

  • is a a security thing? like do girls feel safe? or is it purely a sexy thing.
  • I'm single now, I have a lot of things I'm going to be re-introduced to back in the wild. If you were here Jenna don't even tell me you wouldn't be rubbing me. lol ;)
  • I've seen quite a few pregnant women at the gym. In fact I've actually checked out a few women and when they turn around I'm like "holy **** there's a baby in her". I think keeping up with your workout while your pregnant would be good for both you and your baby IF your doctor approves of it. I'd even imagine that if you…
  • This is just some hot chick with large supple wonderful breasts. I don't think Casey was that full in the breastal area.
  • and mine would be to join Jenna in that adventure lol
  • Jenna Marie :smokin:
  • Drink water between each beer. sure you'll spend have your night peeing but at least the next day you won't spend it on the toilet ill. Sometimes I'll have a few sprite and vodkas with a lime and then just ask for water with lime or sprite with lime later in the evening. I'd rather drink till I blackout sometimes though.…
  • I absolutely agree with the curves. I love some hips! and It's not really a 6 pack that gets me, it's flat toned but the obliques have to be there. no bulging abs. and bigfakeboobs. did I mention that already? lol
  • nipples! lol actually I love boobs. fake ones usually, cuz they won't go bad as fast. I'm also a huge *kitten* fan and abs.
  • cooks.com allrecipes.com or just google the S outta that and you'll find some cool stuff. you can do roasts, put all your veggies in with the roast and make it kinda like a stew. or make pulled pork. yum
  • bikini season is my motivation too, cuz I need to get myself in some this summer! lol hi jenna ;)
    in Bikini Comment by ryandarby April 2011
  • try letting him do ya doggystyle? lol ok, seriously that does suck, maybe he is getting a little bored with things? Joe Rogan did a standup bit about dogs and girlfriends you should listen to. dogs are mans best friends too, remember that. You obviously can't say "it's the dog or me" cuz you'll be on the street. YOU CAN…
  • That's where I get all my love making tips!!! (that and in national georgraphic)
  • I wouldn't jump into 2 full workouts a day every day of the week right away, you don't want to get sick and screw it all up. maybe start with 3 days a week of twice a week and then after a week see how you feel and add another day. drink plenty of water and watch your diet also. Increased activity may result in more hunger.
  • I use one of these cross trainer machines at my gym. if you can find one of these I would try it. this workout program they have built into the machine called the 30\30 is probably one of the best exercises you can do. check out this video on youtube. I have found youtube to be one of the best places to find new things to…
  • If you do start doing some aerobic activities or strength training don't be surprised or bothered if you do put on a few pounds either!!! Remember muscle weighs more than fat and when you strength train you will be putting on some muscle. I've heard nothing but good about Jillian Michaels 30 day shred also. maybe do your…
  • While saving the money at the 3 letter store is good that price is usually still higher than the websites. I go in there to buy certain things but even the worker told me they can't compare to the online store prices. I spend a little less than half as much online as I would in the store. suppliment shack is another great…
  • I've been doing the ab videos that the excercise channel has on ONDemand. girly things but they help. also cardio is the best and only really good way to get your abs out. they are under there just have to get that fat out and it's the last part you lose weight from. there is a lifefitness machine at the gym that has a…
  • I've always found it easier to eat more if I prepare my food ahead of time or portion out food for certain times throughout the day. I noticed the other comment suggested nuts, which is a great idea. I would purchase a pound or so of mixed nuts (unsalted if possilbe) and put them in baggies and bring them to work, bring 3…
  • What is the cost on that ? I know sometimes proteins can get expensive especially at that 3 letter suppliment store! I buy Nutritiontech Whey Extreme from muscleoutlet.com it's 77 servings for around $45, the taste is ok, not chalky at all and it's only a 30g scoop so if you add it to a whole glass of milk you can't barely…