crazywifewczx Member


  • They always put so many extra things into these weight loss products that we can't even pronounce them and alot of the time the extra ingredients don't have to be listed or aren't regulated and years down the road they find the problems with them. Your best bet is to stay as natural as you possibly can and just eat the…
  • I totaly agree with this. I do Zumba as well and we put our heart and sole into it here and well when you dance that hard you tend to stress your muscles a little and they need to repair themselfs and the bast way to help them to do that is with protein. Which happens to be so readly available in nuts. I love the plantars…
  • Great Advice this is exactly what my trainers are telling me too.
  • My cheat days are usually not planned just like life it happens. But if i eat healthy for most of the day and i do have a cheat meal i don't feel so bad about it because i have choosen wisely for the rest of my meals. Also if i do tend to cheat like on whopper wednesdays or on the weekend with my husband i make sure that…
  • recently i have hit a plateau too so i have introduced lemon juice into my diet to see if it's gonna help. I start with the juice of one medium lemon in warm water first thing in the morning befor anything else. This is supposed to help get your digestion going and help your body break things down faster. It also get other…
  • i just changed it from 2lbs down to 1lbs a week and i also changed my activity level to seditary and my workouts to 3/wk instead of 4 and it upped my cals by nearly 450 a day. wow
  • Thanks for the tip i will do the same and see if i can break mine :):laugh:
  • usually when i make egg salad because of the fillers i put in it such as onion and peppers and olives i usually say about 1-1/2 egg per sandwich. thats how i have logged it in my recipes. :happy:
  • I have found that all scale no matter which on i use can very by as much as 5 pounds depending on how you stand on them. If you put most of your weight in your toes you get a heavier reading and if you put most of your weight on your heals you get a lighter reading and on a manual scale if you stand with your feet far…
  • I currently weight 241lbs and i would like to be down another 5 lbs by April 1. I started this journey back in Nov 2011 so i have taken my current 23lb lose and devided it by 4 and have found i am averaging about 5 lbs a month so my goal is to just keep it up. I want to go spring and summer clothes shopping by mid april so…
  • I started MFP back in Nov 2011 at that time i weight in at around 270ish. I started working out 3 times a week about 60mins each with a great class called Y not shrink it and thats when the weight started to come off. working out with a group is not only fun you have some one else tracking you and you need to answer to the…
  • How long did this take you and please did you need to have surgery to get ride of extra skin?
  • Feel free to add me :) i will offer advice where ever i can.
  • those are all so true and very important points.
  • First off let me say good for you for cutting out the unhealthy foods. But i would say don't cut it all out right out of the gate because you could be setting yourself up for a down ward slide. Try taking everything in moderation. You can still have that coffee but try just one a day instead of multiple. Try flavoured…
  • Hi there. Just checking in for today. Yesterday was a good day i was under my calories goal and managed not to eat back the exercise calories even though i did snack after 8 pm:embarassed: only 6 days to go untill my weight in hope i can make it a good few days. Even thou it was cold out side i still managed to bundle up…
  • I agree that what he said is very hurtfull. In a way i would look at it from a different angle. You guys seem to have been together for awhile and in that time maybe he just got comfortable knowing your around and not going any where because after all if he feels that way he might think other men don't want you. But since…
  • Hello i am new here to and also looking for support bacause after all if you haven't had to fight the buldge befor you just don't understand. Please add me:happy:
  • I am tying to get my ticker to work can anyone help me? Created by - Free Calorie Counter I got it
  • 1) stay under my calorie intake for the day without eating back my exercise cals. Log in each day no matter how good or bad i did. 2) healthy habbit i want to start walking more each day. This is my first challenge on MFP. I just started Nov 2, 2011. Created by - Free Calorie Counter