visalus friends



  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    I got a couple of friends who doing this plan, there not exercising, and they seem to think, once they get to there desired weight, they can stop the shakes and everything can go back to normal, there going to find out the hard way, If they don't change there old eating arrangements of add exercise to there normal routine, the loss that they acheived will end up coming back, thats all I'm saying, not trying to take anything away from the success that people are having on this program. but weight loss involves a life style change, until people are ready to accept that, there going to have a hard go of it.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    I'm glad to see your all having some succes with body by vi, And I'm glad to see your using it and working out too.
    I have a couple of friends who are doing it, but there not working out, There going to get a big surprise in the end, when they stop taking the shakes and go back to there normal eating habits, So good on you folks for doing the exercise in conjunction with the shakes, you will have much better success

    and after having a look at your diary.. really.. you do a meal replacement shake for breakfast and then come here and give off about us using a diffrent brand than you... ok then .. and eat weight watchers meals for lunch.......really?????????????

    your point is invaild.. becuase hun you too could have the same thing happen ... if you went back to your old habbits you would gain it all back too.. but you are using the tools that work for you as i am that work for me.. end of story
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    i'm not disrespecting the programs out there, I'm living proof of what can happen, 3 1/2 years ago I did herbal magic, I lost 132 lbs in 11 months, doing there supplements, Once I was done there program, I thought I was in the clear I started living my old life again in a new body, guess what, over the last 3 years the weight came back, ALL OF IT, I'm just trying to say, Most of these program work if you follow them accordingly, but at the end you better be prepared to make a life style change in order to maintain what you loss.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    i'm not disrespecting the programs out there, I'm living proof of what can happen, 3 1/2 years ago I did herbal magic, I lost 132 lbs in 11 months, doing there supplements, Once I was done there program, I thought I was in the clear I started living my old life again in a new body, guess what, over the last 3 years the weight came back, ALL OF IT, I'm just trying to say, Most of these program work if you follow them accordingly, but at the end you better be prepared to make a life style change in order to maintain what you loss.

    can i ask you something.. if you had a heart condition.. and the dr gave you meds to fix that problem and you take them and it works..... your heart is "fixed" do you stop taking the pills or do you keep going at lower dosage???
    the great part about body by vi.. is you can go down to one shake a day to maintain.. and for purely the health benefits i will...

    once i get to a wonderful size happy i will keep doing one shake a day for maintaince.. for health and for the fact i hate making breakfast and this is fast easy and cheap....

    maybe if you hadnt gone back to the old ways and contiued on the path that you were taught with herbal magic you could have had long term sucess ( i dont know how that works so i cant say for sure)

    but with body by vi.. it is helping people get to within there calorie goals.. and gives the butt kick it takes...

    i mean really to come on a post that is pro body by vi to slam it ..well it is rude and condesending.. do you go on post about wls and slam them too.. cause there weight can come back if they go back to there former ways of life..... just saying.. it is about change and making the change a lasting one for the person.. and learning... while we lose...

    the body by vi shakes help people learn how to do this and how to live again.. if you dont agree awesome to each there own .. but dont come and discourage people... it is not fair.. it not only mean but rude....

    you keep your snide comments to yourself and move onto the next post.. kinda simple dont you think...
  • meechi53
    meechi53 Posts: 195 Member
    In reading this person simply stated that good for those who have success AND are doing excersise and other lifestyle changes to supplement the the Body by Vi program were smart. Why that was a problem, I'm wondering. That's true with any program, you have to keep on the changes you have made and not expect to keep weight off like magic. I've even seen bariatric patients put on most of their weight because they saw surgery as a quick fix. Just my opinion. I tried some Body by Vi shakes and they were yummy but the program just was not in my budget.
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    I don't know what your problem is, But I actually think your the one full of hate, At no time did I slam visalus, nor would I, I'm just speaking about a couple friends of mine who think when they reach there weight goal, that they can stop cold turkey, and everything is going to be great. It doesn't work that way, Your really miss reading the message, I'm not attacking, where all in this together, where all trying to lose weight, or maintain, I'm speaking through expeirence, It cost me thousands of dollars, but I'm learning through my mistake. I'm sorry if you think I was attacking Visalus.
  • JadedSouls
    JadedSouls Posts: 136 Member
    I'm on my last 3 weeks of my first challenge and I ♥ it.. The shakes never get boring for me because I'm trying a new one all the time and love my favorites..

    Only lost 14.5lbs so far but 15.75" overall in the last 65 days.. I'm pretty happy about the results so far but I know I can do better. I need to do alot more exercise but I'm not sitting on my butt doing nothing, that's for sure!

    New supportive and motivating friends always welcome! ♥
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    I'm afraid to reply or I might get attacked again, Good Job, Keep up the good work.
  • sarahsunshine1217
    sarahsunshine1217 Posts: 85 Member
    Bobby is not trying to attack Visalus. He was just stating that in general with a lot of diets people get down to their goal weight then quit and eat normal again and gain the weight back. Its not something that anyone wants to do. I know when I lost weight I was on a high and I said I can eat a little of this and this and over three months I gained the weight back. And That was on Visalus, Slim fast, atkins, juicing and every other diet I have tried. I read Bobbys post a few times and I can see where someone would think he was dissing visalus but he was not. I think with any diet that any of us chooses to do, we need to include some sort of physical activity to get the full benefit. I am not one to judge I am here just like the rest of you. This is supposed to be a happy friendly message board :)
  • chenoamac
    chenoamac Posts: 66 Member
    I have lost 56lbs using the shakes
  • sarahsunshine1217
    sarahsunshine1217 Posts: 85 Member
    I have lost 56lbs using the shakes

    Wow that is wonderul! How long have you been on the challenge?
  • shannonshay1
    shannonshay1 Posts: 69 Member
    I love Visalus! I lost 17 pounds in the first two months. For my life style it works great. I eat 5-6 mini meals a day and have replaced two of them with the shakes.

    Feel free to add me.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    I am sorry i have been under fire for a few days with people on here craping on me about using them and meanwhile they are currently using shakeology or whatever after having weight loss surgery.. lol

    it just gets to me that people who dont know about it say it is bad

    it is like my trainer says.. if you find somethign that works.. why would you stop using it.. kinda shooting yourself in the foot really..
  • sarahsunshine1217
    sarahsunshine1217 Posts: 85 Member
    I am sorry i have been under fire for a few days with people on here craping on me about using them and meanwhile they are currently using shakeology or whatever after having weight loss surgery.. lol

    it just gets to me that people who dont know about it say it is bad

    it is like my trainer says.. if you find somethign that works.. why would you stop using it.. kinda shooting yourself in the foot really..

    No worries :) Its a harsh world out there. Everyone likes to judge and put down everything... :)
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    lime and spinach shake for lunch can you say yummmmmmmm
  • amy29fan
    amy29fan Posts: 83 Member
    My husband and I just joined the 90 day challenge. I am on day 4 of the shakes. I love them. I am also motivated to get up before work and do some kind of exercise. I know Body By Vi works, as long as you want it to. I am excited that we found something to do together. Our goal in the 90 days is to lose 35-40 lbs together. He is planning on taking the vitamins, and neuro drinks as well. We are having our first "Challenge Party" next week. Hopefully it will be successful.
  • lorraine311
    lorraine311 Posts: 127 Member
    Started drinking the Body by Vi Shakes 2 years ago to lose 10 pounds. Lost the weight in 2 weeks and have kept it off. I continue to drink a shake everyday for breakfast. Delicious, nutritious and I feel great! :)