deagn5 Member


  • hi. mr. beckem you need to REST! your body needs to recover from the pneumonia, its going to take a couple of weeks. you are young and will heal quicker than an older person, that being said, pneumonia can be a serous illness (i think a 42 yr old in england just died from this, i believe she was a singer). i don't know if…
    in cardio Comment by deagn5 January 2011
  • first off you look AMAZING!!!! you are an inspiration! my family also does the 7 fishes on christmas eve, we fry smelts and filet of sole, i only eat a little of the sole. our squid is cooked (don't ask me how) so it is not fried. enjoy the day it only comes once a year to taste all your favorites. my problem is after the…
  • i don't know where you live but if you have comcast cable they have exercise tv (through on demand) which is great because you can choose, what you want to do and how long you want to do it. if not i would go the dvd route as well. i am looking into buying some myself, its just easier for me to exercise at home at this…
  • we all seem to be the same boat! i have actually lost 24lb, but my ticker only says 12 because i started losing weight before i started mfp. but i feel like i am at a stand still, i have been trying to exercise at home, but with the holidays and trying to get everything done it is difficult. i want to weigh less than i do…
  • you have to give yourself a break!! you will get back on track i was feeling the same way about a month ago and now i am doing much better;the only difference was, i was not sick. if your iron is low, you are going to feel tired and have no energy. you need to give yourself time to heal. sometimes it takes a couple of…
  • very cool!!! very inspirational :)
    in P90X Comment by deagn5 December 2010
  • interesting! i LOVE ice cream so i would probably pick that, but i also enjoy the salty/chip thing as well and don't forget the chocolate!! that being said, this is why i am actually on this site! you should see my lunch for tommorow, they only crunchy thing is veggie sticks that are only worth 130 calories for an ounce,…
  • i think the bmi is a very poor way of measuring peoples weight index. i recently got a report of my 2 sons height and weight, now i expected it on one of them, although i would not call him obese (he is according to the bmi), but he could tend to loose a few pounds. but my other son, who's ribs you can see when he takes…
  • o.k. so this sounds like something i definitely need. i have been slacking, and i wanted to loose 14 lbs by x-mas about a month and a half ago and i have not done this. so count me in. will hope for the best
  • i have to agree with the person who wrote "it's only one day", you will not ruin what you have worked for. eat a little of everything, but only of what you want. for instance, i love stuffing, but i never eat stuffing except for thanksgiving so i will have some, but i skip the mashed potatoes, one because i really don't…
  • thaanks for making me laugh, i was having a bad day!
  • if your stomach is hurting eat something simple peanut butter is a good idea or something else with protein instead of carbs that, if not used will turn into sugar. i WOULD NOT take advil. this can only worsen the problem because advil can bother some peoples stomach if not taken with something to eat, and could eventually…
  • i weigh my meat after it is cooked, (i am not just cooking 1 piece i am cooking for 7 so i never know what piece i am going to get.) pasta i believe they list on some boxes cooked and not cooked. and veggies, it depends on what kind, and what you do with it, some veggies after you steam them shrink a little bit.
  • i did buy those pills in a health store and i did not think they worked. i didn't notice any side effects from them when i did take them. what i think is working (other than this site and exersizing) is safflower oil. i have been taking this 1 tbsp once a day for about a month it decreases your appetite and is suppossed to…
    in Acai Burn? Comment by deagn5 June 2010