Easter Bunnies Support Group!!!!



  • Hodgeypodgy
    Yayyy! I did 5k in 29 mins and 36 secs today. It was on the treadmill so not too sure how it would translate outdoors but hey ho I'm getting there. Tomorrow I going to do a slower but longer run probably about 8k and then start getting my times down for 5.5 or 6k next week. Having a goal keeps me interested. I also just calculated that if I should be on for completing 100k in total this month. Writing everything down and keeping stats definitely keeps me on track, it's the inner Virgo in me.

    Everyone else is doing really well too and although I'm not sure if I will have lost weight on Monday, I know I will have had other successes.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Do you think it would be possible to get everyones name? Easier to remember (and spell without looking back) usually than the log names. Mine is Mary.

    As you might have guessed...mine is Tammy!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i'm joni (it's pronounced joan-ee, just incase you think it's johnny!)

    and hodgey- i agree about the goals. for me it's not about weight loss either. i'll be joining you soon in getting 5 ks in 30 mins. but i do it outside as i don't have access to a treadmill.....wish i did tho!
    tomorrow is going to be my long run- 10ks (ish). i'm going to run for 35 mins up a long road, then run back again! i'll find out how far i went when i get back. next sunday 8/5 is mothers day here..... and i'm also doing a proper 10k- it's my 1st!
    i love having things to aim for. i'll see how i go tomorrow in 1hr20 (5mins warm up and 5 cool down), then i'll be able to compare it to the week later.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Same for me.....I have to buy a tape measure tomorrow
  • KayleesTryin
    KayleesTryin Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you are doing fantastic!

    I have been pretty good the last couple days. I am staying within my calorie goals, but I have to confess that I am not eating the greatest. But the good news is - I am not starving like I usually am! I really am committed to making it work this time and I am more than happy with a slow and steady pace. I can't wait for Monday's weigh in to see if this is working!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    Hodgey, way to go on your run, talk about fantastic, I'm happy/proud for you.

    Joni, You do good on your long run. I have faith in you, it'll happen, your to dedicated for it not to.

    Kaylee, great job in staying under cals, and your not hungry! that's fantastic.

    I also have mixed feelings about weigh in. My clothes feel better, I put a tee shirt on yesterday and didn't have to stretch it out in the stomach area to feel comfortable. I was estatic about that. But on the same hand, maybe I'm expecting to much on the scale. I wish I had the ability to throw out the scale and just go with how I feel.

    You all have a great day, get your exercise, and drink that water!!
  • dmkaiser83
    I'm sticking to it! Today is my rest day but I did a bonus workout I got with TurboFire. It's chalean extreme burn circuit one. Turbo doesn't have a lot of resistance and I'm missing it so it's perfect that I got the bonus workout and don't have to go back to P90X for weights!
    I think I put myself in starvation mode. I wasn't eating my calories back when I logged my workouts and I was lacking about 800-900 calories a day so I'm trying to really get those calories in a healthy way so I'm not so sluggish and I can hopefully get back on track with losing the weight.
    Printed out my before pics and I put them inside my workout log book so I see them A LOT through the day. Keeps it all in perspective and keeps me from eating that cookie staring me down! LOL
    I want to be in a bikini by July 4th and go to the beach and watch fireworks and feel GREAT!
    My name is Donna, by the way! Mom of 3, ages 8, 5, and 2. married for 9 years to a USN Seabee.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Donna, you are strong, your are dedicated, you will do this. And tell your hubby thanks for the service!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    donna- it's great that your goal is to look good in a bikini!! and you'll do it too, i bet. how much do you want to lose? there are a few mums of 3 on here. 3 must be the new black!!!

    mary- i think that some people's weight loss shows on the scales, and others doesn't. you see people that lose 7lbs and drop 3 dress sizes, then there's people like me who lose 12kg (25lbs) whose clothes are just a touch more comfy! i think you're lucky if you can tell the difference in what you wear- then maybe the number isn't that important. but it's always good to remember that the slower you do it the longer it's likely to stay off for.
    the other thing is, (being supportive here, not a cow) is your diet ok? i haven't looked, but you seem to be working out plenty. do you rely on MFP to work out how many cals you're burning- i think it gives you the wrong number on here. i have a hrm, and the numbers i get on that are way lower (by a few hundred usually) than what MFP calculates for me. so i go by my hrm. you may actually be eating over your cal allowance???? just a thought.

    hodgey- its fab you're doing so well with the running. you inspire me to keep going. thanks.

    AFM- i'm still nervous about the weigh in, but i'm more nervous about my big run tomorrow. i'm taking today as a rest day (i struggled on the elliptical yesterday and only lasted 35mins), so figured if i rest up then i can go hard out tomorrow. before my hubby goes to work in the morning :-/ so there's a road by me that's exactly 5ks long, and that's what i'll be doing.... that road...... there and back...... ugh!
  • Hodgeypodgy
    Well I'm full of endorphins this morning. It feels great. I just did 7k on the treadmill, a bit slower than the pace I've been working up to for 5k but I was still feeling good.

    Joni you are doing fab, I love running outside and believe me if I wasn't stuck on a US Air Force Base in the middle of the desert I would definitely be choosing outside over the treadmill. I love running through the country side in England. Here it is far too hot even at night and there is only sand to look at so I prefer indoors. Fortunately the USAF look after their people really well and the gym faciities are awesome. Much better than we get in the RAF. If I do 3k tomorrow that will be a total of 100k for the month. I may need to get new trainers at this rate (or sneakers as I think most of you would call them!)

    Hope everyone has a food and fitnesstastic day!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    I am really thinking about getting a heart moniter. I've heard good things about them. MFP has me set at around 1800 cals and I usually reach that every day. I'll have to check into ebay.

    Joni, you will do great on your run, I just know it. You want to bad and have been exercising to long to not get it. Go girl, do your 5K and make yourself feel GREAT!!!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I also need a heart rate monitor. I'm not sure I'm burning what the estimates on MFP say I am for my cardio. Maybe I can pick one up cheap? I need a decent one though
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i'm sure you can pick them up pretty cheap- like $50 or so (so i've read from other yankie posts). i've got a polar, and i swear i wouldn't be without it. it's fab and gives me heaps of motivation.
  • dmkaiser83
    Thanks guys!
    yall are all doing awesome! I love my heart rate monitor!
    I'm trying to lose about 40 pounds. I'm at 190 right now and I'm 5'9 so 150 is my first goal. after that I will play it by ear, I'm thinking 135-145 for my ultimate goal!
    I was going through my TurboFire books agaian last night and saw where the program recommends my calorie goal is 2023 and on here it says 1300. I'm going to go back to 2000 calories and see if my energy kicks back up.
    I wish I liked to run, I used to run in high school but only for sports. maybe once I lose some more weight I will actually not mind it again! My husband runs and I would love to be able to run 5Ks with him.
    I love the gym on base! we live kind of far from base though, so I don't go anymore. When we lived in housing there I was there 2 hours a day everyday! It was my mommy time! 3 is the new black I think! LOL most everyone I know has 3-5 kids!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i did my run- i was time limited though, so i ran for 36 mins in one direction, and then back. it took me 72 mins to run 9.2ks. so i didn't quite get to 10ks, but i'm ok with that. and my time wasn't too flash, but i'm still really proud of myself- it's my first proper timed run! i just need to get to the top of that road..... there's a big hill followed by a bigger hill! i got up the 1st hill, then had to turn round because of time. i was so close to the top- about 350 metres away! but i was knackered too.

    o well, i've got a 10k funrun next sunday (which is mother's day here, and my little boy's 3rd birthday), so i'll get a good (and hopefully hill-less) time for that.

    hodgey- you sound like you're doing great. running 7ks is fab. and i fully appreciate what you're saying about running in the desert- you'd have to be on a real mission to think that was worthwhile!!!! you're doing so well with your timed runs- keep it up. and what's a pom doing working for the USAF anyway? or is that a long story?

    dmkaiser- i never ran in my life (not even at school- i was the podgy kid then too). the only reason i started running is because i got really angry with my hubby a little while ago- you know, that angry that i wanted to rip out his throat! he told me to eff off and just take the dog for a walk. i was that angry while i was out that i didn't know what to do with all this energy, and i couldn't walk fast enough to burn it off and calm down. so i started jogging between lamp posts- jog to one, walk the next 4 to recover! and i just kept doing it! but it wasn't until i found c25k that i was able to develop it properly- c25k is fab.

    and i weighed myself this morning after my run. i took water with me today as it was a longer run (i usually don't bother) so, i was more hydrated than i usually am when i weigh in.

    my goal now is to get to 89.9kgs by the time this challenge is over!!! i know it's aiming high- about 2.3lbs a week. but i may as well aim high- i want the reward!

    Mary and Tammy- i can't reccomend HRMs enough. mine is fab, and it really helps me to push through, and even to get up and get out (i don't like seeing too many gaps in the records!!). mine's got a strap, and i wear it over my boobs rather than under. and it works just fine.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Ahhh Joni, I am sooooooo proud of you girl!!! Fantastic run. You are such an inspiration!

    I checked out ebay for heart monitors, looks like I can get a fairly decent one for a reasonable price, so now I will try to get one on payday.

    I did get a pedometer and try to do 8000 steps a day. Days I work its hard to do. But after work tonight I made myself go for a 45 minute walk to get my steps in. Boy I didn't want to, I hate trying to sleep after I've done any exercise, but figured my health was important so I did. Now shower time, quiet time, and bedtime. Just to do it all over again tomorrow.

    Be good everyone, have a great and healthy Sunday.
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    thats a great run! my husband runs all the time and I've done every home workout there is and never stuck with any of them so he is just waiting for me to quit. I can't wait to finish and then run a 5k with him! he doesn't discourage me, I can just tell that he's expecting any day now to come home to me on the couch with a hershey bar and a dr. pepper! LOL
    I actually talked him into getting a HRM tonight! I love little gadgets and he thought that's all it was, just some other ridiculous trinket. after showing him how much easier it is to track calorie burn and be held accountable for the work you do he bought a polar ft4!
    tomorrow is a new day, make good choices and stay positive!
  • Hodgeypodgy
    Hodgeypodgy Posts: 45
    Excellent running Joni.

    I didn't run today as my shift was a little messed up and my knee was hurting so I thought I would rest it for 48 hours. My FT4 HRM arrived though so I can't wait to get started with that. I will weigh when I get up later on this afternoon and post my results tonight/Mon morning.

    Claire x
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Okay girls, you talked me into it, I'm gonna get a hrm. sonner the better. I cheated this morning and weighed in. I know, only one more day, but I felt sooo good that I had to see. I am down, hopefully I'll stay that way for the official tomorrow. I'm excited, I haven't seen a loss of any kind ijn years, this feels soo good.

    You girls are doing so good with your running. I'm so happy for you, keep it up, the dedication you have is amazing, and Donna, let your husband be pleasantly surprised not to catch you on the couch anymore. That is superb!

    I'm going to have a GREAT day. I'm gonna eat right, move as much as I can here at work, and be happy.

    Hope you all have a great day also. ~Mary
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Claire, I see you talk about Slimming World in your signature. Mind if I ask what that is?