Lose 10 lbs in September Challenge



  • zumbawhit
    zumbawhit Posts: 115 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I have a question: I am a working mother, and right now I have 2 sick babies at home :( When you are tight for time, do you do cardio or strength?

    There are some nights (even without sick kiddies) that I can't fit it all in!

    Take care!

    I keep some Pilates- Crunch videos in the house for days such as this! Pilates-Crunch is the strength traning of Pilates combined with about 30 minutes of cardio. You can get the DVDs anywhere. I never do exercise with the TV, but sometimes there's just nothing else you can do. I suggest stocking up on a couple good workout vids that you can do while the kiddos are sleeping!
  • LakerFan03
    LakerFan03 Posts: 6 Member
    Good news I lost 14 pounds this month so far !
  • I am going through some things but I'm glad I'm no longer using food as a crutch for my feelings/outcomes. I thought today was Friday and I weighed myself (silly me hehe) down -3lbs since I've joined! WHOOT!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    Bump....catch you all later

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    I am going through some things but I'm glad I'm no longer using food as a crutch for my feelings/outcomes. I thought today was Friday and I weighed myself (silly me hehe) down -3lbs since I've joined! WHOOT!

    BIG win! Congrats, girl!
  • I am slightly up from last weeks weigh in I hope I have a big loss tomorrow morning. Weird thing was I gained four pounds from tuesday to Wednesday. Which makes no sense whatsoever. Very frustrating.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I am slightly up from last weeks weigh in I hope I have a big loss tomorrow morning. Weird thing was I gained four pounds from tuesday to Wednesday. Which makes no sense whatsoever. Very frustrating.

    Water weight, and yes, guys can suffer from it too...make sure you are keeping track of your sodium intake and drink lots of water!
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Just found the challenge for this week.

    1. I've been doing good on one, drinking tons of water and tea.

    2. That seems like a bit much right now for me. At least for this week anyways. I just moved into my apartment and have been setting up and unpacking since Monday and getting to know my roommate. I've been keeping up with my workout schedule, the running anyways. The weights for my circuit are the things I have to go back and get. My roommate doesn't really workout so I wanted to stay and get to know her more since I'm going to be living with her for the next year to 4 years. Will accomplish that next week though.

    3. Let's see, I like a cup of whole wheat pasta with .5cups to 1 cup of baby spinich added. Then a half cup of organic Arabbiata pasta sauce and 3oz of firm tofu. I also make ramen. It's not the healthiest but I can usually fit it into my calories once in a while. Especially before a long run, gives me tons of energy. I make that with just the noodles though with a bit of olive oil cooking spray, less sodium soy sauce, and tofu and spinich. Great for the late nights on finals weeks. I still lose weight eating this too, calories are calories. For me, as long as I burn more than what I put in I've been good.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member


    My challenge stats for this week:
    1. 472 oz water
    2. 5,329 calories burned
    3. Recipe - Vanilla Chai Protein Shake:

    1/2 cup Tazo organic chai tea concentrate
    1/2 cup milk (soy, almond, skim, whole, whatever you prefer)
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    blend and enjoy!

    Make a great breakfast replacement or post-workout shake!!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member

    1. Don't give up on the water!
    2. Make a plan and follow it!

    Let me explain...a lot of people have a really hard time sticking to any sort of "diet" or workout regimen because they have no plan. They just half-@$$ throw something together and actually do it only about half of the time and don't see results like they want to (hmm...wonder why...). If you already do this or don't want to do this or whatever, then stick with the 3,500 calories burned. If you want an extra push and some accountability, then by Sunday evening I want to see the following - a menu for Monday-Thursday AND a workout schedule for Monday-Thursday...as in...I literally want to know what time you're working out what day and what you're doing for that workout - as well as what you're having for each meal each of those days. THEN...I want you to EXECUTE YOUR PLAN on Monday-Thursday. You may not be much of a planner, but just TRY it...it's only 4 days! I understand that life happens and you may not stick to your menu 100%, but I fully expect your workout schedule to be followed. You have to make time for yourself and properly managing your time/resources (food) is an easy way to take control of your healthy lifestyle, no matter what stage of it you're in.
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    Wow I had a big surprice this morning i lost 3 pounds!! I do have the stomach flu for the past 3 days so i will probably have a weight gain next week but we will see.

    Next weeks mini challenge will be a real challenge!!! But I will do my best to make a schedule and follow it.

    Should we post our schedule here or ?!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I have lost 3 pounds this week! Yea...scales are moving down again I look forward to seeing everyone's results from this week!

    Mini goals
    1. water...don't even track, because I always get 8+ glasses in for the day
    2. calories burned 3925
    3. Recipe:

    Cilantro Lime Shrimp (can be used for chicken and pork as well)
    1 pound shrimp
    1/2 cup lime juice
    1 TBSP soy sauce
    1/2 cup fresh cilantro
    3 cloves garlic
    1 tbsp olive oil
    1/4 cup orange marmalade
    1 tsp black pepper
    red pepper flakes...adjust to your taste

    mix all ingredients (except shrimp) and reserve approx 1/3 of mixture for dipping Add shrimp to remaining 2/3 of the mixture and refrigerate at least 30 minutes (the longer the better). Cook shrimp in a frying pan a couple of minutes until pink.
    serves 4-4 oz servings

    Calories 222
    Carbs 19g
    Fat 6g
    Protein 23g
    Sugar 12g
    Sodium 322g (shrimp and soy sauce are the sources)

    A plan??? well I'll work on it and post this weekend! Happy Friday everyone:smile:
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    So I had an 'oh crap' when I tried the scale at the gym today. I did everything to lose this week, and when I got there the scale had not budged at all! So mad, I went for a quick warm up run before my class. After about 10 minutes, I retry the scale, since I'm really OCD when it comes to this stuff. Turns out something was on the scale the first time cause the darn thing moved 4 pounds lighter! I double checked with another one and it's correct. Whew! That's got me only 3lbs away from the monthly goal yay! Happy friday and have a good weekend everyone!.Don't pig out on football food too much!
  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to weigh in tomorrow.
    I binged terribly yesterday and I know that I'll have LOADS of water weight so I don't even wanna think about the scales today v_v
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks. I want meet 3500 calories this week, but I have already burned 1500 calories. And I still have tonight. :smile: And I am down 2lbs since last weight in.
  • amy29fan
    amy29fan Posts: 83 Member
    Not happy this week. I gained back the 1.2lbs that I lost last week. This is the same pounds that have been plaguing me for the past 3 months. On another thought, I did drop another pant size....Great, but I want the scale to move down to.

    1. I will continue to drink at least 64oz of water this week.
    2. I am going to start back on my dance workout. It seemed to work the best, and it works for the Dancing with the Stars....
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Well, I'm glad to say my loss has picked back up again from last week's miniscule movement. As much as I try to attempt every challenge, I will stick with the 3500 loss, and actually, for me, I'm going to bump it up to 5000. I understand, conceptually, the whole planning out of things, but I know that if I plan out my meals like that, except for special occasions, I will immediately decide to eat out. It's like a mental things for me; it's a diet mentality, and my brain bucks it completely. I can't even plan my dinner, other than taking some kind of meat out of the freezer, or else I'll decide I don't want that sometime between when I leave the house and when I'm leaving work, and I'll get something to eat out somewhere with some excuse. The less I plan, the more I eat at home, and/or the healthier my food choices are. As far as working out, I don't give myself a choice. I go to the gym as soon as I leave work, whatever time that may be...then I walk the dogs before going to bed.

    Good luck this week everyone!!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Yay I have lost 5.1 pounds so far, so I am halfway to my 10 pounds for the month.
    1. water goal acheived
    2. I exceeded the exercise with 3700 calories burned.

    Next week I will at least burn 3500 calories.
    My plan for exercise is Monday- walk and zumba, Tuesday -walk, Wednesday- walk and zumba, Thursday - walk, Friday -walk and zumba. I hope I stick with it. As for the food, I can't plan ahead.
  • I'm down again this week. I posted it on the spreadsheet I hope everyone posts. I like seeing everyone's progress on there.. It's nice seeing how much weight we lose as a group.
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Success! I lost 2.6 lbs this past week. I totally missed on the burn challenge - only 1580 calories. Work and school were very busy, keeping me at a desk way too much. Hard to burn calories that way...

    I'm good about listing a few meals to cook and making my grocery list from that - and sticking to it. I'll cook about every other day and eat leftovers. After a few days there's quite a variety in my fridge/freezer, and I scale back the number of servings I make at a time 'til I can catch up.

    That said, I'll try the 3,500 calories challenge again this week as that will be harder for me than meal planning.

    Have a great week, everyone! :)