Easter Bunnies Support Group!!!!



  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    great job guys!! stay motivated and keep up the awesome work!
    I didn't lose any this week, but in a little over a week I have lost inches! I wore a bikini at the beach for the first time in over 2 years!! it was so liberating! although, I got sun in places that haven't seen light in so long that I'm feeling it today!
    Super fantastic feeling I bet!! Great for you! but wherre is that sunscreen?
    LOL my husband went kayaking the day before and he didn't lock the top of the sunscreen so it all sprayed out in his backpack and we didn't know until we got to the beach! i should have broke down and used the kids spf 50, but I really wanted to get some sun! LOL and i did....ouch!
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    small changes are still changes! WTG on 3lbs!! that's amazing!! I've lost another pound! feeling great!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I think I forgot to post Monday's weight...274.4
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I forgot to log in too! I lost 4lbs last week which is brilliant! This week is TOM so am feeling really bloated but have continued exercising through the crampy pain and am really pleased I haven't done the thing I would normally do with TOM which is curl up in my duvet whenever possible and work in earnest at devouring all of the food on Earth!!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I forgot to log in too! I lost 4lbs last week which is brilliant! This week is TOM so am feeling really bloated but have continued exercising through the crampy pain and am really pleased I haven't done the thing I would normally do with TOM which is curl up in my duvet whenever possible and work in earnest at devouring all of the food on Earth!!

    Way to go! I want to do the same thing during TOM!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I think I forgot to post Monday's weight...274.4

    Woot Woot!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Wow you guys, look at all the losses! Isn't that awesome, I'm proud of you all!

    We had a busy, very stressful day at work yesterday, and I came home at 7pm and tried to get on the treadmill, got about 1/4 mile and quit. Between my headache and the kids it wasn't going to be an enjoyable time anyway. BUT, this morning I got up, and went out and did a 4 mile walk outside. Blew the cobwebs away so to speak.

    Now I'm goinna go clean the house. My floors definately have to be scrubbed. yucky!!

    Have a great day everyone. Drink water, be strong, love life!!!

  • sweetnic
    sweetnic Posts: 66 Member
    How are those floors looking Mary? Mine need it sooooo bad too. I just got home from the Y - did the elliptical for an hour. Maybe I'll at least get my kitchen floor clean... You've inspired me! :o)
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    How are those floors looking Mary? Mine need it sooooo bad too. I just got home from the Y - did the elliptical for an hour. Maybe I'll at least get my kitchen floor clean... You've inspired me! :o)

    Well fine, guess I'll get off my butt and clean mine too! Sheesh Look what you started!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Wow you guys, look at all the losses! Isn't that awesome, I'm proud of you all!

    We had a busy, very stressful day at work yesterday, and I came home at 7pm and tried to get on the treadmill, got about 1/4 mile and quit. Between my headache and the kids it wasn't going to be an enjoyable time anyway. BUT, this morning I got up, and went out and did a 4 mile walk outside. Blew the cobwebs away so to speak.

    Now I'm goinna go clean the house. My floors definately have to be scrubbed. yucky!!

    Have a great day everyone. Drink water, be strong, love life!!!


    Much nicer to walk outside I think. Glad you didn't push through when you knew it wasn't going to be a good workout. That's why it is good that I do't have kids yet. I can close the door on my fiance and say the living room is off limits for an hour and he listens. Kids don't do that at all!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Well, I feel like I ran a half marathon, but my floors are clean!! Gotta count for some kind of exercise doesn't it? I got on my knees instead of a mop. (the corners and floorboards were really bad)

    Hope everyone else's look good. I'm doing great food wise, have enough cals left that I can enjoy dinner with my family tonight, now I just have to figure out what to have.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Good morning everyone! Got a walk in this morning. Felt absolutely great!!!! Would like to say that I can't wait to do it again, but that might be stretching it a bit.

    Have a healthy happy day everyone. drink your WATER!!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    OK ladies, today I took the plunge and quit smoking! I'm going nucking futs here...so if I start rambling, drooling, or speaking in tongues...its just me going into convulsions from lack of nicotine. I might be over on calories the next few days...hoping to keep it under control though. Please pray for me...I need all the help I can get.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Whew...I've made it through today. In fact the cravings are finally letting up. Did you know that when you quit smoking that even your lips crave nicotine? Neither did I! Anyway, I figure I need to be a little more proactive in my body detoxing from the horror I've submitted it to and did some research. Any of you ever hear of a ginger detox bath?

    Evidently you mix an 1/8th cup of ginger w/ 1 cup of epsom salts and put it in a hot bath to sweat out toxins. According to the article the sweating can last several articles. (I read several articles on it and they all agree).

    http://www.pureinsideout.com/ginger-bath.html This is the link if you are interested in learning more. Tomorrow I'll pick up some fresh ginger and make the ginger/lemon/honey tea and get some ground ginger to try in my tub. I"ll let you know how it goes!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Whew...I've made it through today. In fact the cravings are finally letting up. Did you know that when you quit smoking that even your lips crave nicotine? Neither did I! Anyway, I figure I need to be a little more proactive in my body detoxing from the horror I've submitted it to and did some research. Any of you ever hear of a ginger detox bath?

    Evidently you mix an 1/8th cup of ginger w/ 1 cup of epsom salts and put it in a hot bath to sweat out toxins. According to the article the sweating can last several articles. (I read several articles on it and they all agree).

    http://www.pureinsideout.com/ginger-bath.html This is the link if you are interested in learning more. Tomorrow I'll pick up some fresh ginger and make the ginger/lemon/honey tea and get some ground ginger to try in my tub. I"ll let you know how it goes!

    its awesome you've quit, tammy. i used to be quite a heavy smoker, and have been on and off since i was 13 :0/. at my worst i smoked 30 a day.

    but this time i've no desire to return to it. what helped me was using the nicotine gum to begin with. but the main thing that drove me was that if i'd have a smoke i couldn't do much exercise- i'd get really out of puff, and it wasn't because i was tired. so i've kept off it so i can run. i also don't drink much alcohol anymore (fwiw, stay away from booze for a while- that's something for me and alot of people that made it hard to stop. a smoke and glass of wine/beer/ meths goes together so well).

    my friend quit and put all the money he'd spend on smokes into a savings account. he's been quit for about a year, and saved enough to take 2 of his kids on holiday to australia.

    what's your incentive? either way, you're doing an awesome thing. you'll get to live for so much longer :-) yay!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    anyway, i've been busy as the last few days, and really trying hard to get all of the exercise in. my hubby has prob got gout in his foot. he can't walk. i wish he got it in his mouth instead!!!!!!! ;-)

    so i've had to take a sick day off work in order to look after him and the kids. and i discovered that he's been doing crap with certain parts of the housework- especially the laundry. i've worked my butt off catching up with things, having full responsibility for the kids (3 under 5), and having NO help. i've been trying to exercise when the kids are in bed, or throwing a film on for them and only going to the garage so they can get me if they need me (my dvd and elliptical are in the garage). so i'm hoping that some of the strength training will help my running- i've been lifting weights and stuff. and i've been working through the pain in my legs from doing exercises i'm not used to!

    i went for a run today- was supposed to be 22 min run, 1 walk, 22 run. i did 16 run- toilet break- 25 minute run. i just plodded around kinda slow. but i didn't stop.

    i'm thinking of getting a colostomy bag (not really, but it would be practical for me and my dodgy bum!). tammy- i looked at the article you posted the link for for me- thanks btw. i just don't know what else i can do apart from hope that my body gets used to the prolonged jiggling! and wear an adult nappy. but then i would be running with a full nappy, and i imagine that would give it's own very separate and rather grim set of circumstances!

    anyway, it's night time for me and i'm going to bed. i'm working an early shift tomorrow and will probably have to try and get out of work early (to come home to make sure the kids are ok and that scott hasn't died from a poorly foot). i need to have a run tomorrow and do the time properly, but that's going to depend on when i can fit it in and how i'm going to feel after getting up at 530am to go to work.

    anyway, good night all. remember your water and that there is only a few days until the next weigh in. i've written a chart for who has lost what- i'll type it up over the next few days. but be good this weekend or monday morning might not be as kind as you're hoping for.
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    OK ladies, today I took the plunge and quit smoking! I'm going nucking futs here...so if I start rambling, drooling, or speaking in tongues...its just me going into convulsions from lack of nicotine. I might be over on calories the next few days...hoping to keep it under control though. Please pray for me...I need all the help I can get.

    That's awesome news! Keep it up, even though I know it must be really tough. x
  • sweetnic
    sweetnic Posts: 66 Member
    Good for you Tammy! I hope today isn't too terribly bad for you. I've never smoked, but I have plenty of friends and family who do, and I know through them that quitting smoking is not easy. The ginger soak sounds interesting... let us know how you feel afterward!

    Joni - You blow me away with the way you squeeze so much exercise into your day! I'm a SAHM, and can't seem to find enough time to exercise everyday - I guess it's all about time management and priorities - I may need to review those areas in my life. :o)

    I've done really good so far this week, but today and Sunday will be tough. I've got a bunch of baking to do today, and freshly baked treats are my worst enemy. It's also date night tonight. :o) I've already had a cookie for breakfast, but I did just have one. Tomorrow shouldn't be an issue, but then Sunday I have a birthday party in the afternoon and then Girls Night in the evening. Hopefully I can stay strong and find the time to get some good exercise in so I can splurge a little bit!

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. Not sure how weigh in will go, but today is already better than yesterday on the nicotine thing.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Tammy - I so feel for you. Previous smoker here. hasn't been that long in fact, and last weekend when I had my night out with to much to drink, I fell and smoked also. That was part of my sickness I think. But, I'm with you in thoughts, you can do it.

    Joni, you crack me up!! Wishing your hubby's gout was on his mouth, I LOVE it!! and how many times I've felt like that. I sometimes feel men are a waste of house space. Good luck to ya!

    I'm feeling pretty good about weigh in so far this week. I start my month of nights tonight, and have to work all weekend, so that helps with my eating and drinking. It will however be harder to get exercise in. Work, 12 hr shifts, 1 hr on the road, 8 hrs sleeping, some children time, pretty much takes care of 24 hour period. But I will do the best I can, and I've pushed myself with the exercise so far this week.

    I've ordered a heart monitor. should be here in a couple days. Not a polar, but it does have a chest strap and keeps track of calories. Which is the main thing i need. I'm pretty excited to see how this all adds up.

    Well, have a great day all, catch up again later!
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