Celebrating the removal of "Diet Coke" from my life menu!



  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Good for you! I too have given it up and can really see a difference in how I feel. For anyone trying to change to a healthy way of eating....for those of us who just crave the stuff....it's better to get rid of it for good. I suffered from migraines for years until I gave it up and not had one since! But the headaches on withdrawal lasted for 4 days. Honestly, I felt like an alcoholic giving up the drink...total detox like stuff! Lots of people have said, and I agree, that it really cuts down on your water intake. One of the things helping me lose wt is when I stick to my daily water intake. Also, I've read that caffeine can mess with your blood sugar, so that's not helping either, and in veterinary medicine, Nutrasweet is used as an appetite stimulate in sick animals.......so I tend to think it would have the same affect on humans too! Good Luck with this....it's not easy but YOU CAN DO IT! :flowerforyou:
  • amy29fan
    amy29fan Posts: 83 Member
    I used to have 6-8 cans of diet coke per day. Then my doctor linked them to my migraines. He told me I was an addict. And I was, but then I went on a medication for the migraines, and it instantly made me lose the taste of the diet coke. Which was great. Then I got pregnant 7 years ago, and I couldn't take my medication. So the diet coke started again. Then the headaches came again. I continued this for about 5 more years.I couldn't stop drinking it this time. Then I lost my mother in January 2010, and my headaches suddenly stopped. It's crazy. So the diet coke continued back to the 6-8 per day. Then I found MFP, 100 days ago, and I can now say that I am down to 1 diet coke per day. I am trying to get out of the habit, and today, it is 11:45 am and I have not had a diet coke yet. I have however, had (4) 20oz bottles of water so far...It's so hard to quit...
  • adamjett
    adamjett Posts: 1 Member
    I am 25 and have struggled with this all my life. I remember going to 7-11 as a kid after school and getting soda (Diet cause my Mom was a calorie nut) and some sort of snack. So it's kind of engrained in me and It's carried with me ever since. I have recently found a lot of problems with it from different research I have heard which is slowly chipping away at my habit. It definetly causes headaches and migraines that I previously associated with other things (like most addicts). The aspertaim in it also tricks your body and makes you produce insulin which they say makes you hungrier which none of us really want. I also saw on NBC nightly news several months ago that they are linking caramel color to cancer. I have personally only experienced the headaches and don't won't to take the risk that it will affect me later in life. The scary thing is that this stuff had only been around for so long and we don't have any real long term studies that show it's effects (even if there was we would never hear it because of the money Coke and Pepsi have). It's a struggle for me everyday and I hope like most of us to kick the habit for good eventually. Good luck everyone!
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    Gave up sode Jan 1, 2011 and haven't looked back! I loved soda of all kinds! Just water and iced tea now!
  • JeanineLaymon1970
    JeanineLaymon1970 Posts: 44 Member
    So.. Fact or Fiction this is what I have heard/dicsovered about Diet Coke:

    1. I know I drink less water when I am drinking Diet Coke, usually not any
    2. They use Coke or Coke syrup to remove bloodstains from the street (after an accident)
    3. I have heard about studies linking Type II Diabeties - raising blood sugar with dark sodas
    4. It has a bunch of chemicals in it, it can't be good for you something in there has got to cause cancer
    5. With they way everyone is addicted to it, they HAVE to be adding something to cause that... Right?

    Coke <at least 3 cans a day> to Crystal Light to Diet Coke <learned to love it> to water. funny enough even Crystal Light seems too sweet for me now sometimes...

    People at work used to ask me if I had my Diet Coke yet when they called me before 10am... LOL That was the hardest part, my wake-up regimen.

    Anyways, I have really enjoyed reading all of your posts! If I can quit it... ANYONE CAN! (am also a quit smoker 8 1/2 years) You just have to make a decision that you won't pick up the bad habit again.

  • JeanineLaymon1970
    JeanineLaymon1970 Posts: 44 Member
  • JeanineLaymon1970
    JeanineLaymon1970 Posts: 44 Member
    "sweet nectar of the gods" ---LMAO!!!
  • JeanineLaymon1970
    JeanineLaymon1970 Posts: 44 Member
    AWESOME! I know you saw a direct relation to weight loss from eliminating Soda
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    Moderation is the key. I will drink a Diet Coke on occasion maybe 1 serving a week or every other week to break up the water and unsweet tea routine.
  • melt57
    melt57 Posts: 60 Member
    I gave up diet coke when I joined MFP, and I have been drinking water water water! If we are out I will have unsweetened iced tea sometimes. I am glad I gave it up, but every once in a while I think, I could just have one.... I won't do it though, I'm afraid of a relapse!!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    OMG! You are my hero!! I cut diet coke out almost 2 months ago....cold turkey...I endured headaches, nasea, shakes and everything else!!

    I'm glad to hear that you have made a better choice for you! WTG!! :happy:

    Doesn't it feel great to be freed from the chains of caffinee?
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Congratulations! I'm sure your body appreciates it :D
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