Carb inquiry

My boss is telling me to eliminate carbs from my diet and I will begin to lose weight again. Is this correct? What is ur opinion?


  • I am pretty new at this but we all need carbs! Just be sure you are eating the right carbs. Drink more water and try working out early in the morning on an empty stomach... since your body has no fuel that early in the mroning it will burn fat! My cousin passed this to me and he lost 30 lbs! :)
  • xalligator
    xalligator Posts: 33 Member
    It works for me. However, you really have to keep at it.

    If you want to go back to eating carbs after you've lost whatever weight, you'll have to ease back into a carby diet. If you do it too quickly, you'll gain back everything you lost on low-carb.

    Though it might not necessarily be the best approach for some people. Do research before you start cutting carbs, so you really know what you're doing.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    Carbs = energy! You should only eliminate processed carbs, and eat the complex carbs that come from fruits, veggies, whole wheat. Personally I have cut my processed carbs and allow myself about 100 grams or less and it has been working for me. Check out my diary if you like.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    It is better to eat a well rounded diet. You will be able to stick with it for life. The key is to eat whole grains in your carbs.
  • I am temporarily doing the South Beach Diet, which I started Monday. As of this morning I'm down 7.2. I did this plan years ago to jump start my weight loss. I was able to loose 25 pounds within 7 weeks and then transitioned over to Weight Watchers where I maintained the loss.

    I decided to do it again because the scale just was not moving for me. I started at 267 and my plan to to slowly increase carbs once I'm down to 250. I would not do, or recommend a low carb (my limit is 50 a day) for a long period of time but it certainly has helped me when I needed it.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    My boss is telling me to eliminate carbs from my diet and I will begin to lose weight again. Is this correct? What is ur opinion?

    There are some that say yes to carbs (the good carbs) and there are some that say low carbs are the way to go. If you really want to lose weight and don't mind experimenting (this depends if you are healthy or not so consult a doctor about your medical condition, not his or her opinion on how you should diet) you can try a low carb, high fat high protein diet like Atkins or low fat high carb like McDougall. The 3rd is everything in moderation diet (I don't know who to read for that).

    Good health to you.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Everyone's body is different. I didn't cut carbs, but took out all processed carbs. I still get my carbs through whole grains, and unprocessed foods. If you stop eating carbs, just make sure that you are getting something to replace it, or you will not have enough energy. I would say to eliminate the processed stuff; pasta, rice, etc and replace it with complex carbs, veggies, fruite, whole grains. Last year I lost 30 pounds doing this, and didn't gain any back. But, I also still don't really eat anything that is processed. I would suggest not cutting them out if you don't think you will stick with it forever. But, if you do cut out all the processed crap, you will probably feel like a million bucks.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Cutting out carbs has worked for me. Going low carb is not for everyone, do some research and see what works for you.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    eliminate carbs

    Your boss is an idiot. That would mean you'd literally be eating nothing but meat, eggs, and oils because pretty much everything else has carbohydrates in it.
  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    For the most can do what is called A FLUSH.....for 1 week (ONLY) avoid them altogether. Since carbs are in pretty much everything except meats you will have a hard time doing this I am sure of it.

    BUT, and I strongly encourage you eat carbs, start adding them back into your diet because your body does need them to function properly.

    When you start to add them back, start with the good ones, the complex ones and limit your intake to around 150- 200 grams per day. Your body will tell you if you need more.
  • Only Athletes really need high amounts of carbs (or heavy training because of energy). There's no real set amount that you should get per day. Calculate your macronutrient needs, try to at least hit your protein and fat minimums and fill the remainder of your deficit calories with carbs
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    talk to your doctor about it, but for me it's about good and bad carbs. I am working on cutting everything white out of my diet. I am going to whole grains... brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes.
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    It's not healthy to elliminate a food group. My suggestion would be to eliminate bad carbs found in white bread, white rice, pasta and processed food and sweets. Stick with fresh fruits and veg. whole grains like brown rice and wheat berries, lean protein, whole wheat pastas. What jumped started my weight loss after a plateau is that I don't eat anything that is made with any type of flour except for my 1 per week golf course lunch which is a turkey wrap. Good luck!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I find my body functions better without carbs. I get them in the form of vegetables - very little fruit, nuts and seeds. I eat mostly protein and fat and this is a very sustainable way to eat and live. If you do a lot of high intensity exercising yes you do need more carbs but I don't believe in "chronic cardio". It's not that carbs are the body's preferred fuel source. Its that getting your blood sugar levels back to normal takes priority. When carbs are absent the body turns fat into glucose and gets it to where it needs to go.

    Some people have to eliminate food groups. What is the difference between "have to" and "want to"?

    Interesting that the very thing they feed to animal to fatten up fast for slaughter (bigger animal mean more $$) they tell us to eat the most of because its good for maintaining weight and even good for weight loss. I'm sorry but I don't get it.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    My boss is telling me to eliminate carbs from my diet and I will begin to lose weight again. Is this correct? What is ur opinion?

    If you eat carbs that are unprocessed (think fresh veggies/some fruit if you can eat them without gaining) then you will be fine. I plan my eating around plants and animals. I eat nothing that comes in a box or a bag (except frozen veggies). I have stopped the cravings roller coaster and have no more pain in my joints or GI tract. I am loving eating this way. If the ingredients in your food has more then three components and you can't pronounce most of isn't food.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Everyone's body is different. People can only tell you what worked for *them* and that may or may not be what will work for *you*.

    There are hundreds of different chemicals that interact in our metabolisms. How efficiently your metabolism works, and what nutrients it uses well, can be influenced by your genetics, your activity level, how much sleep you're getting or by what part of your reproductive cycle you're on. No one guideline can address all of those different variables for every person. So the idea of a one-size-fits-all ratio doesn't make much sense, when you think about it. Each person has to figure out what will work for them.

    For 20 years, I obeyed all the govt's rules about nutrient ratios, I worked hard and exercised hard, and I gained a steady 5-10 lb a year, and I had to endure all the judgments from people who assumed I was lazy or undisciplined 'cause "it's easy, just count your calories in, calories out." I'd say "I am," but their response was, "If you were, you'd be losing weight." In other words, I was a lazy, undisciplined liar, too. I got so frustrated that I had almost given up.

    Until I met my current doctor, who explained the metabolic processes involved, tested me to see where my body was being inefficient/ineffective, and decided that the best approach for me was to severely restrict my carbs. Now, on a ratio of 5% carbs / 30% fat / 65% protein, I have been able to lose weight consistently for the first time in my life. In the past, any other diet has left me feeling depressed and hungry. This lifestyle change, on the other hand, has been relatively easy and has cured my depression & mood swings. To me, that is an indication that this is the right path for me.

    So I guess my advice is to listen to your body, and do what works for you!
  • amy29fan
    amy29fan Posts: 83 Member
    Thank everyone. I love pasta, but I don't mind wheat or whole grain. I don't eat much bread, and I like vegetables, so maybe just a modification will work for me. I've been concentrating on calories and sodium.
  • Thank everyone. I love pasta, but I don't mind wheat or whole grain. I don't eat much bread, and I like vegetables, so maybe just a modification will work for me. I've been concentrating on calories and sodium.

    If your sodium is a little high for the day, drink more water to compensate.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    I ditto the 'experiment' posts... find what works for you! I find that I function better on a low carb diet. About 100g is enough, that allows me to have my cereal in the morning (because I LOVE cereal and won't give it up) and veggies and fruit throughout the day. This also keeps my sugars down to about 80g which is fine. I find that i'm very rarely hungry and I don't crave the sweet stuff like I did. This feels more sustainable to me. I do need more carbs when i'm doing cardio, but I choose whole grains and 'good' carbs.

    Today I splurged at a work lunch as there was only 'bad' carbs available and found myself craving sugar almost right away and then had a massive energy slump just a few hours later, it didn't feel good!
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    i agree carbs = ENERGY big time. Plus you will lose weight cause you are reducing your totalcalorie intake but you're also going lose a whole lot of muscle. I think if you're planning to not just lose weight but gain good lean muscle so that when you walk your not jiggly ---- i've got wobbly bits so I'm talking from experience ---- you need the energy to work out to be firm.
    Just a thought. Good luck though with whatever you decide life is about trying and learning and trying and learning some more.