Easter Bunnies Support Group!!!!



  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    This week I'm adding more fruit into my diet just to see what that does.
    i'm not sure the 'poo yourself thin' approach will work that well!
    i'm sorry that you're finding things hard at the mo. i say focus on 1 thing at a time.
    if you can't get to a gym (i can't either) what else can you do that's different to what you're doing now? can you do any dvd's? or go for a long brisk run/walk?
    i always used to love the old jane fonda aerobics vids!
    it doesn't matter what it is as long as it increases your heart rate, and you do something more often than you do nothing. but we're here to support you to find your 'thing'. i think finding a 'thing' is really important as far as keeping motivated goes.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Haha Joni, I'm not trying to poo myself thin. I think I am bored with my diet and trying to perk it back up. On the plus side my garden is producing! Tonight I made Texas Sushi with the cucumbers right off the vine! Whoohoo!
  • Hodgeypodgy
    Hodgeypodgy Posts: 45
    Hi All,

    I have come to a decision today that for my last big push to target I am going to go back to Slimming World principles of eating. For me how much I can eat is a big thing and I like with Slimming World that there are no restrictions on how much fruit and veg I can eat. Knowing that I can have another apple etc without worrying or counting calories, definitely stops me from reaching out for the bad stuff. I also know that I can stick to Slimming World when I am back in the real world and not on here in the desert on deployment, as I simply won't have the time to count then.

    For now, I will still log and weigh in on here, especially as it keeps an eye on the macro nutrient side of things and my exercise. And of course I have you guys to be accountable to, I just won't be that worried about exactly how many calories I am over. If it doesn't work well, then I will return to the MFP way of counting.

    Have a great day x
  • Hodgeypodgy
    Hodgeypodgy Posts: 45
    Well I'm a bit miffed as I weighed in tonight and the scales dared to suggest I had out on 1.8lbs. I have no idea why so am not going to get too disheartened. I did go for a 10k run and 5k row afterwards though to try and get it back off ASAP! I have two weeks on Monday to get to my first goal weight of 133 lbs so hopefully if I keep doing what I'm doing and piling the water down my trap, I should be ok.

    Have a great bank hols x
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    claire- i'd be miffed too. but it's prob water or something. i wouldn't be surprised if you lose that and more next weigh in. as far as diet goes, do what you need to! you know what works.

    AFM- i never went for my run today- my 7 month old has a cold and was awake throughout the night- i got about 3 hrs sleep. i just couldn't have run. and i'm working an afternoon shift, which is going to be hard enough to drag myself through without extra tiredness on top. so i'm doing it tomorrow instead.

    BUT........ after that is the final weigh in and measurement taking. and we get to look back to the start and see what our goals were and see if we've reached them.

    i hope i've done ok. i'm sure we've all done ok :-)
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    Good luck on the 10K.....what a goal!!!!!! I can't imagine running a race like that. On a note that I can accomplish.....I discovered that the hotel that I am staying in next weekend has a pool, treadmills and ellipicals. Not sure what else, but now I can do a work out and still have a fun weeknd.

  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    well, i did my 10k! thanks to you ladies, or i would never have done it if i didn't have to write it on here!

    my time was 82mins, which i'm pleased with- i wanted under 90 mins.

    and i weighed in at 91.2kgs today :-), which is awesome. i know i was hoping to get down to 89.9kgs, but i'm not far off (like 2 1/2lbs). i started 5 weeks ago at 95.3kgs, so that is a loss of 4.1kgs (about 9lbs) and i achieved the most important thing- the run. i'll take measurements later (when i'm at work and i've got the tape measure!).

    i hope everyone else is close to reaching their goals.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    my measurements at the beginning of the challenge:
    waist- 106cm
    upper arm- 41cm
    upper thigh- 71cm
    calf- 49cm

    and now.....
    waist- 98cm
    upper arm- 38cm
    upper thigh- 68cm
    calf- 48cm.

    so, there's definately been a bit of movement there. i'm happy i'm 8cm smaller around my waist (about 3.5 inches i think), and it's just nice to see that things are shrinking! that's a total loss of 15cm (which may be about 6 inches- i'm not that good with the metric to imperial conversions!! but i like it in cms better because it sounds more :-))
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Wow Joni, that is absolutely awesome!!! I was working nights and actually forgot to measure and weigh before I started eating today, So, I will get mine in the morning. Which will be good for me, cuz it'll be the last day of hte month and then the scale is getting put away until the 1st.

    I went thru my June calander and wrote down what I plan on doing for exercise on each day. Including marking my rest day. I'm hoping that'll help keep me on track.

    Hope everyone else did good to.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I stayed the same this week but i will post my measurements this weekend when i get measured good luck to everyone this month !
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I finally got my scale to move down to 248! I'll measure tomorrow...my husband hid my tape measure. Congrats Joni, you did awesome!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Tammy I'm really glad for you!! Super that your scale finally decided to move.

    I lost 2 lbs this week!! and so here are my stats:

    May 1
    SW - 228.6
    Waist 48.5
    Hips 46
    L Arm 13.25
    R Leg 26.25

    May 31
    CW 220.0
    Waist 46.5
    HIps 45
    L Arm 12.75
    R Leg 25.5

    You know, it stinks from day to day, you don't see much happen, but looking back over a month it sure does feel good!! Makes me feel all the better about not weighing next month. What's one month? My uniform at work is pretty particular about weight gain/loss. I have to wear a belt and keep my shirt tucked in, so as long as that belt isn't going up, I'm gonna keep on with what I'm doing.

    Lets do this girls!!! and have really great results for June!!!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Way to go, Mary!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    This morning dear TOM is visiting. I hate him. I walked away from the scale. It was soooo hard to do! I'm going to have to put it away til the end of the month. I bought my hubby a bicycle this weekend, so we are now bike riding whenever possible. So that seems to be helping. I hope you all have an amazing day!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Good for you on the bike Tammy. What a great thing to do together.

    Question for you gals, "TOM" visited me in April, (about the time I started my journey here) and I haven't seen him since. I've been regular as a clock, every 23 days. Is it possible that the exercise, change in eating, weight loss, could all have a part of this? OR because I'm 47 I might be hitting that magic menopause age? Just looking for opinions. NOT that I miss it at all, sure don't. But kinda scared for how strong it might be when I do get it again.

    Hope everyone is having a strong day! Last day of school today for my boys so we are planning on going for a walk after lunch when they get out.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Mary, from what I have read, yes, it can change. Sometimes the body gets slightly overwhelmed and says ok, instead of all systems go, lets change that! LOL Anyway, it might be heavy next round, could be good ol' menopause. If it is, just tell everyone that you are a cougar now, and go out and find a nice looking house boy :laugh: . That is my plan!!:blushing:
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    ..., could be good ol' menopause. If it is, just tell everyone that you are a cougar now, and go out and find a nice looking house boy :laugh: . That is my plan!!:blushing:

    Now THAT is funny!!! I live in a housefull of men, 3 boys AND a husband, (read grown boy). I think I'd rather just get rid of all them for awhile and have the place to myself!!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Ahhh, but see that is the beauty of a house boy. Eye candy plush they have to take care of you. Mine will be a massage therapist like me....that way when i give a massage I can get one!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    nly have a minute, but hate the fact that it's be 24 hrs since anyone checked in, so I will. Today is my rest day, Worked last night and get to again tonight, this is just to hard of day to try to fit any strucured exercise in. Maybe I can get a walk in later.

    But, I woke up having to tinkle and thought I'd check to see how everyone's today is.

    Tammy great pictures. Don't you love the fact that you notice such a difference. You are doing great, hang in there. How is everyone else doing? I had taken my calander and wrote down what I was going to do everyday, for the whole month. I have one rest day each week. otherwise I am doing either 30 DS and 2 mile walk, or 4 mile walk. I'm hoping the cd will help me with my toning whereas the walking only really works my leg muscles, and sometimes my arms. Everyday I'm gonna hold myself accountable and if I say I didn't make it, you all are going to push me, and push me, and push me. (okay?) :happy:

    So, have a strong day all, I'm headed back to sleep.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    have a good rest, Mary! I'll push you!
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