Say your 15 yr old daughter requests Birth Control



  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    lol. Im typing from my cell. Its not worth it to try to edit. Did you see how i just changed my mind in my last qoute? I did that because if i agree with people then it wont make them as mad, then i can say how i really feel and they usually wont get as mad as if i would have said "15 year olds shouldn't be having sex..period"

    The one thing I'm we all can agree on...

    We need to learn to edit our incessant quoting!

    :wink: :laugh: :tongue:
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    So many replies, not even sure if this will get read. BUT -

    The real reason kids come home pregnant is because we a) don't talk to them about sex or b) we hand them condoms and give them birth control. Kids are already confused as hell at that age. They don't need us making it worse.

    The pill can be used for a lot of things other than protection. Acne, PPMD, regulation of cramps/period just to name a few. If my child was struggling I would definitely consider this.

    Now, if she wanted to have sex, yeah - I would be concerned. I remember when my parents used to ask me where I was going, drive me there, pick me up, meet the parents. The kid really shouldn't be in a situation where they can have sex. Parenting isn't handing a kid a condom just in case. Parenting is a bit more involved than that :)
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    Since I have no daughter, I feel comfortable in saying this.

    1) buy a gun
    2) invite her boyfriend over for dinner
    3) spend the entire night cleaning and checking the site
    4) overreact
    Good thing you don't have a daughter, then. That's an unrealistic and unhelpful attitude. She would end up getting pregnant because of unprotected sex.

    everyone has sex, that's why we're all here. women begin to menstruate at 13 so we can become pregnant, it's normal to want to have sex at that age. (obviously although our society has changed, but physiology hasn't).

    I waited until i was 18 but I just didn't want to get pregnant and didn't have parents who were supportive of the pill.
    i'm not sure why sex is often viewed from the stance as a problem/taboo.
  • KMSForLife
    Since I have no daughter, I feel comfortable in saying this.

    1) buy a gun
    2) invite her boyfriend over for dinner
    3) spend the entire night cleaning and checking the site
    4) overreact
    Good thing you don't have a daughter, then. That's an unrealistic and unhelpful attitude. She would end up getting pregnant because of unprotected sex.

    everyone has sex, that's why we're all here. women begin to menstruate at 13 so we can become pregnant, it's normal to want to have sex at that age. (obviously although our society has changed, but physiology hasn't).

    I waited until i was 18 but I just didn't want to get pregnant and didn't have parents who were supportive of the pill.
    i'm not sure why sex is often viewed from the stance as a problem/taboo.

    Sex is not a problem. A 13 year old having sex is a problem. It is a problem. It is a problem.
  • Alyshahmr
    If your daughter is thinking about having sex, first sit down and have a very long talk about all the emotions that come with sexual relationships. The best thing my dad ever told me is that I was going to get to an age when my mind was going to say NO, NO, and by Body was going to say YES, YES. Whether we face it or not you are dealing with nature and nature does not always think logically and into the future. Love her and listen.
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    This is coming from my experience. Not as a mom (my daughter is only 16 months). As a kid, my parents were very very informative. I had my first period at 9 years old. I had lots of questions! I ask to be on birth control at 13, even though I wasn't having intercourse. My parents informed me about everything there was to know. I knew about pregnancy and STDs and I was so terrified to catch anything NO boys/men would have gotten away from Not wearing the rubber! Ha! I say, listen to your kids and let then be informed. Now ask me again when my daughter is 15! I'll say buy a gun! Lol
  • Switzenheimer
    You trust her! shes putting trust in you to ask, educate her on why condoms are still necessary, its not the end of the world. teens have sex, that's just how it goes, better to be safe and smart about it. I think its just stupid when parents don't allow, or help their teens to get the products necessary to be safe about the choices they are making.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Lots of discussion. I've read most pages, admittedly not all. Here's a direct answer to OP's question. Your 15 year old daughter has come to you asking for birth control. What do you do?

    I would guess my first response would be to ask her why. Say she does want it to have sex and not get pregnant. Regardless of how I felt about her having sex, I would find that very mature of her, to be thinking of the consequences now. And how grateful would I be that she came to me.

    What do you do? You cannot possibly monitor her habits 24/7 to prevent her having sex. What if she's going to do it anyway? Are you still against helping her get BC? I'm not against having a long talk with her about it. Preferably, we've had these sorts of conversations before.

    But at the end of the day, you may not be able to stop it. She may not even agree with you, if you think it's wrong. I remember 15. I may have been under my parents' responsibility, but there wasn't much they could force me to do or not do. And they sure couldn't force me to believe as they did. The fastest way to get me to do something was to forbid it.
  • Alyshahmr
    Well my answer to your statement about self control when it comes to sex or our weight is we don't do so well. You are not your daughter and don't know if she would be able to always say no. When you love a person, it is very hard not to want to be with them sexually. It does not mean that she is weak or has poor morals, it means that she is human. Give her all the tools, including birth control, if that is what is needed. If we could always have will power we would not be such fat *kitten*. That is all I have to say on this subject.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    Since I have no daughter, I feel comfortable in saying this.

    1) buy a gun
    2) invite her boyfriend over for dinner
    3) spend the entire night cleaning and checking the site
    4) overreact
    Good thing you don't have a daughter, then. That's an unrealistic and unhelpful attitude. She would end up getting pregnant because of unprotected sex.

    everyone has sex, that's why we're all here. women begin to menstruate at 13 so we can become pregnant, it's normal to want to have sex at that age. (obviously although our society has changed, but physiology hasn't).

    I waited until i was 18 but I just didn't want to get pregnant and didn't have parents who were supportive of the pill.
    i'm not sure why sex is often viewed from the stance as a problem/taboo.

    Sex is not the problem .. It's the stuff that accompanies it is the problem. Physically and emotionally. We aren't living in prehistoric times .. it is not just a primal instinct. It comes with consequences. A child of 13 doesn't have the maturity to deal with what is happening .. even if it's been explained to them.

    Sure hormones control the brain into thinking it has to procreate .. that's natures way .. But, we are not animals .. we are human beings living in a modern day civilized society. We live our lives constantly fighting what we feel we want or need to do. We all have to exercise self control.

    Like, yesterday when some moron cut me off on the highway, almost causing me to swerve into oncoming traffic .. I 'wanted' to hunt him down and punch him in the weiner .. but .. Did I ? Nooooo, I didn't .. because THAT would be stupid.

    If we didn't exercise some level of self control there would be no monogamy either .... Or are we making too much of a deal about that too?
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    If she asks BEFORE she is in a monogamous relationship I'd be worried.

    You are supposed to be on the pill 1 month before it is it's most effective therefore if she's been dating for a few weeks (which seems like forever in high school so I'd consider that a 'serious' relationship) and can't wait 1 more month to take it to the next level then there are serious promiscuous issues there, especially for the first time.

    That being said, do you really want to be a grandmother and ruin both your life and your daughter's? I'd be more pissed if my daughter came home preggo than if she was a slut.
  • Alyshahmr
    Yes, you are living with your head stuck in sand. I hope you won't mind helping raise your new addition to the family because you are unwilling to realize that this is NOT 1950. Hell, even if they were 25 right now they couldn't find a job. I can tell you this, I am not a bad person, I have a college degree, I work two jobs, and I started having sex at 14. Not a wise choice looking back as an adult. I was on the pill. I put myself on it and when my mom found out she asked if I needed it and she helped me get to the clinic on a regular basis so that I did not get pregnant.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'd be more pissed if my daughter came home preggo than if she was a slut.

    really? we're going there? :huh:

    Are you just being provocative for kicks? A 15 year old girl who has sex is labeled a slut because.........?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    We need to learn to edit our incessant quoting!

    Look what I can do, Brett!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member

    Look what I can do, Brett!

    Very nice Patti! Now for the real test. Can you quote this post but remove your original quote from it? Because that's where all the huge amounts of quoting come from.

    Again, sorry for the thread derail, but there's 15 pages of this nonsense, no one is changing their minds. But if one person learns to cut out massive amounts of quotes I feel progress has been made!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Very nice Patti! Now for the real test. Can you quote this post but remove your original quote from it? Because that's where all the huge amounts of quoting come from

    We've made progress!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I knew the consequences of having sex, knew I could buy condoms, knew I could go to a doctors office and get the pill if I wanted. I made an informed decision at 12 years old, well into puberty and raging hormones, that I would not be having sex until my wedding night. I kept that promise to myself because I respected myself, my family, and the potential children that could have resulted if I had sex. Teenagers are not mindless genitalia with feet. I think we do them a great disservice when we say "well, they're just teenagers." I would be discrediting myself if I taught my sons values that I want to pass down, and then hand them a box of condoms because they won't listen anyway. If they think they're grown up enough to handle sex, and the emotional, psychological and social ramifications of having sex, then they are grown up enough to buy their own protection.

    And if their girlfriends do get pregnant, I will be more than happy to set them up in the guest bedroom and babysit for them so they can finish school or college, if need be. Just because I don't agree with them, doesn't mean I can't support them when they've made mistakes.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member

    this! and...
    I have a 12yo daughter, I am dreading this day as she just began menstruating. I would have to have a serious talk about the intense adult ramifications involved with sex and to lighten it up I would give her an aspirin to keep in her purse. When with a boy and feels the need for birth control, she is to hold the aspirin between her knees until the treat has passed. This is effective protection against STDs and pregnancy!

    Yeah, I don't understand the joke...I don't understand what she's actually saying

    I don't get this?

    I think it was a joke. She said, "To lighten it up ..."

    Yeah, I don't understand the joke...I don't understand what she's actually saying
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520

    this! and...
    I have a 12yo daughter, I am dreading this day as she just began menstruating. I would have to have a serious talk about the intense adult ramifications involved with sex and to lighten it up I would give her an aspirin to keep in her purse. When with a boy and feels the need for birth control, she is to hold the aspirin between her knees until the treat has passed. This is effective protection against STDs and pregnancy!

    Yeah, I don't understand the joke...I don't understand what she's actually saying

    I don't get this?

    I think it was a joke. She said, "To lighten it up ..."

    Yeah, I don't understand the joke...I don't understand what she's actually saying

    Yes, it was a joke .. a very old joke. Are you guys serious about not 'getting' it? Do I need to splain it to you?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    We've made progress!

    We have indeed Patti. Now go forth and teach others. Clearly this is an issue many need to learn of.