Easter Bunnies Support Group!!!!



  • Hodgeypodgy
    Hodgeypodgy Posts: 45
    Don't worry Joni, it's not ALL i'm eating. I worded that wrong. What I meant was that I tend to have it most days. Chicken salad for lunch and then a chicken salad wrap for dinner. This is mainly through lack of healthy choices here on base and the requirement to get something cold to takeaway because of my shifts. I am eating other stuff though honest. The two cookies I had yesterday were very nice indeed.

    Mary, happy birthday for tomorrow/today depending on what the time is with you. It is just gone 0230 in the morning here so I am guessing I am ahead of you. How about swinging your arms when you walk - will this get your heart rate up more?
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    mary- i posted on your topic thread.

    i'm going to zumba tonight and weighing in tomorrow... wish me luck with both!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Thanks, I feel like I'd look funny with my arms a pumping. But I will give it a try, I'm doing this for me, not for what others think of how I look when I walk right? So, I'll give it a try.

    And how was your Zumba dance?
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Could not get myself motiviated today, AT ALL!! I walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill, and then I put on some music and danced in the living room for 25 minutes. I didn't go the full hour I usually try for, but at least I got up and moved it!

    This afternoon I had 2 homemade chocolate cookies that mom made for me. Nothing like them. I logged them, I only had 2, (compared to 4 or 5 pre MFP time), and I'm okay with it. I'm due for a visit from TOM any day now and I think that's why I feel funky like I do. Just wanna crawl in bed and cover up my head. :indifferent: But I can't, I work tonight and that's the way it is.

    Hope you all are having a great day! Thanks for listening!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    mary- you're doing great! it's hard to get going sometimes- i think we all know that one :-). but you did well.

    i weighed in today - 92.8 kgs!! woot woot!! 89.9 is so close i can nearly touch it! and i think that's onederland!

    i pulled out all the stops yesterday- i did a proper long jog in the morning, then jogged the 15 mins each way to zumba. zumba was ok......... i'm not sure if it's for me really. it wasn't even dancing- it was just a room filled with older uncoordinated ladies that basically floundered on the spot!! i like dance, but it didn't really feel dancy, iykwim. it's fun though so i might do it again if i get bored. but right now i'm trying to focus on running and strength training- zumba doesn't really do either!

    anyhoo. happy thursday everyone. i hope you all do well today and get in some kind of activity.

    hey, i was thinking as well that i really like this little group we've got going here..... would anyone else be interested in continuing this challenge thread for june too?
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    I LOVE our group, and would definately continue. We'll just keep coming up with new challenges and keep going.
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I've been rubbish and absent the last few days. Proper hectic at work at the mo! Bad news - we had a workman in the house yesterday and he has managed to break my scales. Sigh!!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I love these challenges and i would like to keep on doing them also ! I am going to Zumba class tonight i love the class that i go too !
  • Hodgeypodgy
    Hodgeypodgy Posts: 45
    Yep, I'm in for keeping it going through June. I might not be on as much for the second two weeks though as I am going home on leave - can't wait!!

    I did a 5k run in just under 29 mins today, so I am very pleased with that.

    Keep it up!!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Claire - awesome job on your run, I'm very happy for you!! Going home on leave, that is awesome, we'll be here wanting to hear the fun you had.

    Kris - you have fun at your zumba.

    I bought 30 day shred. Used it for the first time this morning. I modified it a little to stay easy on my knees, but I almost kept up. I feel it this afternoon. My body aches in places I don't remember having muscles. Definately use different ones from the walking I've been doing. So, I'm a little excited to see how this works for me. I certainly should be able to find 20 minutes a day for this!

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • Hodgeypodgy
    Hodgeypodgy Posts: 45
    Mary, I've got 30 DS at home and my friend is sending it out to me. When it arrives I plan on doing that and my running. I shall let you know and we can keep it other going on it. From memory it is a good workout. Well done for doing it.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Sounds great CLaire. I was just looking, your less than 10 from your goal!! I don't know why that didn't register with me before, but that is awesome! oh what a feeling.............
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    well, i might just have to get involved with the shred thingy too! i don't want to be left out ;-)

    i'll have to get it though- it's not well known over here in nz, so it might take me a while to get.

    claire- fully awesome job on reducing your 5k run to 29 mins. that is simply superb! you have done so well to knock about 3 mins (it's about that) off your time in a few weeks. well done. i look forward to being able to run 5ks in such a short time. i must time myself when i'm doing a run to see how long it takes me...... well, actually after next weekend (and the dreaded repeat of the 10k bomb), i'm going to spend a week doing a 5k run- the same 5ks for 7 days, and i'll get an average of my time. then the training for the half marathon will kick in.

    mary- it's great you're doing the shred. i'm all for it, but my god isn't it inconvenient when your muscles hurt!!!.

    i did my davina dvd again yesterday, and good news for me is my thighs and bum don't hurt today!!! yay me :-)
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I'd be happy to be in through Jun. My scale just isn't moving. Its stuck. But I'm pretty sure I've lost inch wise. Seem to be on a seriuos plateau. Have a great Friday everybody!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    I did nothing today. I worked last and was tired when I got home this morning. So after the boys got on the school bus I went for a short bike ride and then I went to the dentist for a crown and filling. Then I went shopping for an outfit for 3 weddings we are invited to. Found a real nice pair of linen capris, shirt and vest. I think they really look nice. Plus the pants were a size smaller than I bought for myself last year! So even if the scale isn't moving I think the inches are.
    Anyway, I finally got home right before the kids got off the bus, then we went and took family pictures for the church directory, and now I'm home. Going on 25 hrs of no sleep, and I'm tired. So..... I'm putting the boys to bed and going to sleep. In the morning I will walk and do 30 DS.

    You all have a great weekend!! I'll be thinking about you all and hoping everyone stays strong for the weekend before weigh-in. :tongue:
  • Hodgeypodgy
    Hodgeypodgy Posts: 45
    Mary I think you deserve that sleep and good luck for the Shred tomorrow.

    I had a really good run tonight. I ran 5 miles in 50 mins and 15 secs. I have to say though although my timings are coming down, I doubt I would be nearly as quick if I was running outside. I just keep cranking the speed on the treadmill up and its either keep with it or fall off!!

    I also had a quick peek on the scales, it's not looking good and tbh I didin't think it would. I have felt bloated up all week and haven't been swimming at all. Still there is time before Monday and I am going to keep drinking the water and green tea and maxing on veg, fruit and chicken.

    I have just over 3 weeks to get to my first mini goal weight so I just need to take each day as it comes.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    The scale is moving slowly for me as well. Half a pound here...quarter of a pound there...looks like I need to step up the exercise whether I am tired or not. I admire all you runners....I can't do that. I think it is time though to measure again....I did it 2 weeks ago. You never think about your feet getting smaller, but I do believe that my feet are shrinking as well. Shoes that I bought to wear to work and started to kill my instep shortly after putting them on...well, now I can wear them.

    Now that I have a HRM, I can put it on while I do yard work. I sure hope that it doesn't rain on Monday or Wednesday....I am off and need to get my plants in before they all die.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Well, I got my walk in this morning and my 30 DS. But, I've learned that I can't do them back to back. I walked first and then had a hell of a time keeping up on the shred. Maybe I'll do the shred first........

    Went to a wedding today, was really afraid to log my food, but even with the cupcake and 2 drinks I stayed under my cals. Thanks to my workout this am. I am NOT looking forward to weigh in. i peeked this am and was up 2 lbs. I know I'm due for TOM to visit and that could be a big part of it. (at least I hope it is). Starting Monday I am going to try zig zagging for 2 weeks and see if that makes a difference. Lots of people swear by it.

    Stay strong everyone!
  • Hodgeypodgy
    Hodgeypodgy Posts: 45
    oooh I am pooped. I couldn't get going in the gym either tonight. I did some rowing and running/walking to mix it up and eventually burned 500 cals but it took a while.

    I also weighed in as it is my half night off and the only time when I can get to a scale when I have just woken up and before I have eaten anything. Well anyway, post workout, in the nuddy weigh in as usual and I have lost 2lbs. I am so pleased as I really thought I had put on. I know I am less than 10 lbs from goal but I am still carrying a lot of flab, so can't wait to get started on the Shred again.

    Have a good one x
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Wow, a whole day, and no one was here. What's up ladies???

    Claire, you made yourself do something while you were at the gym, so it was not a waste. You did good!

    Joni, was it today you had another run or next Sunday? I sometimes get confused when "next" is this coming up or the "next" one. (boy, did that make sense?)

    Tammy, how you doing? Think your off your plateau? Did you sneek a peak this week?

    Cherub, I'd love for my feet to get smaller as I lose. But I'm afraid you mean in width, and I mean in length. These size 11's are kiulling me. To think when i graduated high school I was an 8.5. They say your feet keep growing, I'm proof of that.

    I did 30 DS today, and then I walked a little over 2 miles. Was alot easier doing it that way. I am not looking forward to weigh in. I am looking forward to measuring at the end of the month, cuz, boy are my clothes fitting better. Has everyone else noticed that their clothes are more "user friendly"?

    Hope everyone is doing good, and has a great Monday weigh in. "Talk" to you then.

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