End of the year challenge (closed group)

Hello friends!

I am so excited about our end of the year challenge! My main goal for this group is to keep us motivated so we can reach our goal by the end of the year. This is a challenge, so it does require effort, however, I promise not to make it too hard or complicated.

You are expected to check in daily (or at least multiple times a week) and also comment on the posts. First, if you haven't done so already, I need you to determine your main goal. For example, I would like to lose 10 lbs by the end of the year. For others, it may be to fit into a certain piece of clothing, or to increase running speed, etc.

Now to help everyone reach their goals, we will also have weekly goals. This could be to lose 1-2 lbs, to reduce calorie intake, increase exercise, etc. Basically, you are breaking down your big goal into small goals. We will also have a group goal that will change from week to week. I will determine this goal based off everyone's individual goals. We will follow up each week with a weigh in. (*Note: if your goal is not to lose weight, you are not required to weigh in. However, if losing weight is your main goal, I highly recommend that you participate in the weigh ins.)

And last but not least, we will have daily challenges. This could be to do 100 jumping jacks or squarts, add 10 minutes to your exercise routine, drink an extra glass of water, consume 100 fewer calories, go vegetarian for a day, etc. If you have any ideas for these daily challenges, please let me know. These challenges are meant to be fun and fairly easy.

So let's get started! Please go ahead and introduce yourself, list your main goal, starting weight (or starting point if you aren't tracking weight), your first weekly goal, and anything else you might want to share with the group. We will have our first weigh in next Tuesday.


  • workhardplayhard
    workhardplayhard Posts: 41 Member
    This is just what I need!!!!!!!! I want to be able to flex a ripped 6 pack by the end of the year and not be ashamed to show it! Goal is 1.5lb/week and I hope to be able to show off a pic by the end of the year!!!!!
  • themrsbriggs
    themrsbriggs Posts: 151 Member
    ready to start this!!!!! end of year goal is 15lbs and weekly goal is 1.5lb loss.
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    I would like to join!

    My big goal would be to lose 10lbs by the end of the year!

    My weekly goal would be to work out 30 minutes every day....starting today!
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Thank You Heather for putting this together=)

    I am going to lose 1 pound a week to make my goal of 120 by 12/31/11.

    Not only do I want to look good but feeling good is a must. Since there are 7 weeks til our Goal Date, I will be making 7 changes in my life with each passing week. When I come to post my Weigh ins I will tell you what they are for the week~
    Good Luck to all & lets do this!
    Feel Free to Add me=)
  • Since there are 7 weeks til our Goal Date, I will be making 7 changes in my life with each passing week.

    I think that is a great idea!
  • amy29fan
    amy29fan Posts: 83 Member
    I am ready. I would like to lose at least 10lbs by 12/31/11. I plan to begin exercising AGAIN today. My goal for this week is to burn at least 200 cal per the next 7 days.

    CW 160
    1st GW 150 (12/31/11)
    Big GW 138ish (3/9/12)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    hi everyone! feel free to add me as a friend and we can encourage eachother even more! let's do this thing!

    the scales are my arch enemy, so i'm focusing on a healthier life style! i already run 3-4 times a week, so i'm doing okay there, but my first week's goal is to add at least two strength training days to my schedule. i KNOW i need this, but i'd much rather see those major calories burned from running if i'm going to work my tail off! i know this isn't really the whole picture, but that's the way my crazy mind works, so there you have it! ;-) while this is my first weekly goal, this will be something i'd like to carry through for the rest of the year.

    best of luck to you all on your journey! we're already one step ahead of all those "new year's resolution people!"
  • best of luck to you all on your journey! we're already one step ahead of all those "new year's resolution people!"

  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm happy to be with all of you in this challenge! Feel free to add me as a friend!

    My goal is to lose 6.5 lbs until the end of the year. 1 lbs/week CW: 129,6 lbs
    This weeks goal is to drink 8 glasses of water per day. --> I want to keep this up until the end of the challenge and further

    Good luck to everyone! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Thanks again to all of you for joining me in this challenge! As you all know by now, my name is Heather. My main goal is to lose 10 lbs by the end of the year. This week's goal is for me to lose 1 lb.

    Starting Weight: 163 lbs
    Challenge Goal: 153 lbs
    Week 1 Goal: -1 lb

    Just to give you all a heads up, I currently have stiches in my shoulder and am not allowed any strenuous exercise for about another week and a half. (I'm mostly limited to walking.) So right now the daily goals will not be exercise related, unless it's just adding time or asking you to try something new. And feel free to send me ideas for the daily challenges.

    ***Daily Challenge 11/8/11: Drink one extra glass of water. So if you typically drink 8 glasses (or if that's your goal), then shoot for 9 today. So please tell us what your water goal is today and then we'll check in tomorrow to see how we did.

    I usually drink 6-7 cups of water a day, so today I'm going for 8.
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    ***Daily Challenge 11/8/11*** Drink one extra glass of water.

    One extra glass of water, that's 9 glasses for me. I'll definitely make it, as I'm having my 8th glass at the moment!

    Good luck everyone with this challenge!
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Good morning everyone! How are you?

    I did it! Had 10 glasses yesterday! Yeah!

    Looking forward to todays challenge!
  • Good morning everyone! How are you?

    I did it! Had 10 glasses yesterday! Yeah!

    Looking forward to todays challenge!

    That's great barb! I made my goal of 8 yesterday too! I would love to know how everyone else did!

    Today's Challenge 11/9/11: Add 10 minutes to your exercise routine today.

    I usually try to walk for 30 minutes, so today I'm going for 40 minutes. What about you?
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Good morning everyone! How are you?

    I did it! Had 10 glasses yesterday! Yeah!

    Looking forward to todays challenge!

    That's great barb! I made my goal of 8 yesterday too! I would love to know how everyone else did!

    Today's Challenge 11/9/11: Add 10 minutes to your exercise routine today.

    I usually try to walk for 30 minutes, so today I'm going for 40 minutes. What about you?

    Good Job Barbara~
    Im excited! Today I'm doing the water & adding the 10 minutes to my walk later. =) Thank you for the push!
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Good job Heather! Thanks for posting todays challenge!

    ***Daily Challenge 11/8/11*** Add 10 minutes to your exercise routine today.
    So I plan to workout for 40 minutes today!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    i got my water down... i have been slacking in the water department lately, but i drank 3-4 17 oz. bottles plus several mugs of hot water yesterday. (i know, weird.... but i love it!)

    today is a strength training day, so i'll try to fit in an extra 10 minutes.

    go everyone! :-)
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Done with todays challenge. 40 minutes plus 17 push ups.

    Good night everyone. See you tomorrow.
  • I'm done with today's challenge too! 40 minutes of walking!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    i spent extra time tonight moving in my new solid yellow pine dining table! man that thing was heavy! after that hubby and i did small construction projects on our addition for awhile... that's exercise, right?
  • i spent extra time tonight moving in my new solid yellow pine dining table! man that thing was heavy! after that hubby and i did small construction projects on our addition for awhile... that's exercise, right?

    It's not part of your typical routine and it does burn calories...so yes that counts! :)