Easter Bunnies Support Group!!!!



  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I took my bike to the bike shop yesterday...it was in the back of the garage for 6 years. I am going to start riding again. It will be another way to get out into the fresh air....and another way to exercise that is fun.

    I think its a great way to do it. Its fun and refreshing. Like I said I have a problem with regimented work=outs. I get bored easily...but if I get far enough away from home on my bike or on my feet I have to get my butt back!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    everyone sounds like they're doing awesome!!! i know it's difficult, but we all just need to keep going...... there's a weigh in to contend with in 4 days!!
    i haven't exercised again today- 3 days in a row. life and work just keeps getting in the way! at least i'm a day off tomorrow and can just go on the elliptical thingy in the garage for a bit. i can honestly say that my diet has been spot on cals wise (although could be better choices, iykwim). i will just have to see if diet alone is enough to help me with losing the kgs.
    i think getting on the bike is an awesome idea, btw, especially with summer round the corner for you guys.

    anyway, i'm very sad today. my friend has been trying to get pregnant for over 20 years. i encouraged her to do fertility treatment, which she did. she found out today that the 9 week old baby stopped growing at 6 weeks, and she has to have a d&c. she's devastated, to say the least. and there's nothing i can do to help.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    ok, so reading everyone's posts got me motivated. at 9pm i went to the garage and spent 47 mins burning 500 cals on my elliptical. thank you everyone for inspiring me :-). i feel like i'm more on track now, and (although knackered) feel heaps better and more positive.

    cheers guys
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Well, my day is almost done. I got my 3 mile walk in, then went garage saleing with my boys. Got myself 3 pairs of jeans (namebrand Maurices if that means anything to anyone) but they were a size smaller than my ones I'm wearing now. Figured for 5 bucks I'd "grow" into them. Anyway, got home and they FIT!!! I was excited!! $150 dollars worth of jeans for $5. I was doing the happy dance.

    Ladies, we are all doing so well. I don't want to see anyone get burnt out. That is the point that I usually get to around a month into a diet. And I am right about a month into this, I don't want to burn out. So I want to thank each and everyone of you for being here for me. Listening to me rant, supporting me, and just going this journey with me. I feel much stronger and more able to accomplish this life style with others in my corner.

    Pat yourselves on the backs girls, because I appreciate you and you deserve it!!!!!!


    Good job on the jeans! You must be over the moon!

    I've been really good this week exercising loads but today I had to get the bus rather than walk to work so I'm a mile down on where I should be. Sigh.

    Anyway, taking everyone's lead I'm just going to shake it off and make it up elsewhere in the day. I'm starting to pick up little bits of exercise which is great to suplement the 30 DS and walking. Yesterday I did 50 standing push ups, 150 crunches, 100 squats and 300 stair climbs on top of my usual exercise. I find myself doing standing pushups etc when I'm standing about in my kitchen just so I'm doing something. I was doing squats doing the dishes - now that's committment!
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    ok, so reading everyone's posts got me motivated. at 9pm i went to the garage and spent 47 mins burning 500 cals on my elliptical. thank you everyone for inspiring me :-). i feel like i'm more on track now, and (although knackered) feel heaps better and more positive.

    cheers guys
    awesome job!!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Good morning all!! boy are we doing great!! We have movitated people going out to LOOK for exercise to do!! How awesome is that?!?

    It is raining here, so I'm gonna be stuck in the house. I think I'm going to get my treadmill walking done, get my online bills paid, and then go to the mall and see if I can find a HRM. Can't think of a better thing to do when it's raining except shop right?

    Everyone stay on the same great track, I'm proud of ya'll.

    ~Mary (Joni, check your inbox I'm sending you a msg)
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    think i've gained weight.... bah!
    i sneaked on the scale last night after my workout and i was at 95.2kgs. BAH! that's 2.2lbs more.
    but i usually weigh in the morning after i workout. working shifts doesn't half play havoc with your innards, eh!

    well, it's raining and miserable here. my hubby is gonna be late home from work, which means i might not get the chance to go out for the run i so desparately need. i've got a 10k walk/run this sunday, and i haven't been for an actual run since last sunday. i've been on the elliptical a few times, but it's not the same. i use the elliptical for when i'm tired, got sore knees, or when it's too late to go out.

    wish me luck. i think i might actually die on sunday!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    You'll be grand - don't lose heart! xx
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    yep, no exercise for me tonight.
    isn't it a ***** that life just keeps getting in the way- i have plans!!!!!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    everyone sounds like they're doing awesome!!! i know it's difficult, but we all just need to keep going...... there's a weigh in to contend with in 4 days!!
    i haven't exercised again today- 3 days in a row. life and work just keeps getting in the way! at least i'm a day off tomorrow and can just go on the elliptical thingy in the garage for a bit. i can honestly say that my diet has been spot on cals wise (although could be better choices, iykwim). i will just have to see if diet alone is enough to help me with losing the kgs.
    i think getting on the bike is an awesome idea, btw, especially with summer round the corner for you guys.

    anyway, i'm very sad today. my friend has been trying to get pregnant for over 20 years. i encouraged her to do fertility treatment, which she did. she found out today that the 9 week old baby stopped growing at 6 weeks, and she has to have a d&c. she's devastated, to say the least. and there's nothing i can do to help.

    Its very difficult to lose a baby. I lost one at 19 weeks. He was beautiful and I miss him terribly. Just let her cry. Don't tell her it will get better. It will, but what she wants is to mourn. But I'm pretty sure you are an awesome friend and figured that out already :embarassed:
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Here we go girls, another day!!! The sun came up. (yep it might be behind some clouds, but it's there) and we are all ready to go! Right? RIGHT??

    I am headed out for a walk. The sun came out today, at least so far, so I'm going to get my walk outside instead of on the treadmill. Feel better after being outdoors.

    Joni, I also sneeked a peek this morning, and I am up. But I ate out 2 times already this week, and I'm really really hoping that it's water retention. So, I'm gonna go on about my week, force down some extra water and hope by Monday it'll all figure itself out.

    The idea for the day is FRUITS AND VEGGIES!! I know that some of us need a major push in that direction. My goal for today is to have a fruit or veg. with every meal.

  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Does sugar free peach jelly count as a fruit? LOL
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Here we go girls, another day!!! The sun came up. (yep it might be behind some clouds, but it's there) and we are all ready to go! Right? RIGHT??

    I am headed out for a walk. The sun came out today, at least so far, so I'm going to get my walk outside instead of on the treadmill. Feel better after being outdoors.

    Joni, I also sneeked a peek this morning, and I am up. But I ate out 2 times already this week, and I'm really really hoping that it's water retention. So, I'm gonna go on about my week, force down some extra water and hope by Monday it'll all figure itself out.

    The idea for the day is FRUITS AND VEGGIES!! I know that some of us need a major push in that direction. My goal for today is to have a fruit or veg. with every meal.


    mary- you're so motivating! thanks! it's my boys' 3rd bday, so we're off out. i'll be walking ALOT today. but i'm gonna make a conscious effort to drink more water- i know i've been seriously lacking- think i had 1 cup yesterday! i'm not going to run today because i've got such a big run tomorrow and i want to see if some rest days before make it easier.

    tammy- and i reckon that sugar free jelly counts as fruit. absolutely. just like chocolate counts as fruit (cocoa beans) and dairy (milk). and wine can be separated into fruit (grapes) and water.
    and i'm really sorry to hear about your loss- you must miss him terribly. thanks for sharing that with me, even though it must have been painful for you to do that. xx
  • Hodgeypodgy
    Hodgeypodgy Posts: 45
    Good luck tomorrow Joni, I'm sure you will smash your 10K.

    I'm a bit grumpy as I got called into work just as was about to step foot on the treadmill. I was only needed for 30 mins but instead of just coming in my my gym kit and heading back to the gym, I decided to just take a shower and have the night off from working out as I was feeling tired. Wrong decision, which I am really regretting now (especially as I had a bagel which I never do!) as I'm not tired at all. I really want to go!! Oh well I shall go for a swim in the morning and then an extra long run tomorrow night to make up for it. I sneaked a peak on the scales aswell as I hadn't eaten all day. It is looking promising.

    Have a great weekend everyone. x
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    Few more days until weigh in....have been exercising and by my pedometer, I am walking a minimun of 2 miles just at work. I didn't feel like making a big dinner, so I made an omelet. It was very tasty and hit the spot. Now, I will go pack my lunch and head to sleep....5:30 AM comes way too early.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Hodgey, you get a good work out in today, you'll be okay.

    cherub, great job on the walking!! That's awesome!

    I totally bombed last night. Went to my niece's shipping out party. She is headed to Kuwait on Sunday. And saw so many people I haven't seen in a long time, had a fantastic time! But it seemed I couldn't drink enough beer. And I'm not much of a drinker at all. Pretty much gave it up when my boys were born. Can't handle kids on a hangover you know. But anyway, last night I was reliving my youth. And today I'm gonna be lucky if I get off the couch. I even agreed to take the kids to see a movie this afternoon so I wouldn't have to entertain them with anything. So, sitting here with a headache, no motivation, gonna have a bad weigh in on Monday because of all the alcohol, PLUS I have a smokers headache because I decided to do that to, and I haven't smoked for close to a month! Tons of self hatred right now! Why would an intellegent (at least I thougth I was) woman do something so stupid?
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    Hodgey, you get a good work out in today, you'll be okay.

    cherub, great job on the walking!! That's awesome!

    I totally bombed last night. Went to my niece's shipping out party. She is headed to Kuwait on Sunday. And saw so many people I haven't seen in a long time, had a fantastic time! But it seemed I couldn't drink enough beer. And I'm not much of a drinker at all. Pretty much gave it up when my boys were born. Can't handle kids on a hangover you know. But anyway, last night I was reliving my youth. And today I'm gonna be lucky if I get off the couch. I even agreed to take the kids to see a movie this afternoon so I wouldn't have to entertain them with anything. So, sitting here with a headache, no motivation, gonna have a bad weigh in on Monday because of all the alcohol, PLUS I have a smokers headache because I decided to do that to, and I haven't smoked for close to a month! Tons of self hatred right now! Why would an intellegent (at least I thougth I was) woman do something so stupid?
    don't be so hard on yourself! I ate a brownie that was 510 calories and drank a giant frapp that was 350. so, that was 860 calories just for breakfast!! I felt sick and hated myself all day yesterday! just start fresh, and HYDRATE!! flush all that alcohol out of your body! hangovers are no fun, but just remember that it was a great time and you made some fun memories.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    don't be so hard on yourself. We are striving for a lifestyle change and we will fail occasionally. But its only a temporary fail. You will get back at it! I went to the local air show today and did a ton of walking and sweating..and both without a lot of effort! I avoided most of the carnival type food but allowed myself a few bites of my favorites. Now, I'm just hoping the top of my head isn't too burned!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    geez, you guys keep telling me it's ok when i don't get done what i think i should!

    mary- give yourself permission to have the day off! it's awesome you went out last night and had a great time! and that you're taking your kids to the cinema! that's a great way to spend a sunday. we're supposed to be fitting this in with our lives, not having it take over completely so we don't have any fun anymore! regret the drinking (coz hangovers suck) but don't regret having a good time. and give yourself permission to rot for the day :-)

    so i did my 10k today- certainly DID NOT smash it! i sucked. it sucked. the course was kinda difficult- you had to walk over 1km uphill just to get to the start point. only to have to go back down and up it again repeatedly. my ipod died at 3kms, and i can't run without music. then (TMI warning) i needed the loo. happens EVERY time i run. i even took immodium to hopefully stop it happening, but didn't work. so i ended up walking gingerly for another k before there was a loo i could use. then i just about lost the plot- had problems running with no beat to run to. every time i tried to speed up i needed the loo again. so i walked back up the hill to get to the toilet, and decided i couldn't really do anymore. but then thought i'd just go down the hill and back up again (for another 2ks, making it 7 in the race). so i did that. in total, i went about 9ks. i've decided i need to enter more events and do more 10k runs from home. and i need a proper training plan to follow- i might consult with a PT to make one up for me. but my determination is revived!

    but i weighed myself today- 93.9kgs! not a huge loss, but i'm happy! actually, i'm thrilled. that was done mainly with diet. but 89.9kgs feels alot closer now than it has felt for years! it's about 8lbs and i'm in the 80's (and ONEderland!). not long ago i hovered around 100kgs, and now i'm way closer to 90.and there's still 3 more weigh ins in the may challenge (after tomorrow). if i can keep going and lose 1kg a week, i'll be 91kgs (and if there's any way i can push it to go a bit further, i will).

    anyway, what a lot of waffle!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Bon, I could never do a 10k! I'm impressed you took it on. The bathroom issue is not funny (but kind of is to my rude American sense of humor!). I'm so sorry about your music...that would totally bum me out. Did you try the couch to 10k training? Or did you just start running? Either way I'm still impressed.

    Congrats on the weight loss!

    My head is sunburned where my hair parts and actually hurts quite a bit...managed to keep from burning anywhere else!
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