Say your 15 yr old daughter requests Birth Control



  • Jmayhem69
    If they are requesting it they most likely already need it, and are trying to do the right thing. If you discuss sex with your kids and are honest and approachable they are not going to need to go behind your back.

    this! and...
    I have a 12yo daughter, I am dreading this day as she just began menstruating. I would have to have a serious talk about the intense adult ramifications involved with sex and to lighten it up I would give her an aspirin to keep in her purse. When with a boy and feels the need for birth control, she is to hold the aspirin between her knees until the treat has passed. This is effective protection against STDs and pregnancy!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    i think this goes back to personal responsibility.

    kids need to know that there are consequences for their actions. they need to realize that if they want to go around having unprocted sex then they run the risk of getting pregnant and STDs.

    You play you pay.

    My husband and I are at odds on this subject though. I say yes to the pill but my husband feels like that is giving her permission to get it on. We stress abstinence abstinence abstinence. However, i know what its like to be a hormonal teenager. We have a tiny bit of time to come to an agreement on this one.

    You may want to say to your husband that your children won't wait for your permission to have sex. Did you? Did he? Does any teen?

    I said it before, I'll say it again. "Just say no" is ineffective and I view it as lazy parenting. How many of us have told our kids not to touch something, how often do they do it anyway? Now change that child to a teenager and give them raging hormones. MAYBE they won't have sex.. yes it's possible. But it's a really huge risk you're taking with your child's life based on some ideology.

    You want to stress abstinence, that's cool. But denying them the tools they need that actually work to prevent pregnancy and disease... well I don't have a very good opinion of that.

    i have to disagree. I dont think its lazy parenting. We teach and educate our kids. He is very well aware that kids wont wait. But just because they do it doesnt make it right. I wish someone would have talked to me. No one said a word. We talk openly with our daughter about these things.

    Its a moral thing in our house. We dont shame anyone for their choices but they are just that CHOICES. Sometimes you make good ones and sometimes you dont. I think parents these days try to be their kids BFFs and I disagree with that. Kids need to be taught and given guidance. They also have to know about consequences. I am the product of a teenage mother. My mom was 16 when she had me.

    Its our jobs to teach our kids and whats wrong with saying No? It happens sometimes.
    With that being said we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Until then I will continue to speak openly about sex and things to my kids.
    Thanks for your input :)

    I think it is far lazier to have your daughter ask you for the pill and you take her to get it than spending 15 years up until that point teaching her morality, self respect, and what your role as a parent is. I think that some people are missing the point that just because some of us won't take our daughters to get on birth control doesn't mean we are naive that our teenagers may be having sex. Like another poster said, we are their parents, not their friends. I went and got myself on birth control when I was 19. Not "behind my mother's back" because I didn't trust her enough to go to her, but because I respected her enough not to place her in that position. I can talk to my mom about anything and everything, but I would never ask her to do something that would compromise her own moral obligations. I hope my daughter feels the same way.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Get her birth control, have a long talk with her and nail her window shut. But really, I remember being 15. I would be damn proud that she felt she could come to me for this.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member

    I think it is far lazier to have your daughter ask you for the pill and you take her to get it than spending 15 years up until that point teaching her morality, self respect, and what your role as a parent is. I think that some people are missing the point that just because some of us won't take our daughters to get on birth control doesn't mean we are naive that our teenagers may be having sex. Like another poster said, we are their parents, not their friends. I went and got myself on birth control when I was 19. Not "behind my mother's back" because I didn't trust her enough to go to her, but because I respected her enough not to place her in that position. I can talk to my mom about anything and everything, but I would never ask her to do something that would compromise her own moral obligations. I hope my daughter feels the same way.

    Why is it "immoral" and lacking in "self respect" to consider having sex with someone? Especially if it's a bf/gf they've been with for a while and they care about each other? This attitude, I do not understand.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member

    this! and...
    I have a 12yo daughter, I am dreading this day as she just began menstruating. I would have to have a serious talk about the intense adult ramifications involved with sex and to lighten it up I would give her an aspirin to keep in her purse. When with a boy and feels the need for birth control, she is to hold the aspirin between her knees until the treat has passed. This is effective protection against STDs and pregnancy!

    I don't get this?
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I didnt read any of the post, but just wanted to say it makes me sad. The child should be in sports not having sex. Why are they having sex? Looking for love in all the wrong places????? This website is about health and fitness, you should preach that to your kids.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Maybe she wants her daughter to have anal sex?

    Also, your other post, said how long have they been together? We are talking about 15 year olds. How do they know what is an appropriate time.

    this! and...
    I have a 12yo daughter, I am dreading this day as she just began menstruating. I would have to have a serious talk about the intense adult ramifications involved with sex and to lighten it up I would give her an aspirin to keep in her purse. When with a boy and feels the need for birth control, she is to hold the aspirin between her knees until the treat has passed. This is effective protection against STDs and pregnancy!

    I don't get this?
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Do you know what, all you people who think if you talk to your kids and are open with them or any other of those things that they WON'T have sex if they want are only deluding yourselves, like my Mum, who totally believed I would not have sex, I told her I would not have sex when she asked me about it, she would not let me go on the pill because she KNEW I was a good girl, I was bright, we had an open and easy relationship and I had firm moral boundaries and great guidelines to follow.
    It was only when I was pregnant that she finally woke up and smelt the coffee....bit late methinks
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Do you know what, all you people who think if you talk to your kids and are open with them or any other of those things that they WON'T have sex if they want are only deluding yourselves, like my Mum, who totally believed I would not have sex, I told her I would not have sex when she asked me about it, she would not let me go on the pill because she KNEW I was a good girl, I was bright, we had an open and easy relationship and I had firm moral boundaries and great guidelines to follow.
    It was only when I was pregnant that she finally woke up and smelt the coffee....bit late methinks

    Again~ who said that any of us who will not provide our 15 year old daughter with birth control thinks that means she won't have sex?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member

    I think it is far lazier to have your daughter ask you for the pill and you take her to get it than spending 15 years up until that point teaching her morality, self respect, and what your role as a parent is. I think that some people are missing the point that just because some of us won't take our daughters to get on birth control doesn't mean we are naive that our teenagers may be having sex. Like another poster said, we are their parents, not their friends. I went and got myself on birth control when I was 19. Not "behind my mother's back" because I didn't trust her enough to go to her, but because I respected her enough not to place her in that position. I can talk to my mom about anything and everything, but I would never ask her to do something that would compromise her own moral obligations. I hope my daughter feels the same way.

    Why is it "immoral" and lacking in "self respect" to consider having sex with someone? Especially if it's a bf/gf they've been with for a while and they care about each other? This attitude, I do not understand.

    In our home, morality is based on our religion and the teachings of the church.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Do you know what, all you people who think if you talk to your kids and are open with them or any other of those things that they WON'T have sex if they want are only deluding yourselves, like my Mum, who totally believed I would not have sex, I told her I would not have sex when she asked me about it, she would not let me go on the pill because she KNEW I was a good girl, I was bright, we had an open and easy relationship and I had firm moral boundaries and great guidelines to follow.
    It was only when I was pregnant that she finally woke up and smelt the coffee....bit late methinks

    Again~ who said that any of us who will not provide our 15 year old daughter with birth control thinks that means she won't have sex?

    yes but she WON'T have an unwanted pregnancy as a result......that is the point surely
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Do you know what, all you people who think if you talk to your kids and are open with them or any other of those things that they WON'T have sex if they want are only deluding yourselves, like my Mum, who totally believed I would not have sex, I told her I would not have sex when she asked me about it, she would not let me go on the pill because she KNEW I was a good girl, I was bright, we had an open and easy relationship and I had firm moral boundaries and great guidelines to follow.
    It was only when I was pregnant that she finally woke up and smelt the coffee....bit late methinks

    i can speak for myself in the fact that I dont NOT know if she is or is not going to engage in underage sex. I would however like to know that she doesnt have to just because some kid wants her to. Besides 15 year olds are inadequately equipped emotional and mentally to make any decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives. Thats why they have parents.

    I do not rule my kids with an iron fist. we have a loving home and we do openly communicate. No one knows what their kids will do when they are teenagers. No one's way is right or wrong. Whatever works for one household may not work in another.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Do you know what, all you people who think if you talk to your kids and are open with them or any other of those things that they WON'T have sex if they want are only deluding yourselves, like my Mum, who totally believed I would not have sex, I told her I would not have sex when she asked me about it, she would not let me go on the pill because she KNEW I was a good girl, I was bright, we had an open and easy relationship and I had firm moral boundaries and great guidelines to follow.
    It was only when I was pregnant that she finally woke up and smelt the coffee....bit late methinks

    Again~ who said that any of us who will not provide our 15 year old daughter with birth control thinks that means she won't have sex?

    yes but she WON'T have an unwanted pregnancy as a result......that is the point surely

    You're assuming that teenagers who don't have a parent who will say yes to birth control end up pregnant. I realize I'm in the minority here, but none of my friends or any of my children's friends or my husband's friends got pregnant when they were teenagers. I doubt they were put on birth control by their parents. I've worked at a high school for 10 years, and I've never seen or heard of a teenager getting pregnant, nor any of the guys getting someone pregnant. Believe it or not, not all teenagers who have sex and have a parent who won't provide BC get pregnant.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Do you know what, all you people who think if you talk to your kids and are open with them or any other of those things that they WON'T have sex if they want are only deluding yourselves, like my Mum, who totally believed I would not have sex, I told her I would not have sex when she asked me about it, she would not let me go on the pill because she KNEW I was a good girl, I was bright, we had an open and easy relationship and I had firm moral boundaries and great guidelines to follow.
    It was only when I was pregnant that she finally woke up and smelt the coffee....bit late methinks

    i can speak for myself in the fact that I dont NOT know if she is or is not going to engage in underage sex. I would however like to know that she doesnt have to just because some kid wants her to. Besides 15 year olds are inadequately equipped emotional and mentally to make any decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives. Thats why they have parents.

    I do not rule my kids with an iron fist. we have a loving home and we do openly communicate. No one knows what their kids will do when they are teenagers. No one's way is right or wrong. Whatever works for one household may not work in another.

    But by asking to go on the pill, she is making her own mind and choice on the matter clear, and is asking that you help prevent an unwanted child that might result from adding to the massive numbers already in your country, which has the worlds highest teen pregnancy rate.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    i'm not a parent either, but my concern would be that if she's on birth control, then guys could easily talk themselves out of using a condom. too many std's for that.

    this is *kind of* my thinking.

    I am a parent, and that would be my concern as well.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Do you know what, all you people who think if you talk to your kids and are open with them or any other of those things that they WON'T have sex if they want are only deluding yourselves, like my Mum, who totally believed I would not have sex, I told her I would not have sex when she asked me about it, she would not let me go on the pill because she KNEW I was a good girl, I was bright, we had an open and easy relationship and I had firm moral boundaries and great guidelines to follow.
    It was only when I was pregnant that she finally woke up and smelt the coffee....bit late methinks

    Again~ who said that any of us who will not provide our 15 year old daughter with birth control thinks that means she won't have sex?

    yes but she WON'T have an unwanted pregnancy as a result......that is the point surely

    You're assuming that teenagers who don't have a parent who will say yes to birth control end up pregnant. I realize I'm in the minority here, but none of my friends or any of my children's friends or my husband's friends got pregnant when they were teenagers. I doubt they were put on birth control by their parents. I've worked at a high school for 10 years, and I've never seen or heard of a teenager getting pregnant, nor any of the guys getting someone pregnant. Believe it or not, not all teenagers who have sex and have a parent who won't provide BC get pregnant.

    Worlds HIGHEST TEEN PREGNANCY rate......
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Am I the only one here shocked at how many people say they'd be "proud" of their 15 year old daughter asking for birth control because she was having sex? One person even said she felt she "would have done her job" if her daughter doesn't get pregnant before she graduates from high school. It just reminds me of the quote, "Your children will live down to your expectations".
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Do you know what, all you people who think if you talk to your kids and are open with them or any other of those things that they WON'T have sex if they want are only deluding yourselves, like my Mum, who totally believed I would not have sex, I told her I would not have sex when she asked me about it, she would not let me go on the pill because she KNEW I was a good girl, I was bright, we had an open and easy relationship and I had firm moral boundaries and great guidelines to follow.
    It was only when I was pregnant that she finally woke up and smelt the coffee....bit late methinks

    i can speak for myself in the fact that I dont NOT know if she is or is not going to engage in underage sex. I would however like to know that she doesnt have to just because some kid wants her to. Besides 15 year olds are inadequately equipped emotional and mentally to make any decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives. Thats why they have parents.

    I do not rule my kids with an iron fist. we have a loving home and we do openly communicate. No one knows what their kids will do when they are teenagers. No one's way is right or wrong. Whatever works for one household may not work in another.

    But by asking to go on the pill, she is making her own mind and choice on the matter clear, and is asking that you help prevent an unwanted child that might result from adding to the massive numbers already in your country, which has the worlds highest teen pregnancy rate.

    im sure the day will come that she asks for it too. my hope and desire is that she waits until she is married. i dont understand why this mind frame is laughed at? i dont think its unrealistic at all.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Do you know what, all you people who think if you talk to your kids and are open with them or any other of those things that they WON'T have sex if they want are only deluding yourselves, like my Mum, who totally believed I would not have sex, I told her I would not have sex when she asked me about it, she would not let me go on the pill because she KNEW I was a good girl, I was bright, we had an open and easy relationship and I had firm moral boundaries and great guidelines to follow.
    It was only when I was pregnant that she finally woke up and smelt the coffee....bit late methinks

    i can speak for myself in the fact that I dont NOT know if she is or is not going to engage in underage sex. I would however like to know that she doesnt have to just because some kid wants her to. Besides 15 year olds are inadequately equipped emotional and mentally to make any decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives. Thats why they have parents.

    I do not rule my kids with an iron fist. we have a loving home and we do openly communicate. No one knows what their kids will do when they are teenagers. No one's way is right or wrong. Whatever works for one household may not work in another.

    But by asking to go on the pill, she is making her own mind and choice on the matter clear, and is asking that you help prevent an unwanted child that might result from adding to the massive numbers already in your country, which has the worlds highest teen pregnancy rate.

    im sure the day will come that she asks for it too. my hope and desire is that she waits until she is married. i dont understand why this mind frame is laughed at? i dont think its unrealistic at all.

    I don't even know what to say to that....
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Do you know what, all you people who think if you talk to your kids and are open with them or any other of those things that they WON'T have sex if they want are only deluding yourselves, like my Mum, who totally believed I would not have sex, I told her I would not have sex when she asked me about it, she would not let me go on the pill because she KNEW I was a good girl, I was bright, we had an open and easy relationship and I had firm moral boundaries and great guidelines to follow.
    It was only when I was pregnant that she finally woke up and smelt the coffee....bit late methinks

    Again~ who said that any of us who will not provide our 15 year old daughter with birth control thinks that means she won't have sex?

    yes but she WON'T have an unwanted pregnancy as a result......that is the point surely

    You're assuming that teenagers who don't have a parent who will say yes to birth control end up pregnant. I realize I'm in the minority here, but none of my friends or any of my children's friends or my husband's friends got pregnant when they were teenagers. I doubt they were put on birth control by their parents. I've worked at a high school for 10 years, and I've never seen or heard of a teenager getting pregnant, nor any of the guys getting someone pregnant. Believe it or not, not all teenagers who have sex and have a parent who won't provide BC get pregnant.

    Worlds HIGHEST TEEN PREGNANCY rate......

    And you're automatically assuming these teens are ones who went to their parents for birth control and their parents said no? Do you realize that many of these teens WANT to get pregnant? Do you realize that some of these teens probably had access to birth control? Do you realize that many of these teens weren't even talked to about pregnancy? I'm not saying to keep it taboo in the home and never talk about it. I'm saying I could never take my daughter at 15 to get birth control. I would have never provided my sons with condoms, either.