End of the year challenge (closed group)



  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    i spent extra time tonight moving in my new solid yellow pine dining table! man that thing was heavy! after that hubby and i did small construction projects on our addition for awhile... that's exercise, right?

    Definitely! Good job!
  • Today's Challenge 11/10/11: It's fruit & Veggie day for us! Eat 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of veggies. If you already have this covered and need more of a challenge, then eat an extra serving or two of veggies.

    Hope you are enjoying the challenge so far! FYI, I haven't made our first weekly goal yet because not everyone has checked in yet. So I was thinking next week I would start that. Have a great day!
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Tomato basil soup for lunch,
    Dinner is Spaghetti squash, veggie mix & some snap peas, (with some meat)
    I still need to work on the water. & I owe myself & the challenge group 10 minutes of working out.

    Im feeling really drained the past 2 days...Ill catch up

    Hope everyone is doing good!!!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    i had a nice spinach, romaine lettuce, and carrot salad for lunch topped with a bit of cottage cheese and pepitas not to mention just a small scoop of sloppy joe! my after run snack was a strawberry-banana smoothie. tonight: another salad!

    nikki- hope you're feeling better soon! are you sick or just rundown?
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Had a lot of salad yesterday for dinner and tangerines during the day!
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    nikki- hope you're feeling better soon! are you sick or just rundown?

    Thank You, Not sure what it is, nothing a little slowing down won't help =)

    Barbara~ Good Job!!!!
  • Well I almost did it yesterday. To be honest I kind of forget about it by dinner time. But I add 1 banana, 1 apple, carrot sticks, and mashed potatoes.

    Nikki, if you feel up to making up the challenges then great. But don't try to over do yourself if your not feeling well.
  • Weekend challenge 11/11/11-11/13/11: I have two projects for you. The first will only take a couple of minutes, while the other could be more time consuming...hince weekend challenge instead of daily challenge.

    1. Get a notecard or piece of paper, and list your reasons for wanting to get healthy. List as many as you can. You can take as long as you like, but it should only take a couple of minutes. (Then keep it with you for when you need that reminder.)

    2. Make a collage with inspirational / motivational photos or phrases. Feel free to be creative and use items that are important to you or that represent what you want to be. Maybe you want to fit into a hot pink bikini (just like in my profile pic). Maybe you want to be a runner, so you find images of runners. Perhaps you need a visual for the types of food you should be eating. (The idea here, is that we can look at those photos or quotes to help keep us on track.)

    Once you complete #1, please share at least 5 of those reasons here with the group. Ideally I would like for us to share our collages in #2 as well. Perhaps we can find a way to post it here or share it through email. Or worse case, we can just describe it.

    Hope you have a great day and a wonderful weekend!
  • Hello everyone,

    Hope you had a great weekend! Did anyone complete the weekend projects.

    Here are 5 reasons why I want to be healthy:

    1. To treat my body as a temple as intended
    2. To live a long and healthy life with my husband
    3. To have children and be an active mother
    4. To fit into a size 6 jeans
    5. To look hot in a hot pink bikini

    I will see if I can post my collages later when I have more time.

    Today's Challenge 11/14/11: Burn an extra 100 calories or eat 100 fewer calories (could even do 50/50)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    i must confess, i don't have enough time to throw together a nice collage right now, but mfp is my motivation, so i guess that's okay.

    here is my motivation list:

    1). i want to be able to look in the mirror and feel confident with what i see
    2). i don't want to be forced to buy new clothes because my old ones are too small
    3). i want to be healthy enough to chase my kids around AND to set a great example of healthy living for them
    4). there are SO many diet-related medical problems that can be avoided by maintaining a healthy weight and diet
    5). i want to grow old and grey with my hunky hubby... and to be walking around on my own power when i'm 95!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    i may not get the challenge done today. i have felt awful all morning.... i just want to curl up into a ball and sleep. even two ibuprofen liquid gels haven't touched it... thanks TOM. blah.
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    i may not get the challenge done today. i have felt awful all morning.... i just want to curl up into a ball and sleep. even two ibuprofen liquid gels haven't touched it... thanks TOM. blah.

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    I wasn't able to make a collage. But I've done my motivation list:

    1. I want to feel good in my body!
    2. I want to be happy when I look into the mirror!
    3. I want to avoid future health issues!
    4. I want to live a long and healthy life!
    5. I want to look good in my clothes!

    I exercised a little and burned a little yesterday, but I didn't make the 100 calories.

    One week is over, so I guess it is time for your first weigh in. I'm at 128.97 lbs (58.5 kg), so I lost 0.66 lbs (0.3 kg).
    My goal for week 1 was to drink 8 glasses of water a day. --> completed 4/7 days

    My goal for week 2: eat vegetables with every dinner
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    My collage is in my journal Ill take a photo of it, Ive had it for awhile so Im going to use that since it still props me to do more,

    1. To look & feel good in whatever I wear
    2. To be confident to take a photo & not cringe when I see them
    3. To be healthy & clean
    4. To return back to running with a strong heart & legs
    5. Bikini & a smile

    Im still a bit achey so have been relaxing & sleeping a lot after work,
    My goal for this week is "positivity". Thoughts, actions, words, etc.,

    Hope you all have a great week,..
  • Last week I weighed 163 and today I weighed 162.4. My goal was to lose 1 lb. I didn't quite make it, but at least I was half way there. :) And I am happy with those results especially since I had a visit from TOM recently.

    This week's goal is the same for me: to lose 1 lb.

    **New** Group weekly goal: Invite a friend! Perhaps you have some MFP friends you would like to invite to join this challenge. Or perhaps you can call a friend to work out with you this week. You will have more fun and be held accountable when you get a friend to help you in your journey.

    Daily Challenge 11/15/11: Write a letter to yourself, from the standpoint of you having already reached your goal. This could be what you would say to yourself once you complete this challenge. Or you can even take it further to when you reach your ultimate goal. The idea is that you can read it to yourself again once you hit your goal. Or maybe you need to read it periodically to keep you on track. (If you want to share your letter, with the group, feel free. However, I really just need to know if you completed this daily challenge.)
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    good job Heather! 0.6lbs is better than nothing! so don't worry, that you haven't reached your goal of 1 lb! I'm sure there will be weeks, where you lose more than 1 lb, so it will even out!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    heather- i would be thrilled with a .6 pound loss! keep up the great work! :-)

    i'm going to play around with my numbers (calories burned, net goals...) a little this week. i'm not sure if i am eating too much or too little, but even with my heart rate monitor and calories burned calculator at triatholontrainingblog.com i haven't lost anything for the past several months. no big deal, i'm not going to be addicted to the scales, but it would be nice to see a change occasionally! i have done more strength training this week, but i want to ramp that up yet again this week. my hubby is supposed to be helping me put together a weight program i can do here at home, so that will help. in the meantime, i look better, and feel better than i have in a very long time! i guess for us shorties, 5 pounds can make a significant difference, even if it doesn't sound impressive! :-)

    oh, heck yeah, look at this picture! :-0 http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://doubleyourgains.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/1and5poundsfat.jpg&imgrefurl=http://doubleyourgains.com/how-to-lose-276-lbs-in-one-year-by-not-eating-or-why-fasting-is-ok&h=413&w=550&sz=48&tbnid=L3dU7kw-bMZaYM:&tbnh=91&tbnw=121&prev=/search?q=what+does+5+pounds+of+fat+look+like%3F&tbm=isch&tbo=u&zoom=1&q=what+does+5+pounds+of+fat+look+like?&docid=C6IlnhmPvRCLoM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=JK_CTuTmMe_y2gX2meDVDg&ved=0CB4Q9QEwAA&dur=5902

    or this one: http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=1035785

    yeah, i feel much better! ;-) i'll bet you all do too!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    barbara- thanks so much... i feel TONS better today. I still took some ibuprofen, but only one liquid gel knocked out the pain. yesterday two capsules barely took the edge off!
  • I don't want y'all to think that I was unhappy with 0.6 lbs. I'm actually very happy with that number. I was actually expecting a gain with having a busy weekend and my visit from TOM. So I was so happy to see the scale move in the right direction!

    And J- omg! Didn't realize that 5 lbs of fat looked so big! Makes me want to get some of that off even more! I didn't do very good with my goals yesterday, but I plan to do much better today. And I completely forgot to write my letter yesterday, so I plan to get that done as well. And don't forget about the weekly goal. Either invite a friend to join this challenge or invite a friend to work out with you one day this week.

    Today's Challenge 11/16/11: Please list 5 ideas for future daily challenges. (I would love some input so I know what type of challenges you would like to do.)

    *And I get my stitches removed tomorrow, so hopefully I can get back to a normal exercise routine.
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Nice to hear, that you get your stitches removed.

    Today's Challenge 11/16/11 - List of daily challenges:
    - no meat day
    - Eat at least half of your daily calories from fruits and vegetables
    - try a new exercise
    - no sweets and sugar day
    - make as many push ups/sit ups as possible (minimum 10)

    Have a nice day everyone!