Easter Bunnies Support Group!!!!



  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Bon, I could never do a 10k! I'm impressed you took it on. The bathroom issue is not funny (but kind of is to my rude American sense of humor!). I'm so sorry about your music...that would totally bum me out. Did you try the couch to 10k training? Or did you just start running? Either way I'm still impressed.

    Congrats on the weight loss!

    My head is sunburned where my hair parts and actually hurts quite a bit...managed to keep from burning anywhere else!

    i did the c25k- if i'd have known there was a 10k plan i'd have done that. now i've been floating around for about 2 weeks with no proper plan, and i'm having difficulty training when it's not written down- think i need something to see that i can cross off when i've achieved it.

    and you can find my needing a poo as funny as you like!
    and might i suggest you wear a hat!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Focus on the good - you did 9k, that's awesome! Also, I agree, Mary, you should allow yourself time off and to have a beer or two on a special occassion!

    Everyone isdoing so well, we just need to keep it up and kick each other up the bum from time to time.

    Speaking of which, I did no exercise yesterday apart from the 30 day shred because it was raining. How lame an excuse my lazy self came up with. It wasn't raining in the house!!! I could've done strength or jogging on the spot or even cleaned the flat but instead I did none of those things.

    Must do better today. :)
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Bon, I could never do a 10k! I'm impressed you took it on. The bathroom issue is not funny (but kind of is to my rude American sense of humor!). I'm so sorry about your music...that would totally bum me out. Did you try the couch to 10k training? Or did you just start running? Either way I'm still impressed.

    Congrats on the weight loss!

    My head is sunburned where my hair parts and actually hurts quite a bit...managed to keep from burning anywhere else!

    i did the c25k- if i'd have known there was a 10k plan i'd have done that. now i've been floating around for about 2 weeks with no proper plan, and i'm having difficulty training when it's not written down- think i need something to see that i can cross off when i've achieved it.

    and you can find my needing a poo as funny as you like!
    and might i suggest you wear a hat!

    I wore a sun visor...I need a good sun hat. Must get one by June 4th because we are taking a beach mini-vacation! I'm pretty sure there is a couch to 10k


    There is the link!

    Kat, 30 day shred is at least a good start. I took my son for a mother/son bike ride this morning...but we haven't had rain in ages. Please send it to Texas!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Joni, you did good! You've come so far, and you will complete a 10K I just know you will.

    Now that summer is here, we'd better all remember to wear our sunscreen when we are out exercise. Thanks for the reminder Tammy!! :flowerforyou:

    As we all know I did not exercise yesterday because I was feeling "under the weather". on the same hand I didn't eat much for the same reason. Today, I had about a 1 hour binge when nothing was off limits. It was terrible. I suppose it was because I was hungry from yesterday yet. But thankfully it only lasted an hour. I MADE myself get on the treadmill (cuz of rain) tonight for an hour. Feel better, but still dreading weigh in tomorrow.Oh well, it's a life long journey....

    Hope everyone has a great week, and gets lots of exercise and sun!!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member

    Speaking of which, I did no exercise yesterday apart from the 30 day shred because it was raining. How lame an excuse my lazy self came up with. It wasn't raining in the house!!! I could've done strength or jogging on the spot or even cleaned the flat but instead I did none of those things.

    Must do better today. :)

    So, we're all getting back on track tomorrow right?!?
  • Hodgeypodgy
    Hodgeypodgy Posts: 45
    Joni - You were so close well done!! And I completly understand that your ipod dying threw you off course. I lose my running mojo completely when I don't have music or my nike plus going to record my miles. At least you know what to expect now and you can get back on your training plan and breeze through the next 10k you enter. I am hoping to do a 10k race when I get back hopefully at the beginning of Oct as I have entered a 10 miler at the end of October and I definitely need some preparation for that!!! Well done on losing as well...every little counts!!

    I have had a horrible day. I had a parcel from my family last night which made me homesick and I have been down in the dumps all day. I'm a little bit proud of myself though as a large tray of my favourite chocolates Ferrero Rocher were in the parcel and usually I would have eaten them all within the hour. Instead I have had two (73 cals each!!!) and put the rest in the fridge. All I could think for the first 15 minutes of my run tonight was that I was burning off those two lovely chocolatey hazlenut balls. I am going to limit myself to 4 a week. Anyway, the gym made me feel a bit less glum and I also weighed in today and have lost 3lbs so that made me feel even better.

    I hope everyone else has a good weigh in today xx
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Well done Claire, and I love the idea about freezing those hazelnut balls. They'll be a nice treat for you.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Joni, I read this link from facebook c25k. It discusses your running problems:

  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Weighed this morining....3.8 pounds lost!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am down to 199.0 this week lost half a pound . Starting back to exercising today i hope for a good number on the scales next week 1
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Awesome, Tammy, well done! Ok, so, I had a lazy weekend apart from the 30DS I did no exercise at all (deep shame because I normally do some strength and walk at least a mile). However, this is a new week so... LET'S GO!!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Kris that is awesome!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I haven't lost a pound this week! Still at 242.6! Very frustrated. I have definately entered the plataeu state! yuck! 3 weeks and no movement!
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    great job guys!! stay motivated and keep up the awesome work!
    I didn't lose any this week, but in a little over a week I have lost inches! I wore a bikini at the beach for the first time in over 2 years!! it was so liberating! although, I got sun in places that haven't seen light in so long that I'm feeling it today!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    mk, hang in there...I just got out of my plateau. I know its frustrating..but stick to it!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    everyone is doing great!!! we've all got hurdles to overcome and it is difficult prioritising this. but we're all doing great.

    and not losing isn't the end of the world. you could lose inches and not weight. sometimes the scales aren't very friendly and don't reflect the effort we put in. but just keep on carrying on, because we're all getting fitter and IMO that's the most important thing.

    thanks for your support on the lessons learned with my run- i refuse to call it failure because i've learned and gained new determination. i'm going back in 3 weeks time (on the sunday at the end of the may challenge) to do the course again. and i'm going to complete it. i'm going to do the last 3 weeks of c210k and get there that way. i think that because i'm not a natural runner, and i'm still over 200lbs, i've been trying to push my training too fast. i'm trying to run 10ks when 5ks is still quite an effort for me. so i'm spending the next 3 weeks getting to 10ks gradually, then i'm running that bloody awful course again!!!

    that's my new may challenge goal.

    anyone else want to update their goals for the next 3 weeks?

    o, and claire- i hear you on the ferrero rocher. i got a refugee parcel in the post off my mum that had galaxy chocolate, proper wine gums and lions midget gems. nom nom. they've been in a high cupboard where i can't see them. but now this weekend's over (my sons 3rd bday and lots of party food), i can maybe reward myself after a hard day (only if i've exercised) with a nice cup of proper pg tips and a small handful of midget gems. heaven!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    I haven't lost a pound this week! Still at 242.6! Very frustrated. I have definately entered the plataeu state! yuck! 3 weeks and no movement!

    Isn't it amazing that a person can work at this the way they do and nothing seems to be happening? But it is!! Inside you are changing! Your getting healthier, building muscle and getting leaner. The scale will "catch up". Keep your head up and keep at it. Maybe shake things up a little in exercise or diet. It'll happen, don't give up!! And when you need to vent, (like I obviously did recently) we will be here for you!!

    Stay strong! ~Mary
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    great job guys!! stay motivated and keep up the awesome work!
    I didn't lose any this week, but in a little over a week I have lost inches! I wore a bikini at the beach for the first time in over 2 years!! it was so liberating! although, I got sun in places that haven't seen light in so long that I'm feeling it today!
    Super fantastic feeling I bet!! Great for you! but wherre is that sunscreen?
  • sweetnic
    sweetnic Posts: 66 Member
    I have been updating my diary on my phone, but have not been able to post to the message board from it. I have had such a busy week, and am really hoping for a slower one this week. I got together with a group of ladies and we did "Once a month cooking" to stock our freezers with healthy food in single size servings so we can grab one of those when our family's eating something unhealthy for dinner. It was a LONG three days of dicing & slicing & cooking, but I think it will be worth it over the next couple of months! :o)

    I am happy to report that I lost 3 pounds last week! I hope you all have a great week!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I did my measurements this morning:

    week 1: Today:
    Breast 49 6/8 49 1/2
    waist: 49 48 1/4
    hips 58 1/2 57 1/4
    thigh 26 1/4 26 1/8
    calf 17 17
    upper arm 16 15 3/4

    small but major! Have a great day everyone. Yesterday I ate junk food all day. I could use some of you to critique my diary on a regular basis to help me stay on track.
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