Done with a bit extra!!!!! :D :D :D :D
Started Day 1 today. Didn't find it to bad but I do expect it to get harder as the levels go on. Looking forward to seeing results. :)
Oh getting there slowly!!!!
Powerspin is really good, you have to keep the ball moving around. Google it!!! ????
I'm 5 10" and I currently weigh 150lbs I want to get down to 138/139 :) It all depends on the individual and their build!!!! :)
Hi I have had my gallbladder removed. The op took me a bit to get over. No idea what caused the gallstones (I wasn't over weight and eat healthy) but I was in agony and lost a lot of weight due to being unable to eat. Since having it removed I can no longer eat any fats. No crisps, bacon, anything fried, burgers or…
Hi I also have 3 kids, my youngest is 4 months. I'll be 29 next month. I have already lost 36LBS and am back into my prepregnancy clothes with the help of this site. I have found it great for tracking what I've eaten. I'm not that big into excercise, and I'm sure like me you find running around after 3 kids more than…
I am currently 165LBs and I'm 5ft10". I am set to eat 1200 calories a day I need to get back to my prepregnancy weight of 147.
Been on this diet a week now and I have to say I'm finding it very easy. I love the fact that I don't have to think about a low fat dish to have for breakfast or lunch. I've lost 3.5LBS this week. I'll do it for the second week now and then take a break from it and introduce other low fat alternatives for lunch time.
Keep it to yourself if you don't want it to be the topic of conversation. I just had my 3rd baby 9weeks ago but didnt tell anyone I was pregnant till I was 28 weeks pregnant because you wouldn't have noticed. So at 10 weeks you shouldn't have any sign of a bump yet.x
Wow you deserve your easy day. My exercise currently consists of running around after my three boys, I have a 7 and a 2 year old and a 5 week old so I'm kept busy. I am hoping to get into a regular exercise routine soon.
Wow you look amazing, well done you.