Cheat days - how often, how much?



  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    I think the word cheat is better than splurge.

    It sounds a lot better when you say "You are only cheating/splurging on yourself"
  • almaster666
    almaster666 Posts: 52 Member
    I don't cheat. However, if I do go slightly above my calorie goal, I will do some extra cardio that day or the next.
    I don't starve myself either. Better to go slightly above your calorie goal than to fall asleep hungry, wake up at 3am and have a bunch of cookies.
    Foods like bananas, greek yogurt and whole grain bread w/ ham have been very useful to me in filling a food craving.

    If you do have the need for a cheat meal, then cook something good at home. Make yourself spaghetti bolognese or have some BBQ beef/chicken rather than going to Jack in the Box. It'll be much less detrimental to your diet because you'll be eating higher quality foods with considerably less sodium / trans fats / simple carbs.

    If you do go to McDonald's, then have just a burger, no fries or just fries no burger. You'll get your gross processed food craving filled and divide the number of calories by two. Or better yet, make yourself a burger at home!

    I don't have a sweet tooth, so I don't have much advice so far as replacing ice cream is concerned except: eat strawberries / raspberries / oranges... fruit will never break your diet.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    I cheat once or twice a week. I NEVER plan it because I know that my cheats are always spontaneous with my boyfriend. A lot of the time when I'm with him he will just surprise me with 400 calories worth of Starbucks or a 600 calorie shake. This new ice cream place opened up in my city and he begs me to go 3-4 times a week but we go about once a week. So I try my hardest to eat as clean as possible to savor the cheats for when I'm with him. Sometimes I can talk him into a fruit salad instead, but not often!
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    I've sort of planned a 'cheat' dinner b/c I am craving meat today. jr cheeseburger and small chili. I've worked to make sure it will keep me within my nutritional calories/limits so I don't feel that guilty.
  • dwurth2
    dwurth2 Posts: 39 Member
    I don't do cheat days, but do a cheat meal. Usually do it on Saturdays. The rule is I only have 1 hour to eat whatever it is I am planning on eating. I love it because I don't feel deprived and it helps with cravings. If I am craving chocolate, I can get through it because I know that on Saturday I can have it. Since it is planned, I don't feel like a failure like I used to when I would crave and give in. And really, since I eat clean the rest of the time, I have noticed that even on my cheat meal, I can't even eat all that much (maybe my stomach has shrunk?) and sweets taste so much sweeter since I don't eat them everyday like I used to, so usually after a few bites I don't want anymore.
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I weigh in on Thursday mornings, and we usually go out to eat every Thursday nite. This is when I get something I may have been craving or something I love. What's nice is I can eat half of what I used to and still be satisfied. I still log everything.

    I also don't consider it a "cheat" meal because this is a lifestyle change for me. The only time I eat something that I don't really like is if I try a new recipe and it doesn't come out good. LOL. I only eat what I enjoy and like and still work all my favorites into my day.

    There is no way I could still be doing so well (been changing my lifestyle since the end of Nov.) if i wasn't eating things I really like!! :tongue:
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I cheat once or twice a week. I NEVER plan it because I know that my cheats are always spontaneous with my boyfriend. A lot of the time when I'm with him he will just surprise me with 400 calories worth of Starbucks or a 600 calorie shake. This new ice cream place opened up in my city and he begs me to go 3-4 times a week but we go about once a week. So I try my hardest to eat as clean as possible to savor the cheats for when I'm with him. Sometimes I can talk him into a fruit salad instead, but not often!

    Sorry lady, sounds like your BF is discourging your weight loss plan.

    I would be PISSED at my BF if he knew I was trying to lose weight and he intentionally kept bringing me down...he could get you flowers, not a fatty drink. You should be with someone who helps support you and your goals, not makes them difficult/impossible. :(
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I do a 'cheat' day once or twice a week tops. I generally eat clean the rest of the day and either have a cheat meal (like take-out for lunch or supper) or a cheat snack at night. However, I also cheat within reason and still try to keep pretty close to my BMR. My cheat snack will consist of a small bag of Pop Chips and a Cadbury Thins chocolate bar, or if I have take-out, I'll get a small size chicken nugget meal from Wendy's.

    that is hardly a "cheat"--it can fit into your daily calories.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    If I do cheat in a week, I try to make sure that it is only around 500 cals more than my weekly caloric intake.
  • jennkess
    jennkess Posts: 86
    I have a - Guilt Free Meal- once a week, usually on Saturday night, Pizza with my kids, out to eat with my husband, or a really good homemade pasta dinner with bread sticks. glass of wine or cocktail

    like a few of the others has said, I am learning to enjoy this meal in moderation. 1 bread stick vs the 3 I used to eat, and I still log it all. logging the Guilt free meal helps me learn where I might want to tweak the next weekend. I am trying new dishes at restaurants as I look for something fun and tasty, but not as high in sodium or fat as the dish I ate the week previous.

    it's a lifestyle change and eating is part of life, you don't want to be the person at a huge dinner party not enjoying yourself.. just try to not the the one meal spill over into the next and the next...

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    If by eating sugary, fatty, or other 'unhealthy' foods is what you consider 'cheating', then I cheat everyday. I don't plan on changing my ways either. I don't like to deprive myself!
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I like to have Cheat "Meals" rather then Cheat days.

    I just don't eat for the whole day and just save up all my calories for one big meal in the evening.
    I can eat 2500 calories (My Maintenance) for my one big meal and I won't even gain weight.

    Edit: LOL with "Starvation Mode"

    That sounds like a better idea .....
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    ^^She has a little boy hair cut..Maybe gay? just saying lol. OP I usually let loose typically once a week with alcohol only. I go and hang out with my friends and family for an evening of fun and socialize. Strangely I dont get hungry when I drink but I get way more silly. :happy:

    Does your drinking lead you to make assumptions about someone's sexual orientation because of their haircut?
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I usually cheat on date nights and that is typically once a week
  • jessicae1aine
    I have a cheat day the day before each payday (so, every other Thursday) where we order pizza and cheesy garlic bread. I don't really worry about the calories then, but the rest of the time I don't ban any foods at all - I just pay attention to what I'm taking in calorie-wise, because sometimes you really REALLY want some ice cream, or something terrible high in sodium or something, and I think that's fine if you don't overdo it.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I have cheat meals not days.. They are normally the weekends, sometimes I splurge and have taco's, ice cream sundae things like that.
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    No cheat days, but meals for sure. I'd say every 2-3 weeks I devour a pizza or a lasagne. I love my pizza.. :devil:
  • steflbrown
    steflbrown Posts: 168
    I allow myself a "cheat" meal a week. But I still try to stay within my calorie range. I just use one meal a week to enjoy foods that I don't allow myself normally. It keeps the cravings at bay. Plus, I find I eat less of this "bad" food anyway... last weekend I ordered a hamburger but ended up not eating the bun and only half the burger when I know before I would've eaten it all plus more.
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    Personally I can't do cheat meals it just throws off my calorie count for the whole day. I'll have 1 day in which I can have anything I want, obviously in a NORMAL portion size. If I want to have a donut I'll have it; Bacon Cheeseburger, why not? It's not a full day of junk food, it's simply that ONE day (usually Friday or Saturday) when I can have something that I KNOW I shouldn't be eating.
  • angraham2
    angraham2 Posts: 128
    Cheating implies that your on a diet. This is a tool to help you think differently, be healthy and change habbits. I don't cheat. But I do explore new creative ways of reaching my calorie and nutrition goal by using a large variety of foods and spices. Sometimes that means going a bit overboard, but it isn't cheating.