amy29fan Member


  • My husband and I just joined the challenge as a Distributor. We are having our 1st Challenge party tomorrow night. I have been on the shakes for 8 days. I use a shake for breakfast. I am only doing 1 per day, but I feel that it works. We have been trying different recipes during the evenings for snacks. HIGHLY RECOMMEND…
  • My husband and I just joined the 90 day challenge. I am on day 4 of the shakes. I love them. I am also motivated to get up before work and do some kind of exercise. I know Body By Vi works, as long as you want it to. I am excited that we found something to do together. Our goal in the 90 days is to lose 35-40 lbs together.…
  • Absolutely amazing!!!! I am so happy for you!!
  • I am ready. I would like to lose at least 10lbs by 12/31/11. I plan to begin exercising AGAIN today. My goal for this week is to burn at least 200 cal per the next 7 days. CW 160 1st GW 150 (12/31/11) Big GW 138ish (3/9/12)
  • I live in Springfield Ohio
  • LAST MINI-CHALLENGE (courtesy of obstacleone): 1. WATER, WATER, WATER! I have never had any problem with drinking plenty of water. 2. 1,500 stairs between Friday morning and next Thursday evening...if you don't have access to a set of stairs, find a brick or a board or something that can serve as a step and count steps…
  • Not happy this week. I gained back the 1.2lbs that I lost last week. This is the same pounds that have been plaguing me for the past 3 months. On another thought, I did drop another pant size....Great, but I want the scale to move down to. Challenges: 1. I will continue to drink at least 64oz of water this week. 2. I am…
  • Weighed in at 155.2. That's down 1.2 this week. I will take it considering I hurt myself last Sunday, and I haven't been able to exercise at all this week. As far as next weeks challenges go: 1. I will drink at least 64oz of water per day. 2. I will (hopefully) get back into the swing of exercising, but not sure about the…
  • I need this as well.. I have been drinking diet coke for about 20 years. It was really back in my early 20's and my doctor diagnosed me being addicted to diet coke, which was causing my migraines. He put me on a medication that made me lose the taste for the diet coke. That worked for about 6 years. Then I got pregnant,…
  • This week's mini-challenge will involve all three aspects: 1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts. 64oz is an absolute minimum daily intake just for your body to function - so how do you expect to lose weight if your body is…
  • Amazing. Fantastic! You look amazing! Keep it up.
  • Where do we send in our information?
  • I would like to join. Count me in. I need to get some motivation from somewhere. Because I have lost it, and I can't seem to get it back....
  • Thank everyone. I love pasta, but I don't mind wheat or whole grain. I don't eat much bread, and I like vegetables, so maybe just a modification will work for me. I've been concentrating on calories and sodium.
  • I used to drink 4-5 diet cokes per day, now I drink a large diet coke every morning, I am going to try to not drink any for a week and see if there are any changes. I want to get off of it, but it's hard. I already drink 10-12 glasses of water a day, whats a few more, right...
  • Welcome to the family. I am a mother of 2 boys (18 & 7), and I want to lose 20 more lbs. I have lost 30, and its been a struggle. Good luck, and when you feel like giving up, just look to your fellow MFP friends for support. They have helped me alot....
  • for instance I started the just dance, after a week I hated it. Then I started the dance workout, lost interest. Same with the 30 day shred. I get going then I burn out.
  • I am trying...
  • I am on day 7 workout. It does get better. I couldn't walk very good for 2-3 days. It gets worse, and then it is so much easier. You can do, don't give up! I have learned after a few days, to mute Jillian and turn on the radio for the workout.....
  • Count me in. I have bowling tonight, but I need to get back on track....
  • I've only lost 8 since Jan. I really started in May 2010. Lost 20 pretty quick, dropped off for 3 months, gained 7 back. Now I've lost that 7 + 1 more.
  • I used to have 6-8 cans of diet coke per day. Then my doctor linked them to my migraines. He told me I was an addict. And I was, but then I went on a medication for the migraines, and it instantly made me lose the taste of the diet coke. Which was great. Then I got pregnant 7 years ago, and I couldn't take my medication.…
  • I need help with this as well. I am only 5'2. I was a 44DD, when I was at my heaviest at 186 lbs. I now wear a loose 38DD at 158 lbs. I think I need a 36, but then the cup size doesn't fit. What to do???
  • I really like the Wii Gold's Gym Dance Workout. You set up a routine based on what your goal is with a personal trainer. It is fun, entertaining and works. It also logs your calories burned for you.
    in Wii Comment by amy29fan April 2011
  • Hi! I am 5'2, and I started at 186 in May 2010. I am currently at 159, and I haven't really moved since January. Although, i will say that i have lost almost 3 pants sizes since January, and now I wear Medium shirts instead of large and x-large. That does make me feel good! But when the scale doesn't move, it's…
  • Went through my closet, and filled more than 2 tubs of clothing that I am unable to wear. BECAUSE they are too big and stretched!!
  • I am right there with you. I tried upping my calories for a couple of weeks. Didn't work for me in weight. But it did in inches. I am now back down to 1200 calories, and it is taking a bit to get readjusted to the less amount. All I can say to you, is don't give up and you know you can do it.
  • I have also made this with Spinach and herb dip mix (tastefully simple) and topped it with broccoli & cauliflower and shredded cheese....Yum
  • Right beside the regular stuff....
  • I am in the same boat...Not many low sodium that is also low calorie....Which is more important is what I would like to know...