Easter Bunnies Support Group!!!!

bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone.

And welcome to the Easter Bunnies Support Group. Glad that you've joined me here:-)

So the reason for this group is to support each other all the way through until 30th May. Anyone can join at any time. It is not a competition and everyone is welcome regardless of where about in your journey you are, whether your focus is improving fitness, decreasing the waistline, or both!

We have decided that we will weigh in every Monday. We are also going to take physical measurements (if you want to) so that we can compare this now, and again at the end.

We also thought that we would use this place to discuss both short and long term goals, and provide each other will support and motivation to help us achieve them.

So, lets get on with it!


  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member

    my name is Joni, I'm English but I live in New Zealand, and i work full time in a fairly sedentary job. I have 3 kids (ages 4,2 and 6 months), and i have been overweight since i was about 8. I've done a million diets (for about a week each!), and surprisingly i'm still fat!

    so, my focus has changed from losing weight to being fit. and running is my new found passion.

    my main goal for the next 5 weeks is to increase my running time from 30 minutes (thanks c25k) to 60, without stopping!

    mind you, i'd still like to monitor my size and weight loss.

    as of this morning, my weight is 95.3kgs.

    my measurements are:
    waist- 106cm
    upper arm- 41cm
    upper thigh- 71cm
    calf- 49cm
    (i chose to measure these as they are the bits i specifically want to see shrinking!!)

    so, i have my week mapped out to achieve my goal. my goal between now and Monday 2nd May is to run non stop for:
    25/4- 30 mins
    27/4- 33 mins
    28/4- 35 mins
    29/4- 35 mins
    1/5- 38 mins (but will do more as this is my long run day, but just walk for a few minutes after i hit 38 mins).

    but if anyone has any better ideas about ways to increase my times, please let me know. i'm new to this, so would welcome any advice.
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    Posting so I can find this Monday! Have to go buy a scale tomorrow and break out the tape measure thingy [:
  • Hello! My name is Stacy and I'm from southern California. I teach high school English, so my job ranges - some days I'll sit (testing days!) for most of the periods while other days I'm up and moving around and lecturing - just depends on the plan. I love what I do, but the whole stuff-your-face-for-thirty-minutes-it's-all-you-get lunch thing can get to me. I think I eat so fast that my body doesn't process, so I feel hungry every hour or two. I'm working on it.

    I've done weight watchers a few times, and fairly successfully - but I've never yet reached my actual goal, which is 125. I've gotten as close as 127.2 which was the summer before I got married (which was this past October), and since getting married the adjustment has taken its toll. I wouldn't say I've ever been fat (the most I've weighed is 155 when I was a senior in high school - big time stressful year), but I had not made a vow to be healthy until recently.

    My husband tries to be supportive, but I know he doesn't want to make me feel bad, and that he thinks I'm beautiful just the way I am (aww, the honeymoon phase) but I know that I'm not satisfied. We've been doing pretty good at cutting out processed foods, cooking all of our own meals (we've gone over six months now of marriage, and have yet to cook the same meal twice), but I think my biggest issue is not tracking my calories, and overeating my portion sizes.

    So that's why I'm here. I need someone (preferably, lots of someones) to kick me in the butt daily to make sure I stay on top of myself. So far, this has been a great place to do that, and I'm hoping I'll keep myself motivated enough to do so. Any support will be greatly appreciate :)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am posting on here so that i can find this tomorrow when i will post my weight and my measurements !
  • Hello my name is Bobbi. I am 24 years old, a college student and a full time payroll manager. I went through this dieting thing 5 years ago I wanted to be fit and healthy at 19. I did it I lost 50 pounds I was so proud of myself and had all the confident I never had in high school. I then met my boyfriend we got serious and moved in together well that was a huge mistake. I love him and we r still together but I stopped caring about what I ate and gave a lot of exuses why I shouldn't work out. I am over that, I will be 25 in June and I would like to take tons of pictures of myself with out feeling ashamed.

    My family also has a history of weight problems and the risk that go along with it. I want to be healthy for my life this is my time no more excuses!! Thanks you all a head of time for the support!!
  • BuckeyeGirl1
    BuckeyeGirl1 Posts: 23 Member
    I am posting so I can find this tomorrow. Going to measure and do weigh in tomorrow morning. So excited for this group!
  • Hi, I'm Claire (31). I'm English but am currently working abroad with work. I lost 21lbs between Apr 10- Jan 11 with Slimming World, but then I put on 11lbs because of moving into service accommodation where the meals are provided for you, are cheap and very good (but not that healthy). I have since lost 9 of those pounds being away from home as I have been using MFP and I have the time to exercise daily and select healthy salads etc.

    My goal is to lose another 9lbs before 13 Jun, when I go home on leave. I have a Summer Ball to go to and I can't wait to buy a slinky dress for it. I also want to tone up and get fitter. I current'y run at least 5k a day (I can do more it is just too hot and takes up too much time that I don't have) and also swim but I want to do more strength training and firm up my bingo wings and belly. My second goal would be to get down to 126 lbs by the time I leave here in Oct.

    I shall post my weight tomorrow, might not do measurements as I don't have a tape measure with me but will see what I can do with a piece of string and a ruler.

    Good luck x
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    BUMP! Just incase anyone is looking........
  • Good Morning, it is 0355 hours here and I have just been to the gym and weighed in (I work nights). I injured my knee yesterday so took it easy. Did a few weights and then just a 2.5k run at a steady pace. I weighed the same as yesterday which is 142lbs. I did try and take my measurements but they may be a wee bit off as I used a computer mouse cable and a 30cm ruler (the only things I had to hand in the office!!).

    Weight: 142lbs
    Waist: 72.5cm
    Upper arm: 30cm
    Thigh: 56.5cm
    Calf: 38cm
    Chest: 95.5 cm
    Under chest: 81.5cm
    Hips: 102cm
    Neck: 35cm
    Belly: 96.5cm

    Hopefully later on this afternoon when I wake up I can get for a swim. Have a good day everyone. x
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I'll be an Easter Bunny. I'll weigh in the morning and break out my tape measure (hope I can find it!).

    My goals are to work towards effectively doing push ups and sit-ups and to make sure I put in 30 minutes of cardio 3x/week. By cardio, I mean cardio on purpose..walking or stationary bike, and not the extras like cleaning house and mowing the lawn. Although I always count mowing...its hard work!
  • hessond
    hessond Posts: 224 Member
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    so, it was absolutely peeing it down here- not just raining but actually bouncing off the floor. and it lasted for hours. i chose not to go running in it (i went outside and the rain stung my legs it was bouncing that hard). so i went and did some running on the elliptical trainer instead. i was on it for an hour- i'm pretty sure i did mostly running with a few brief walks. but how do you really know? i just listened to music and tried to keep up with it.

    but my knees aren't hurting anymore (they were sore after doing an hours run yesterday), so i'm pleased i chose to go low impact.

    so, tomorrow is a rest day, then i'm back to it on weds.

    on the food front, we had roast chicken today. i tried to load up on veggies, but i know that i indulged quite alot. yay at getting to eat those exercise cals back (well a few of them anyway!).

    i'm excited about this, though. i wonder what will happen in the next 5 weeks?

    Hi stacey..... when do you want us to start with the butt kicking?? :-)

    claire- you're game for it. i don't know where you get the energy from if you're on nights. good on you.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My name is kristen -kris1085 My weight this morning is 201.5 i am getting so close to onederland ~
    My measurements are waist 37
    Butt is 45
    Bust is 43
    Right thigh is 23
    I am hoping to get to exercise some this week my back is hurting right now so i have to make sure my back feels better before i do anything !
  • BuckeyeGirl1
    BuckeyeGirl1 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone! I work full time at a Fitness Center (which is hard when you're overweight) and mother to a one year old son. I finally decided that it was time to stop using the excuse "I just had a baby" as to why I am still overweight.

    Weight:: 230.3

    Waist: 45 in.

    Hips: 51 in.

    R Thigh: 25.5 in.

    L Thigh: 25.5 in. (weird they were the same but I measured twice)

    My mini goal is to lose 8 pounds by midpoint and 15 pounds overall.

    Also I just started running again so I would like to be able to run 30 mins without stopping by the end of this.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Morning all, My name is Mary. I am 46, mother to 3 boys, and I get to work full time. (I'd rather go part-time, but not an option). I am going to try to bump up my exercise by another 15 min. a day and get more fruits/veggies in, because I am extrememly bad at them. So, here here go.
    SW - 228.6 lbs
    Bust - 47.74
    Waist - 48.5
    Hips- 46
    l. thigh - 26.25
    L arm - 13.25

    I'm ready for this. I've been losing steady, a pound a week about, since I started, but I'd like to see that go to 1.5 a week. Summer is coming of course. My mini goal is to get out of the 200's. I haven't seen that for about 26 years, so now is the time.
    Have a great day everyone and it's great meeting you and having you to do this with!
  • Good morning all - my name is Sally and I'll love to join.

    My weight is 140 Monday morning.

    Need lots of motivation am a emotional eater and fell of the wagon today after a good week. An Easter Bunnies Suppot Group is just what I need!

  • I'm also looking for friends on MFP to take this journey with me...so please visit my profile and send me a friend request :)
  • sweetnic
    sweetnic Posts: 66 Member
    Good Morning! My name is Nicole and I am a classic yo-yo dieter. I take the weight off and then it creeps back on, every single time. I am starting back up again and am really, really hoping to keep it off this time. My goal for May is to lose 10 pounds. I want to exercise at least 4 days a week and really bump up my vegie/fruit consumption.

    I am starting MFP up with 4 friends, and we are having our first official "weigh-in" this morning. I will post my weight and measurements this afternoon after I meet up with my friends.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I am still in.... i just can't post until later... So i WILL be back!!!
  • Just weighed myself Monday morning and I'm starting at 141.

    Gained 2 pounds from last week...need you guys more than ever for the emotional support.

    Take Care,
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