

  • Level 1 Day 7 - Done. 150 Cals
  • No apologies necessary. We still need a life and what matters is you have done it today. I will probably have to give it a miss on Friday or Saturday but hey ho, I will get back on track asap.
  • Level 1 Day 6 complete. 160 cals ish.
  • Level 1 Day 5 complete. 160 cals
  • Level 1 Day 4 complete 140 cals
  • I have never burned more than 160 cals doing the Shred and believe me I do work hard. I think it is because I am fairly fit already and therefore have a lower heart rate.
  • Level 1 Day 3 complete. I'm guessing at around 150 cals but couldn't calculate properly as I had just run 8km so my heart rate was already up when I got started.
  • Level 1 Day 2 done. 156 Cals. How is everyone else doing? It's gone awfully quiet...
  • Day 1 Level 1 done. 150 cals burned.
  • I'm definitely in on this. :-)
  • Hi, I've been doing it on and off for a few weeks now, so this could be just what I need to get me going properly. I will do it combined with running/gym/swimming. I will post measurements later.
  • The difference is Hun, that you have work, a family and a home to factor in as well. At the moment all I have to do is roll out of bed each day, come into work which is 5 mins away and go to the gym during work time which is also 5 mins away. I have all my cooking, cleaning and washing done for me. It won't always be like…
  • Joni you are doing really well, all that effort is paying off. Well done on your 10.2k as well, it doesn't matter about the time, the fact is you did it and it can only get easier. I think I've hit a bit of a plateau but we shall see what the scales say on Saturday. After that, I am offski back to the UK for two weeks so…
  • Hey All, I'm feeling a bit more positive today. I have been in a serious sulk since last week when I put on. I weighed in tonight and have lost 1.4 lbs so nearly all of last weeks gain. I have 1.2 lbs to lose in a week to hit my 1st goal before I go home on leave. Very doable if I put my mind to it. I went for a 10k run…
  • English girl in the RAF here. Currently on deployment in the Middle East, working with a lot of Americans. Trying very hard to resist the great/fatty food in the DFACs. Loving how the US look after their people though with great gyms, pools etc.
  • Well I'm a bit miffed as I weighed in tonight and the scales dared to suggest I had out on 1.8lbs. I have no idea why so am not going to get too disheartened. I did go for a 10k run and 5k row afterwards though to try and get it back off ASAP! I have two weeks on Monday to get to my first goal weight of 133 lbs so…
  • Hi All, I have come to a decision today that for my last big push to target I am going to go back to Slimming World principles of eating. For me how much I can eat is a big thing and I like with Slimming World that there are no restrictions on how much fruit and veg I can eat. Knowing that I can have another apple etc…
  • Me too, my ID is Dimbo79. Will be running less in June though as I am on my hols for 2 weeks. I will still try and run as much as possible though.
  • oooh I am pooped. I couldn't get going in the gym either tonight. I did some rowing and running/walking to mix it up and eventually burned 500 cals but it took a while. I also weighed in as it is my half night off and the only time when I can get to a scale when I have just woken up and before I have eaten anything. Well…
  • Mary I think you deserve that sleep and good luck for the Shred tomorrow. I had a really good run tonight. I ran 5 miles in 50 mins and 15 secs. I have to say though although my timings are coming down, I doubt I would be nearly as quick if I was running outside. I just keep cranking the speed on the treadmill up and its…
  • Mary, I've got 30 DS at home and my friend is sending it out to me. When it arrives I plan on doing that and my running. I shall let you know and we can keep it other going on it. From memory it is a good workout. Well done for doing it.
  • Yep, I'm in for keeping it going through June. I might not be on as much for the second two weeks though as I am going home on leave - can't wait!! I did a 5k run in just under 29 mins today, so I am very pleased with that. Keep it up!!
  • Don't worry Joni, it's not ALL i'm eating. I worded that wrong. What I meant was that I tend to have it most days. Chicken salad for lunch and then a chicken salad wrap for dinner. This is mainly through lack of healthy choices here on base and the requirement to get something cold to takeaway because of my shifts. I am…
  • Geeez, I know it's TOM but I am soooooooooooo bloated, I look like I have a football underneath my uniform. I am drinking so much water to try and compensate that I'm constantly in the toilet as well. Someone said it may be all of the lettuce I am eating so I will cut that out tomorrow and see if it helps. Not sure what I…
  • That is amazing Mary. You must be really pleased. Well done.
  • Hey Girls, hope you are all doing ok? Well done Joni for trying to motivate us and getting us to set some goals. I will have a think about what I want mine to be. I know I need motivating because my ability/time to work out just got slashed. Basically someone messed up at work and they weren't here when they should have…
  • Joni, Have a look at this website. http://www.taketothestreets.org/default.aspx I think I'm going to use it for half marathon training, to get ready for the 10 miler I have in Oct. You will be alright as long as you have willpower and determination - which I know you do!! We can both do this!!
  • Joni - You were so close well done!! And I completly understand that your ipod dying threw you off course. I lose my running mojo completely when I don't have music or my nike plus going to record my miles. At least you know what to expect now and you can get back on your training plan and breeze through the next 10k you…
  • Good luck tomorrow Joni, I'm sure you will smash your 10K. I'm a bit grumpy as I got called into work just as was about to step foot on the treadmill. I was only needed for 30 mins but instead of just coming in my my gym kit and heading back to the gym, I decided to just take a shower and have the night off from working…
  • Awww Mary you say the nicest things. We all need to just keep going, not worry about the little things but just remember why we are all here and what we want to achieve. I went for a 7k/45min run today. I have been wanting to snack as well, I think it is because I have been bored. I ended up having a couple of girl scout…