Cheat days - how often, how much?



  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I call them Free Days and only have them once every few months. I had one on Christmas and one on St. Patrick's day. I've been dieting since August. I didn't even take a free day on my birthday lol! I just do then a couple months apart so I'm not as discouraged if there's a gain on the scale.
  • PhillyTeeGaines
    I'm going to incorporate 1 cheat day a week. So that I can look at it like a reward. I have stopped drinking my biggest LOVE of all...Orange Soda. So I am going to allow myself to have 1 can of Orange Soda on my cheat day once a week! Right now is Day 3 of no soda and I am looking forward to my cheat day! Good luck to everyone!
  • Caniacgirl59
    Really great advice and way to think about it! Needed to read that today :)
  • Caniacgirl59
    Always remember, it's really a lifestyle change, so don't consider it cheating. You're eating healthier; you're working out - so it's really eating what you want, "in moderation". If you remove everything you enjoy from your diet, you're not really living.

    There are days when I want pizza. I'll have a piece. I used to have 4 pieces. Huge difference.

    Good luck!!!

    Really great advice and way to think about it! Needed to read that today :)
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    2 cheat meals a week normally Wednesday night and then either Friday or Saturday night... Wednesday is normally Subway a bag of chips and a minute lemonade and my weekend meal is also out to eat where ever we decide. The only rules are I can eat whatever and however much I want but it must be consumed there and nothing comes home with us... Been doing this through my entire 300+ pound weight loss....

    wow. this is off topic but i have to congratulate you on 300+ lb loss! amazing!
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    I usually at least like to go eat out on Fridays. I don't really "cheat", I just try to eat less during the afternoon so I can meet my calories and not be too much over for the evening :)
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I cheat on Friday evenings by allowing myself either wine or beer (whatever I feel like) and I cheat on Saturdays. I call Saturday my "Cheat Day" but it usually ends up being a cheat dinner with wine or beer...again :happy: I try very very hard to stick to my healthy eating during the week and I don't drink alcohol Sunday - Thursday so that I can enjoy those little indulgences.
  • monilove78
    monilove78 Posts: 100 Member
    I vary between cheat days and cheat meals and I try to do it only once a week.

    Lately, I've been trying to stick with cheat meals on Sundays because we tend to do big, after church meals with dessert. So I'll make sure I'm eating pretty clean that week and throughout that day.

    Now when I do a cheat day, I go all in! LOL! Whatever I want to eat, I eat and I don't log it. But, when I'm not mindful of my goal on a cheat day, I tend to go overboard and the cheat day turns in to cheat days (2-3), which obviously wrecks my efforts.
  • Crystal_R84
    Crystal_R84 Posts: 88 Member
    I do cheat meals 2x per week because lets face it life is too short to give up the goods! I also like my wine nightly! So not sure if I cheat everyday! LOL It works for me I feel in pretty good shape to do so.
  • cyncetastic
    cyncetastic Posts: 165
    I'll have a "cheat" meal about once a week. But I don't go overboard. A "cheat" for me is ordering a steak with a potatoe instead of chicken and veggies. I still keep it somewhat healthy.
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    Honestly- Saturdays normally pans out to be my "cheat day." I got out for drinks, sometimes I eat out. I am trying not to deprive myself of the things I like. It has worked for me. Maybe if I didn't have my cheat days or frozen yogurt during the week I would be losing more than 2lbs/week but as of now I've been at a stead 2lb/week sometimes more.
  • aheartbeatsos
    I'm thinking of incorporating a 'Cheat Day' just because I find after a long stretch of sticking to my diet and exercise plan something triggers me (going over calories, not meeting exercise goals, not losing weight etc) and I go into binge mode. That of course makes me feel worse so I end up having a Cheat Week. Haha.
    Of course one can bounce back from a Cheat Week, but it's just extra hard work. I think a Cheat Day once a week (or bi-weekly) would help keep things in check :)
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    My spike or "cheat" day is usually Saturday. I eat close to or more than 3000 calories and two days later I lose another pound. I've had a spike day since the first day I started on MFP. I've lost 25 pounds and counting.
  • crazywifewczx
    crazywifewczx Posts: 23 Member
    My cheat days are usually not planned just like life it happens. But if i eat healthy for most of the day and i do have a cheat meal i don't feel so bad about it because i have choosen wisely for the rest of my meals. Also if i do tend to cheat like on whopper wednesdays or on the weekend with my husband i make sure that that day was a workout day so i can safely have the extra cals.