

  • I Nikki. I am been on for about the same time. Trying to get healthy.
  • I am really having a problem finding people who are doing the HMR Diet. I really like it and find it fulfilling. I just wish there were more people to discuss it with.
  • Yes, you are living with your head stuck in sand. I hope you won't mind helping raise your new addition to the family because you are unwilling to realize that this is NOT 1950. Hell, even if they were 25 right now they couldn't find a job. I can tell you this, I am not a bad person, I have a college degree, I work two…
  • Well my answer to your statement about self control when it comes to sex or our weight is we don't do so well. You are not your daughter and don't know if she would be able to always say no. When you love a person, it is very hard not to want to be with them sexually. It does not mean that she is weak or has poor morals,…
  • If your daughter is thinking about having sex, first sit down and have a very long talk about all the emotions that come with sexual relationships. The best thing my dad ever told me is that I was going to get to an age when my mind was going to say NO, NO, and by Body was going to say YES, YES. Whether we face it or not…
  • Well if you want to treat your body like a piece of crap, yes. The body treats every part of the food group differently. For example, the high protein items, and I am not implying meat because I am a vegetarian, will stay with the body longer so we do not get hungry as fast. You want to eat high calorie low volume items,…
  • I would not recommend this approach to any weight loss program. I am a true believer in eating healthy and exercise. I am not saying that we always do this but that should be the approach we use to get the a healthier self. It is not just what is on the scale but how you are treating your vital organs like your heart,…
  • I take the vitamins that come with my HMR shakes. They are excellent. My doctor told me that my iron level has improved from my previous visit. Taking the vitamins and eating better is making a difference.
  • You may want to look for triggers that are making you eat unhealthy. Bad habits and such or stress. Drink lots of water, always have some healthy items on hand, in the car, in the cupboard. Plan a way to put exercise in your social life, walking, skating, whatever. If you have a relationship that does not support this…
  • I struggle with water but if water is what you always drink I take my hat off to you. That is the best thing you can drink. No need to question that selection. Maybe you inspired me today.
  • I don't know exactly where you want this question to go but I know that where I buy my HMR product is having a cyber Monday sale. It is the only time of the year that it is 20% off. I figure if I can get the weight down I don't care what I pay for cloths.
  • Great recipe, I will try this one.
  • I would love to join. I am on the HMR diet and a vegetarian. I am trying to not gain any weight for the Holiday season going into the new year. I am doing 3 extra sessions, 10 minutes each of walking per day, to my program. I do better at adding activity rather than cut back on food.
  • I agree with the other postings. Sometimes people do not want you to get healthier because we as people are not always nice. If you feel there is room for improvement, go for it and we are here for you.
  • Hi Cheryl- It is a long road but a good road. Keep in mind that you are an important person and we will help you along the way.
  • I am also on the program. I do the at Home Call at hackley health and purchase them on line at their site. I love the shakes. Chocolate is my favorite but I do mix it up a little with their flavors additives. We are working on the increased PA to head off the holiday pounds. How are you doing on the program?
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