an eye on these ideas as I also take mine and eat at work.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I make a delicious breakfast wrap for 220 calories...

    1 Flat Out wrap w/ healthy grain and flax = 100 calories
    2 egg white omelette (I do them in the pan but you can do them in the micro) = 34 calories
    1 slice Kraft fat free Swiss = 25 calories
    1 Jimmy Dean turkey sausage = 60 calories

    Total = 219 calories, very satisfying and lots of protein!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Cream of wheat, cream of rice, instant grits. Just add water.
  • withtree
    withtree Posts: 14
    I hard boil up 6 eggs and put them in the fridge. I take two hardboiled eggs and a cheese stick to work for my quick breakfast. It keeps me full and, since it isn't full of carbs, I don't have cravings for sugar or carbs. Having hardboiled eggs on hand is quick and easy.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Does it have to be breakfasty?

    I grab a yogurt and fruit if I'm having breakfast, but lunch box sandwiches (you know, the ones with low moisture ingredients) are easy night time fixes that taste fine the next day and travel well. Pita with salad and a little ...cheese or hardboiled egg or 2 oz lunch meat?

    I've been known, however, to eat a cold, plain leftover baked potato in the car on my way to work when "something" for breakfast was mandatory (like on blood drive days.)
  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    I've really gotten into making smoothies lately. Really easy to get a quick well balanced breakfast that way and you can really experiment. We have the magic bullet blender so i like to put all of my dry ingredients in the night before then in the morning i add in my milk and blend. My favorite is a banana, 2 tablespoons of Peanut butter, and a cup of skim milk. Comes out to somewhere between 300-400 calories depending on the size of the banana and amount of peanut butter you add in. i like more of a peanut butter taste so i tend to be generous with the peanut butter and thus bumping up the calories. I also found adding a scoop of vanilla or chocolate flavored protein powder tastes prety good too. bumps it into the 400-500 range but is extremely protein rich, very filling, and doesnt completely ruin my day like some other breakfasts can.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I like french toast, one slice, we make our own bread, we use good quality ingredients. I let the bread get a bit dry and then I use one organic free range egg, with a little soy milk, I soak and I mean SOAK the bread until it sucks up all of the egg, I fry it in a Teflon pan, and then just a bit of butter and some ketchup. You can make these ahead of time and freeze them, then just zap them in the nuker.

    I have figured the my french toast with some butter and some ketchup comes in under 250 calories a slice. That might seem like a lot to some, but I really really enjoy it and if fills me up until lunch no problem.

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