losing weight while getting toned?

hey, if anyone can help me understand the process of this! I want to get toned while losing weight is that even possible? or do I need to lose weight first from cardio than start getting toned through strength training?


  • lokin4deer
    lokin4deer Posts: 44 Member
    bump for later
  • Lynnmi07
    Lynnmi07 Posts: 131 Member
    As you lose fat you will look more toned. There is a lot of debate whether you can "gain" muscle while losing weight (because you need a calorie surplus to build muscle). However, when I work out I feel like my muscles become a lot harder and appear more toned. I say start strength training now, it will help you to lose fat and you might increase your muscle mass a little bit. It can't hurt.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    When I initially started, I had 40 lbs. to lose so I concentrated on the weight first. After two weeks, I gradually added walking and then cardio exercises to my routine. If you want to do both at the same time, go for it. There is no right or wrong way just what works for you. I did it in two steps because I was afraid that if I tried to do both at the same time I would lose my stamina and not follow through with my goals. Yesterday was my one year anniversary I have lost 35 lbs but I still need to work at toning. Good Luck!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Muscle is what helps you to burn fat. You have a percentage of muscle and a percentage of fat in your body. Muscle is more efficient at burning fat than fat itself. So the higher your muscle percentage, the more effective your cardio. In addition, if you have muscle mass, your daily activities will cause you to burn fat too. Just be doing your normal, every day stuff!

    Muscle building is ESSENTIAL to burning fat. You can't just do cardio and expect some serious fat burning. Yes muscle is denser than fat, yes you will see the scale go up if you have more muscle, sometimes faster than how fast you burn fat, but you will feel stronger, you will see the change in the mirror and in your clothes, and you will be healthier and less prone to injury.

    Message me or friend me if you want to learn more about this stuff! I love talking about it. ^_^
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Start strength training no later than last Tuesday!!

    First time lifters can take advantage of lean gains; a period of time where you can actually build muscle in a calorie deficit. And after that, strength training helps you preserve that muscle.

    Happy lifting!!
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    You will probably look more toned just by losing weight.

    Muscle doesn't really burn that many calories unless you're using it.

  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    You may not be able to gain muscle mass from strength training while restricting your calories, but it will keep you from losing muscle mass. Point being that your body will not destory those things that it needs/uses for its survival.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    don't wait to start weight training. Might be one of the worst choices you'll wish you hadn't made.
  • ann2012evans
    Muscle weighs more then fat so it will look like you are gaining weight as you strentgh train but...muscle burns more calories even in a rested state. It is important to have both cardio and strength training in you healthy life style. Cardiio is more for your heart and strength training helps keep muscles strong and keep bones healthy to help avoid bone lose and osteoarthritis or bone breaks as you get older. it also guards you against back problems.

    You don't have to become a major body builder just using 2-3lb weights or even just your own body weight in things like yoga or pilates is strentgh training and will be benficial in toning and weight lose. I would say if you feel up too it, go ahead. it wont hurt you but it will help.

    P.S. you only need to weight train 2-3 times a week not everyday thats over kill and doesn't allow your muscles time to recover from the last workout. Cardio can be done more frequently.
  • ann2012evans
    i wanted to clarify something... when i said it would look like you are gaining weight that is only in the numbers on the scale not your body. You will look great as you start shaping and toning your muscles. And the toning being made will affect how your clothes fit so even though you lose weight from dieting sometimes you still don't like how you have some sagging in you body regions like your stomach or underarms, lifting weights will tone those muscles and the weight lost plus the toning will make you feel
    that much more satisfied with your success.

  • PrincessNariko
    I started running about 1 1/2 year ago and lost alot of body fat. I looked alot more defined. Now I also do Yoga and Pilates and my body has never looked better. I would focus on cardio first if your goal is to loose bodyfat.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    You should always do some strength to maintain muscle so you don't lose it along with the fat. According to sdome studies discussed in my bowflex guide, people in a calorie deficit still gain some muscle, while people eating to gain muscle still gain some fat.
  • crazywifewczx
    crazywifewczx Posts: 23 Member
    Muscle is what helps you to burn fat. You have a percentage of muscle and a percentage of fat in your body. Muscle is more efficient at burning fat than fat itself. So the higher your muscle percentage, the more effective your cardio. In addition, if you have muscle mass, your daily activities will cause you to burn fat too. Just be doing your normal, every day stuff!

    Muscle building is ESSENTIAL to burning fat. You can't just do cardio and expect some serious fat burning. Yes muscle is denser than fat, yes you will see the scale go up if you have more muscle, sometimes faster than how fast you burn fat, but you will feel stronger, you will see the change in the mirror and in your clothes, and you will be healthier and less prone to injury.

    Message me or friend me if you want to learn more about this stuff! I love talking about it. ^_^

    Great Advice this is exactly what my trainers are telling me too.
  • ayeshakane
    ayeshakane Posts: 44 Member
    thank you everyone for the great advice! :heart:
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    hey, if anyone can help me understand the process of this! I want to get toned while losing weight is that even possible? or do I need to lose weight first from cardio than start getting toned through strength training?

    Hi there, I have almost 30 lbs to lose, I do cardio daily & started strength training 4x a week in Feb 2012. I haven't lost any lbs on the scale. I have however dropped 2 pant/dress sizes & can see the changes in my body. So I just put the scale away, & keep on keeping on because I like what's happening to my body, and that's more important to me than a number on the scale.

    I say go for it.