End of the year challenge (closed group)



  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Hope you heal up fast Heather ~

    My Letter/note would be simple when I reach Goal~

    I knew you could do it & you did..be proud.
    Love yourself.

    - Drink all of my water
    - Clean eating/ no processed foods
    - No negative thoughts
    - A day I no longer need to remind myself to sit straight shoulders back chin up
    - Run a full mile

    Keep up the good work Everyone=)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    you girls have such fantastic ideas for challenges! i love them! i'm just thinking about a day with no negative thoughts... wow, that would be fantastic (and difficult for me!)

    i don't really have anything fantastic to add, except maybe try a new healthy recipe or food....
  • So sorry I did not post yesterday. I was so busy!

    By popular demand...Today's Challenge 11/18/11: No Negative Thoughts! Think positive as much as you can. If you have a collage, look at that to keep you positive. If you haven't made one, then google some images or think happy thoughts, lol.

    Sooo....Today is going to be a GREAT day! Sending positive vibes your way!!!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    just saw positive thought day... it's sunday evening, so i'm going to give this a try tomorrow! i think i'll wear my wedding ring on the wrong finger to remind me (or find a ring i don't usually wear...) that will be my reminder. :-)
  • Wow, busy weekend. Today's Challenge 11/21/11: Drink 1-2 extra cups of water.
  • Today's weigh in day! I'm not feeling well and forgot to weigh this morning, so I will post mine tomorrow.

    Today's Challenge 11/22/11: Stick to your food plan. If you start to desire something different, just tell yourself that you have No Choice. This will end the inner debate.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    ohhhhh! good challenge today! hope you're feeling better soon heather.

    i also enjoyed positive thinking so much i think i'm going to try to do it for a whole week.... one day at a time! :-)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    several times today i wanted to "cheat" on my plan... i haven't had much resolve lately and baking 7 apple pies didn't help! ;-) today has been awesome! i would reach for junk and think, "nope, can't do that...."

    thanks! :-)

    how's everyone else doing?
  • Well unfortunately the lunch meat I had planned to eat had gone bad. :( I was so sad. So I had to go down the street to get something, but I just picked something that wasn't too high in calories. This might have to be something I get used to.
  • Forgot to list our Weekly Goal: Don't over-do yourself during this holiday week. Eat more veggies than pie, and stop when you feel full, not when you're overly full.

    Daily Challenge 11/23/11: Add 10 minutes to your exercise routine.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    just saw this... ate lots of salad and didn't overeat! that's a thanksgiving first! :-)

    happy turkey day to all the u.s. peeps!

    love you all!
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Hello everyon! Hope you are all doing well! Sorry, that I wasn't on here much during the last week! Had a busy week!

    Hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving weekend!
  • I think that we've all had a very busy week. And I have been sick on top of that. We do have a weigh in tomorrow. But don't fret if you gained. Take this time to rededicate yourself and start over if need be.

    Today's Challenge 11/28/11: Do 10 squats, 10 jumping jacks, and 10 sit ups.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    haven't felt like moving at all today! i think i can, i think i can, i think i can! let's do this thing!
  • So sorry that I have been MIA lately. I have been really sick. I was back to normal (for the most part) yesterday, but had a jammed packed day, I did not have time to check in.

    Daily Challenge 12/2/11: Eat your recommended servings of fruits and veggies.
  • Hey ladies,

    It seems like everyone is still interested in this group challenge. So we will continue. Let's take this time to regroup, and start again on Tuesday. Jenny suggested listing all the daily challenges at the beginning of the week, so we don't have to check in daily, as most of us don't have time for that. I think that is a great idea! And I think we need to check in with each other at least once a week to report our results from those challenges.

    In the meantime please be sure to do the following:
    1. keep on track with your goals
    2. invite mfp friends to join our challenge (i like a small group, but we need more than 4 people)
    3. think of ideas for the challenge to make it more fun and successful

    If you don't mind just send a quick reply letting me know that you got this message and that you are on board. Have a great day!

  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Looking forward to see all of you back here this week! I'm sorry for being so mia during the last weeks! It should start being better now!
    My boyfriend will go on a businesstrip to Dubai on Friday and will come back Thursday next week! He'll just be home for christmas and he'll leave again for Saudi Arabia on December 27th for about two weeks! This should give me planty of time to exercise, to get back into my routine (and to study for my upcoming exams).

    Here are my goals for this week:
    - Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday
    - Eat at least 5 pieces of fruits and vegetables everyday
    - Exercise at least 5 times this week
    - start the 100 push ups challenge
    - walk the stairs in our house from basement to 3 floor at least 5 times everyday

    I'm looking forward to see our challenges for this week! Have a gread day everyone!

  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    barbara- sometimes life gets in the way! welcome back!

    my goals for this week are

    #1- run at least 2 miles M,W,F
    #2- prepare healthy foods ahead of time (so it is ready when i'm hungry! i have no problem making the right choice when it doesn't involve a ton of prep. work before i can even eat... especially when i'm hungry!)
    #3- fit in two strength training days, hopefully on Tues and Thurs, but it may have to be thurs and sat...
    #4- spend time reading and snuggling with each one of my four children this week! :-)
    #5- plan next week's supper meals

    especially this time of the year when we are simply in a hurry, it's important to slow down and make time for people who are important to us. (that includes ourselves!) remember, those who fail to plan set themselves up to fail!
  • Hello, hello, hello!!!

    Hope everyone had a nice break. Unfortunately, I had my wisdom teeth removed on Friday, and am still not back to my usualy self. However, I'm ready to get on with this wonderful challenge.

    Here are my personal daily goals (that I have been working on the past couple of weeks):
    Bible Study
    Physical Activity
    5 Servings of Fruit & Veggies
    6-8 cups of Water
    Limit to 16 oz Diet Soda
    Limit 1600 Calories
    7.5-8 hrs Sleep each night

    I hope you all have invited some friends to join our group. If not, it's not too late.

    Here are our daily challenges for the week:

    "Try Something New Tuesday" - try something new, like an exercise class or a new healthy food

    "Wacky Wednesday" - randomly throughout the day, find extra ways to burn calories (for example: run in place for 1 min, or start dancing, wash the dishes on one leg....basically just be wacky and move your body!)

    "Toning Thursday" - do some toning and strength exercises today

    "Froggie Friday" - do exercises that require jumping: jumping jacks, jump rope, basketball, etc.

    "Squatty Saturday" - do as many squats as you can in 3 minutes

    "Slender Sunday" - use this day to prepare for the week...plan some slenderizing meals and workouts

    "Monday Mania" - go crazy and think LAST CHANCE WORKOUT...last chance to burn some calories before the weigh in
  • How's everyone doing? Don't forget we weigh in tomorrow! TTYL