Phoenix69 Member


  • Thank you. I was not sure if one's calories intake needed to be different on Keto.
  • Thank you, ladies, for your words of wisdom. As I reflect on everything I am doing, I think I am starting to slack a little in my proper measuring, weighing and journalling of everything. Starting today, going back to basics, jump start my system and redoing my goals.
    in Plateau Comment by Phoenix69 May 2019
  • Good morning. I had my gastric bypass on June 8th. It will be officially two months ago tomorrow. It is an exciting experience. Hard but I am managing. Iporter where are you in the process? sfblackbeauty when is your surgery?
  • Good Afternoon Everyone, So, I need to lose about 120lbs. I have already lost 10lb. I think I am finally really motivated. I have been out biking everyday. Going to Hot Yoga. Could really use some support to have a few people keep me going. Any words of wisdom Help Jody
  • Morning after a pee before you eat or drink anything is your truest weight.
  • Thank you to everyone!!!! I am going to be a very busy person trying everything. Thanks!!!!
  • Welcome! You really are on a great website! Glad you are here!:smile:
  • Melissa, Just wanted to say you really are on a great website. Use it! Be honest with what you eat and how you exercise and the goals you want will be met!
  • Sorry it's Lent and I gave up Caffeine. Right now I would Kill for an Extra Large Coffee.:drinker:
  • Thank you!!!! I think being here is a good place to be!
  • Just started again!!! I could use all the support in the world. I have a least a good 100lbs to lose.
  • I have been fighting my weight now for 25 out of my 41 years of life.Sad I know . I thought last year I had finally stopped the roller coaster but just as yourself I thought I could stop journaling. Gosh do I hate, I mean hate writing everything down. But I have to stop lying; to my doctor, to my husband, to kids but…
  • Thanks.. I am going to look for the spinach nuggets.
  • Congratulations Pepamint83! That is a great feeling when others start to notice what you are doing. Keep up the good work.
  • Sorry about this, I have the same thing up twice. I am not sure how the happened and I can't seem to take it off. Sorry, :blushing:
  • I read another quote today that I thought was perfect for all of our struggles. Something to help when we are having a bad day. "One has to remember that every failure can be a stepping stone to something better."
  • I read another quote today that I thought was perfect for all of our struggles. Something to help when we are having a bad day. "One has to remember that every failure can be a stepping stone to something better."
  • Good Morning everyone, Sorry, I didn't weight in yesterday. I actually thought yesterday was Monday all day until my daughter asked after dinner if I was taking her to Basketball and then I realized it was Tuesday. I have had a Great week. I am down 3lbs. I still am not consistent on the exercising but I think I am really…
  • thanks for all the insight. What is it about the evening that makes you want to throw all your hard work out the window for the stupid bowl of ice cream? Today is a new day. Instead of a perfect day I am going to have a day where I do my very best. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Every day I get up and every day I say to myself to day is going to be perfect. Today I will eat only the calories alloted and I will exercise. But for some reason I have yet to have that perfect day. There is some work thing or I am just not thinking before I realize4 cookies have gone in my mouth. Or there is no time to…
  • You have to allow yourself one day where you treat yourself. Last night might not have been your "Official Treat Day" but look at it that way. So, now the rest of the week, work a little hard you stay on target. No Big Deal!! Of all the things I have learned over the years of struggling with my weight, was as soon as I…
  • Congratulations to everyone! It sounds like everyone is doing well. Good luck to everyone with all that you are trying and doing. I am amazed to hear what some doing. e.g. 5k etc. As I am just starting on the downward scale, walking 5 steps is good enough for me. I went to the doctor today and I am officially down 10lbs.…
  • Besides the fact I am rolling on the ground laughing ( because I do this on a daily basis.) I truly can't wait for this day to happen!!!!!
  • I love this name and sooooo want to be a part of this group. If that is okay???? My doctor officially started me on a diet December 2, 2008 ( Yes, I know right before Christmas. It was hard but I actually lost weight over the holidays.) My starting weigh was 253lbs at 5'7' Today's weight is 243. Goal Weight 140lb Goal…
  • I have to agree with everyone else. Carpet definately effects your weight and does not give you the correct number. Go to hardwood if possible:wink:
  • My name is Jody and I am new to this website. I have been keep a log of my food now fo about 2 weeks and I am dumbfound as to how much I eat. I am not surprised that I am over weight. I have been struggling with my weight long before I had any really weight issues. When I was thin I just thought I was fat. How I am 115…